Just by not including magic pricing in the DMG, 5E achieved this. They could easily have included it in a follow-up supplement - no supplemental rule ever becomes the default.Ideally this would be done very carefully and sparingly so that magic items don't just become the dull, default currency of the game like they did in 3.X Edition.
Since Level Up already is a supplementary product by its very nature (despite being designed as a stand-alone game) it could totally be the product that finally brings back utility-based magic item pricing to D&D. It would not have the power to force magic shoppes into your campaign - only non-optional rules of the PHB, DMG and MM has that kind of power.
It's the same as with psionics. Either include it in the core three books or see it relegated to the sidelines, where it isn't referenced by official adventures, campaign material and later class design. While I want psionics as core, I can live with utility-based pricing as a supplement, just as long as it's there (even after five long years with 5E it still isn't).