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Spheres of Influence:Rhiannon in Jepardy? GAME


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"The Underplow Inn is North of here in the Farmer's Market. On our way there we should be able to find someone interested in this stuff." Airith finishes packing his belongings and getting Smoke ready. He grabs a bag of wool and positions it over his shoulder, "We should probably get going. Most of the vendors close up shop in the evening. So, if we want to get a good price for this we need to get there before then."

"I was thinking that I should deliver these letters as soon as possible. If you want Relsyn I could take you to the Order after we sell this and get a room at the Underplow. I am not sure what the rest of you want to do. You could check out the order with Relsyn, if he doesn't mind. I would rather deliver these on my own. It draws less suspicion from people."

The group walks a few blocks North through the Warehouse District to the Farmer's Market. You round a corner to see an open area with more hustle and bustle than you could ever imagine. There are shops all over the place selling fresh produce and goods, others are trying to sell livestock and feed, if you want to buy something it is probably here. The noise from this place could be heard a few blocks away but now that you are here it seems much louder. Airith turns to the group, "Keep your valuables close. Some people are here to shop, others are here to make some money the easy way."

Airith leads everyone through the hustle and bustle to a clothing shop more on the edge of the market. You enter the small building and see many different styles and types of clothing. There is a large woman behind a counter keeping an eye on people, apparently the owner, and two other women. One is looking through some pants and shirts, looks like a farmer's wife. The other is younger and looking at some of the dresses in the back.
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"What can I do for you?" The large woman asks. She is wearing enough cloth to cover a good size ogre, and her face is pretty enough to be one, too. However, the workmanship on the stitching and embroidery is remarkably perfect, and the jacket she is currently stitching is fantastic in its colors and style.

In the shop, the smells of the market outdoors mingle with the smell of lavender and other materials used in the fabric dyes. There are common pants and shirts, outfits of all kinds, including examples of different kinds of uniforms like maids, stewards, footmen, and the like. There are hats, gloves, socks and hose, and bags of all sizes and shapes. No matter the value of clothes, everything in here has the workmanship of a master.

"I have some wool we picked up on a farm as payment, but can not do much with it ourselves. Can you, perhaps, give some coin for this?" Airith asks.
Inwe adds, "This linnen as well" as she places her bag on the counter.

After a few seconds looking in the bags, she nods..."Hmmm, unusual wool, nice. Clean too. Did this farm have llama's on it? Fine wool it is. A crown for the wool, and three for the woven material. Will that do?"


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Inwe picks up the remaining bags of goods (keeping out two yards of the linen) and calls Cildar from his curious sniffing nearby. She just looks around, waiting to follow the lead and suggestion of the others. After days of travel in more comfortable wilderness, returning to the bustle of the city leaves her feeling once again a bit like a badger in tundra.
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"Make it 6 Crowns and we'll throw in this pair of pants and cloak." Airith pulls them out of his pack and sets them on the table.
(you did say cloaks in the chest, Airith is keeping the one)


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Tianna Spellman says, "five crown for the lot, and I'm doing you a favor - the rough spun is not worth that much. OK quality, but I won't use it - I'll sell it to someone else as is."


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"Five will be fine." Airith takes the 5 Crowns and gives one Crown and one Duke to the others. "Call it even from the cave."

"Do you want to sell the bags of nuts too, or should we just head over to the Underplow and snack on them?"


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To Anyone Reading This

We are curious if anyone else (non-player) is actually following our game?
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Airith ignores her comment, "Shall we leave." The group heads to the door and stands outside in next to a vendor's stand. "The inn is a few more blocks to the North, if we want to sell the nuts just pick a vendor and haggle away." While the group is deciding what to do next, Airith is looking at the items at the stand. He really doesn't see much and is just trying to appear busy while he is keeping an eye out for a thief that may be thinking the group is easy prey.
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'Let's keep the nuts. They're good to eat and we wouldn't get much for them anyway.' She returns to watching some of the many people in the street, trying to get a feel for the attitudes of people in this city. 'So what do we do first in this city? Wasn't there supposed to be a place where we could learn more about this staff and its history and perhaps get an idea of where to find and retreive it?'

Voidrunner's Codex

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