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Spheres of Influence:Rhiannon in Jepardy? GAME



Relsyn readies himself for bed. Rolling out his bedroll and tidying his gear.

He thinks to himself, "I guess I'll have to sleep in the vestments, the traveling clothes are still damp. Father Bleter would be appalled."

He settles himself to his knees and works through his evening devotions. This done he settles into bed.

"Hey," he says out loud, "Are we setting watches or anything like that?"

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On the "road" again: READYING 6 - 18

The wagon driver take their watches, as they have the prior seven nights. The night passes quietly, other than a little more cold rain spashing just outside of the cave mouth. In the morning, Sheldon is quick to get to the wagon and start getting things ready to go.

The horses are once again hitched to the wagons, looking quite a bit refreshed from a long night in a warm cave. In an hour, you make it back to the main trail and head towards Malta. Sheldon looks at Relsyn and Wrinkle sitting by the bags of wool, linnen, and nuts tucked in the wagon. "Probably stolen" he says as he nods to the loot you found. "Bad years for banidits, last few were... guess you got em back" he chuckles.

Wrinkle has taken up playing his ocarina to the creak of the wagon wheels, and has pretty much created a tune that evokes the breadth and beauty of the open spaces in early spring. It is a good tune, but would put any audience to sleep and get him thrown out of any tavern he was playing in. He also plays lively tunes out of the long lost past, as well as well-known drinking songs.

Airith has taken to sitting up by Zane who is actually interesting to talk to. His life as a high family member in the upper-crust of Malta really bored him, as there was not much adventure. He joined this crew as it was usually the safest to be on, Sheldon being feared among the bandits. While not as profitable as working on a ship, Zane claims he likes the pace of this life just fine and it will do him fine for quite a while. Too bad his parents have basicly disowned him... he misses his sisters.

Earle has been watching Inwe. He appears to respect her skills in the open lands. He shakes his head every time she wanders off at a jog and returns a few hours later with a basket full of roots and leaves and a rabbit or two hanging off her belt. On the eighteenth day of the trip, he actually asks "How do you do that? I can't see a thing to eat along the trail, yet you make a the best stew I've had with a stroll in the prarrie and thickets."

Sheldon says that night after stew, "Be in Malta tomorrow. Thanks. Here yare." He gives each of you two Crowns, except Wrinkle who took the two in advance.

[ Prep for arrival tomorrow]


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In response to Earle's questions: "I lived a number of years when i was younger alone in the forest and became very accustomed to searching for food and surviving on what I could gather. I guess I got pretty good at it." She offers to teach him some of what she knows and tells him about some of what she looks for.

To Sheldon: "Thanks accepting our company." And she stows the gold coins. "Think we could sell any of this stuff we found? I doubt we will have much use for two whole bags of unspun wool."
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Airith has been rather chatty with Zane this past week, which Zane doesn't seem to mind one bit. He has been asking Zane about his family, the upper crust of Malta, his sister, and some other things that might help with the group's quests but also trying not to be overly inquisitive. To help the conversations between the two Airith has been telling Zane of his past on the farm and some of the rather comical stories that occured while he worked as a brewer.
[DH - you can just post anything Zane might reply that would be useful.]

Airith thanks Sheldon for the 2 Crowns and pockets them right away. Smoke is resting next to Airith who is waiting patiently for the stew.
I can't wait to be in a real bed again. I beer sounds heavenly right about now.



Reslyn briefly reflects over the last week. He has completed some of the outline for his dissertation, though the bumpyness of the ride and lack of proper library facilities have hampered the effort.

He has spent most of the trip quietly introspective, delving into the pool of magical energies to which his sorcerous talents give him access. As always he seeks to push the boundries of what he can do, as in the past he finds that this--for him-- is an inward looking tasks, rather than an obvious display of magical effects.

In this way too, he has sought to expand the gifts granted to him by Eli though his most mighty agent St. Macedone. Instead of pushing at the boundries here, though, Relsyn finds that surrender and submission are the firmest route to increased divine abilities. He finds time to prepare all the spells that the Saint has granted us.

"The real adventure begins tommorrow," He thinks to himself. "Angels and Ministers of Grace defend us."


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Airith eats his stew a little slower than normal. He is deep in thought looking into the fire. The spoon still reaches his mouth and back to the bowl, he is a halfling after all, but you can see that his mind is miles away.

First to the Underplow Inn on the North side. Probably want to plan out what we are going to do. Don't want people to hear what we are trying to do, Smoke could keep watch though. Maybe Relsyn can find something out at the church. Maybe Wrinkle can play at an inn near the Platinum District and get some inside information. If I do to much investigating myself we might be found out. Am I being to paranoid?

Smoke puts his cold nose on Airith's hand and Airith seems to come to. "Sorry boy, here you go." He sets down the bowl for Smoke to finish. There doesn't appear to be much left but Smoke licks it clean anyway. "Sorry boy I must have been hungrier than I thought." Airith reaches into his pack and pulls out a bit of jerky from his trails rations. "Here you go, a bit of a treat." Smoke licks his chops at the sight of the jerky. Airith gives it a toss to Smoke who catches it and eats it down.

Airith picks up the bowl and packs it away. He then walks over to where Zane is sitting. "Zane, I was thinking... ...if you really wanted to... ...I mean I could deliver a message for you, to your sister if you wanted. Your parents wouldn't have to know and I would be very discreet." Airith pauses to let Zane answer but Zane is thinking about what he would say and how to answer Airith and nothing seems to be coming. "Well Zane just think about it and let me know."

Airith heads back over to his side of the fire with his pack and Smoke. He lays back and looks up at the stars. Smoke shifts over to lay next to him, his back to Airith's legs. "We'll be home soon." As he gives Smoke one last rub before he shuts his eyes and tries to get some sleep.


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Zane and Airith

For several days, Zane and Airith have been becomming better acquainted. Zane really enjoys hearing about life as a brewer assistant, and finds it fascinating that mixing a bunch of grain with water can produce ale. He always assumed it came from the 'secret ale springs', like his nanny told him.

After a while he opened up and began to tell a little of his past. He was raised by a nanny and well tutored in the world of finance. He had three sisters, all younger. Mendy, Shanda, Jamee all look up to him. He has worked hard to make sure they would not be vain silly girls who primped themselves constantly and hardly have an original thought for themselves. While they enjoy playing the games of the rich families, they are smart about it.

Zane's accounting skills are outstanding, but it bores him to tears. When his father expected him to join the family business at the bank, he said he would rather work in the farmers market. Little did he know that hs father basically owned the market, and arranged to have him tend the pig market as book-keeper. Father expected him to be revolted at the menial job, but he did not mind much because there was activity and the people live honestly (not behind the masks of the rich)

While counting the days profit in the market, Zane was able to talk to the merchants who came and went through the area. He heard about the caravans and to possibility of 'making it on your own' if you were good enough. Finally one day, he sought out the best companies to work for, and the routes that generally were safest. With what clout he had, he asked Sheldon to help him get a job driving wagons for a while. Sheldon oblidged by taking him on himself, four seasons ago.

His father was furious at first - he was kicked out of the family house and not allowed access to his three sisters. He did not mind much, but was furious he could not see his sisters. His parents have relented quite a bit, understanding this is 'just a phase' but until he is ready to move back and assume his family duties at the bank, he will live as he is now.

When Airith offered to take a letter to his sisers, he was delighted.
"messangers who deliver mail wear the livery of the king, or one of the private services. They go un-noticed by guards and security most of the time. I'll tell you where the Runyon palace is and how to approach as a 'servant-messanger.' You should be able to talk to them yourself to deliver the message."

Zane explains the way to Runyon Hall: North over Bastion Monument. Go over the left bridge. Stay on the north road and after two palaces there will be a road to the ravine on the right. Take that. The gate on the west wall is the staff entrance, that should be open. 'Runyon Hall' is written on the gate. "Go to the kitchen/staff entrance and tell the cook you have a message for 'DeeDahMee' - she will know it is from me for the girls."

For two nights now, he has been drafting letters in his head. Tonight, he writes the three letters to his sisters and one for his father, Lord Runyon. "Airith, I really appreciate this! if there is anything you need in Malta, let me know. Some day I will return to the family business, but not yet. Look me up some time." Zane hands Airith four envelopes, beautifully addressed to his sisters and formally addressed to his father.


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Sheldon to Inwe

Sheldon tells Inwe, "Take the bags into the market - we'll be right there anway. Probably pawn em off for a few silver or a decent trade."

Airith overhears and puts in "I know the area - that should not be a problem. The Underplow Inn is just off the street there."


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After another o.k. night sleep, the wagons get moving. As you skirt the city to the south, the smell of seaweed and salty fish gets very strong. It only intensifies as you enter the gates on the south-west side just after your now-usual lunch time[2:00]. The wagons thread their way up the main road and on to the bridges through the rough city on stilts, over Kings Island, and up to the warehouse didtrict. You stop at a smaller warehouse identified as Caldwells, where Sheldon gives a brief 'thanks' and goes inside with Zane and Earle.

You stand on the street by yourselves.



"Are we bringing these bags to the market then? And after that setting up shop in the Underplow Inn? I'll help. I would also like to chat with the Order of St. Macedone here." He picks up his share of the bags and starts toward...

"Airith, Which way is the market?" Relsyn frowns and furrows his brow, his face clearly showing his discomfort at being outside his area of familiarity, a town , alas, a large city, in which he has never been.

Voidrunner's Codex

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