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Spheres of Influence:Rhiannon in Jepardy? GAME


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Wrinkle's 1st Adventure in Malta

Wrinkle whisays (Says by Whistles) "I think I will go to the guild after dinner. I need permission, I assume, to play here or anywhere in the city. I would not like to draw attention to myself that way. Airith, point me to the square and I will go later tonight. Most bards in the cities I play are up now, get ready to perform until early morn, and sleep late in the morning."

READYING 19 - evening
Following Airith's directions, Wrinkle easily makes his way to the Inner Plaza, where a very narrow building is squeezed between two larger ones. A brightly colored cloth flag identifies the door as belonging to the guild ( as the symbol is common in Antioch, Malta, and many small towns as well) He approaches the door just as a very tall and laknk man exits.

"Eeveninggg too ewe" he whisays. "Iss syss wheere Eye cann reegistrr to plaay heere? Iiim nnew too da sity"

The man halts, looks way down at Wrinkle, and nods. "Sancho can take care of you. He is above until much later." He strolls off with an ocassional glance backward.

Wrinkle opens the door to find it leads immediatelt to a stairs up. Climbing the stairs to the second level, it is obvious the landing and surrounding rooms are borrowed from the buildings on either side. It is very nice, in fact, on the landing - a marble floor about ten feet wide nad thirty feet long stretches out before you. Nice lkeather chairs are set in groupings all along its length, and a serve yourself bar is off to the left. But, immediately in front of Wrinkle is a man sitting at a solid desk, wide enough to make a barrier to go around.

"Name's Sancho - secretary here. I Don't know you so you had better introduce yourself sir" he says sternly, but politely.

"Wrinkle Weybright - musician and lorekeeper. Home was Underwood, then Antioch, and I am temporarrily in Malta. I seek permission to play here. The Underplow Inn has agreed to let me play, and no one appears to play there now."

"Underplow .... let me think. Small but clean. Ugh - halfling owned! You may play there, but we want your pledge to this guild. A tenth of your takings for the first month, fifth each month following, and you may use our lounge as you like. Pay wekly on Moon-day. No visitors here, though, unless you want to be a full guild member (which you cannot be)."

"Fine" whisays Wrinkle.

Sancho pulls out a large book, opens it to a page towards the back, and enters in "Weybright, Wrinkle - Underplow Inn - Temporary" He points to the signature line and hands the quill over to Wrinkle, who signs appropriately. Once satisfied, Sancho relaxes a bit and says "not many here tonight as its a good drinking night by thje docks - earn a bit more there. Not you - mind you. Have a drink and sit a few. Meet a few of those around." He gestures around the desk and then returns to his other record keeping.

In fact, nobody catches Wrinkle's eye tonight, so he gets a drink and reads the information found on a slate used as a "what is up" log. He notes there are several ships expected in the near future - with sailors looking for entertainment. The farmers side of the city has been good this winter, but is falling off now that planting approaches.
"Private entertainers needed at Farling estate for a party in a few days. Resume required of group"
Several entries are found to warn of thieves in some taverns - not Underplow.

After a small nightcap, Wrinkle returns to the Underplow as most people are finishing dinner. Why not now? He puts his cloak in his room an pulls on a light-weight colorful cape he uses to draw attention to himself and look better. Ocarina in pocket and Lute in hand, he moves down again to the stage.

For the next few hours, Wrinkle plays the lute, mostly in drinking songs that a group of men seem to know and like. He lets them do the singing, while his hat gains a few coins from patrons who come and go.
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Considering that Wrinkle is not staying put for the evening, Relsyn considers his options.
" I too will seek the order tonight. The church has a whole section of this city set out for itself right?"

"Airith, can you give me directions? Or do you want to go with?"

Getting directions from Airith, Relsyn groans as he stands. "Too many days in the wagon, & way too much excersize."

Calling Jewel to him from his place in the rafters, Relsyn steps into the evening air of the city of Malta and, stopping strangers for directions several times, makes his way to the Church of St Macedone in Malta.


First Post
Airith's outing, part one.

Airith, dressed in traveling garb, could not make it into the 'private' or gated-like community of the city. Since he already knew this, he found one he had stashed somewhere from a previous endevour and walked to the gate of the mentioned palace grounds.

Since personal letters are not unknown, and Airith was so charming to the post at the gate (she was stern though), He was allowed to step into the grounds and wait in the gate house for one of the three girls named on the letters (as he had insisted you delivering them personally). Both Shanda and Jamee came down to meet him, and thanked him for the letters. Asked where the letters originated, Airith mentioned traveling with Zane from Antioch over the last fortnight, arriving yesterday. As the gatekeeper was standing close, little more could be said.
The girls ask if Airith is willing to pick up a message for Zane tomorrow?
1:00pm it will be ready at this gate.


First Post

"I would be happy to deliver a message to Zane. I'll be here at 1 then. Would you please see that this letter gets to your father." Airith hands them the letter for their father. "I am sure his is busy and I can't wait here until he returns. Enjoy your letters and I will see you tomorrow." The girls each say bye and run back to the house with the letters.

Man, now I have to wear this stuff again tomorrow.

Airith quickly leaves the palace area, feeling a little out of place and finds his way back to the Underplow. He doesn't see any of the others so he changes his clothes and heads back out to the street with Smoke following instead of staying behind in the room. He makes his way down to the Lower Dock District to see if anyone was looking for him at the Black Dragon Pub.

Airith enters and looks around. It looks much like it did before he left. The usual drunks sitting at the bar and a couple of dock workers eating at a table. Airith walks over to an empty spot at the bar, hops up on a stoll and nods at the barkeep. The bar keep walks over.
"Airith, haven't seen you in a while."
"Yea, a job came up I couldn't refuse. I'm really here because I was wondering if anyone came in looking for me while I was gone." Airith slides a silver across the bar towards the barkeep.
The barkeep takes the silver and pockets it. "A few days ago that group of dock workers I think you know came in asking for ya. They were asking questions about where you were. I told them I hadn't seen ya and I didn't know were ya went to."
"Lets keep them in the dark O.K. I'm still working and I don't need them screwing things up."
"We'll do." The barkeep replies.

Airith heads back to the Underplow and orders up an ale. He drinks it slowly waiting for the rest of the group to return. After his second ale he heads up to the double room and for a good night sleep.
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Relsyn in Malta

Stepping carefully across the ancient flagstones set in the slightly unkempt lawn, Relsyn steps into a small entry alcove of the Church of St Macedone in Malta. It is dominated by two large oaken--well worn--doors and overhead a small lamp in which burn everlit candles.

Pausing a moment to cleanse his mind of any conceit against the brothers of his order, who serve here in Malta, a disdained post, Relsyn pauses a moment and gives the large door a gentle shove. The door does not open. He pushes harder and the door gives not a inch.

Relsyn notices a small hand lettered sign on a wall of the alcove. On it written in four languages is "This library opens promptly a sunrise and closes promply at sunset."

Relsyn notices that the sun has not yet quite set, and bangs the haft of his dagger soundly 4 times against the door.

After several repeats of this, the door swings inward, opened by a young acolyte of about 12, a boy, thinks Relsyn who steps inside before the surprised boy can object. Relsyn enters a small chapel.

"I'm sorry sir, the library is closed."

[Dioplomacy +9] "Acolyte, I am Relsyn Saffire, a member of your very order, see the symbol I bear. I have come on a very long trip from Antioch and before that from Arras, my bones are weary and my eyes blurred with fatigue. I wish to speak with the master librarian."

"There is a Lorekeeper here, sir." replies the boy.

"Mores the better then my friend, perhaps he knows my mentor, Garret Bynerges. I only wish a few words."

"All are at dinner, sir." the boy again replies.

"Again, Mores the better, a bit of bread or a hunk of bacon would do me well too. Off you go."

The boy starts away, then turns, "What did you say your name was?"

"Relsyn Saffire, of Antioch."

Relsyn looks around the small but well apointed chapel. Several tapestries hang on it grey stone walls and the clear translucent glass in the tall thin windows still shows glimpses of light. Off to his left, where the acolyte went, is a single wooden door. To his right is a set of double doors that Relsyn assumes goes to the library facilities. Directly ahead a stone altar dedicated to St Macedone stands adorned with Macedones symbol--The book and the shield, and his motto--"The Truth is the shield of the faithful.

Relsyn steps to altar, still smoking a slight sweet incense, and begins to pray.
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First Post

As her companions go their separate ways, Inwe wanders the streets near the Underplow Inn, looking for the next nearest tavern. She does her best to try to go unnoticed, but the badger walking beside her draws a few wary glances. Soon, she discovers what she seeks: a door to a warm, light-filled room, filled with townspeople and some travelers populating the scattered tables and a bar. After ordering a pint of whatever's on tap, she finds an empty seat somewhat to the side from which she can observe and listen to most of what is going on. A few people dance in a space cleared of tables while a minstrel, dressed colourfully, plays and sings. Not the best musician. Wrinkle's probably doing better. But that is not what she's here for anyway. What interests her are the bits of conversation she can catch. She listens for whatever she can pick up about the families of the uppercrust that they will be dealing with in some way.


First Post
Half an hour later, a short pasty man with slightly pasty white skin and a stooped posture walks into the chapel. He looks out the windows to the west and smiles mirthlessly. Turning his attention to Relsyn, this poor excuse for a man introduces himself.
"I am Holy Father Quinton Wynter, High priest of this small community. Alas, you a too late for dinner or I would have invited you in. And, as you can see, the sun has clearly set, so the library is indeed closed for the night."

"But, I have heard the name Relsyn Saffire before, I believe. A youth who has done some minor triffle building a library in Arras. What a waste of effort for such a small and insignificant village. Are you indeed he? Ah yes... Well, I suppose I should invite you in as you have traveled so far."

The Holy Father claps once and the boy who answered the door appears again. "Take this man to the sitting room and get him some refreshment. I shall follow shortly."

Relsyn in led through the door to the appartments out of the left side of the chapel and into a short hallway. Immediately to the right, the boy open a door and gestures Relsyn into the very nicely furnished sitting room. "Some tea,sir? Pardon the Holy Father. He has been distracted of late and is in a mood I have never seen him before in my five years here. I shall ask cook to make a plate for you (she is nice and does things for me sometimes) and be back soon?"

Relsyn nods his agreement and the boy leaves. A scan of the room shows that the reason this post is disdained is not the lack of money or fine furnishings, but perhaps the lack of any interest in books or knowledge. There is not a piece of paper to be found in this lounge.
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Relsyn enters the lounge and pokes around a bit. careful not to disturb anything that might be valuable.

He thinks to himself, "Three families may have the staff: Greyson family, Cuthbert Family, or the Youngstrom family. We'll need to start to get some information and background on each of them. Good luck with the Cuthberts."


First Post
Poking around, Relsyn finds two tables sitting between three very comfortable red-leather chairs and foot rests. A bookshelf on the wall opposite the door is covered with crystal fobs, gold symbols of Macedone, pottery, and glassware. Conspicuously missing are the books. The pair of side tables have mother of pearl inlay and gold leaf patterns around the edges and down the legs. The table tops have a more solid gold inlay with the Book-and-Shield symbol of St. Macedone. Simple oil lamps burn on each of the tables, shedding meager light. As Relsyn is finding the drawer in the table to his right, the door begins to open.

Holy Father Wynter enters the room, followed by the boy. The boy places a plate of roast beef and gravy on bread and a cup of tea next to Relsyn on the table.

"Eat, student. Or should I say 'Father?' I am not informed of graduations and promotions and the like in Antioch. It appears our cook has found a meal fit for one who has traveled so far. Leave now." He sharply addresses the last part to the boy standing in the corner trying not to be noticed.

"So, on what occasion do I have the pleasure of meeting you tonight?"


First Post
Inwe spends little time in the tavern, listening to music and watching people dancing in squares to the jaunty music. The table behind her is having a serious discussion which she listens to for a while.
man: "I'll miss you, please don't go on the ship - you know we want you here."
woman: "But it will only be a few weeks, and I will be back"
man: sadly "Sure, but then you're off to your training again - probably not see us again for a long time. The boy will ask about you too."
woman: "I promise, as soon as I return, I will see you. And besides, I will visit you. It is not that far away..."
man: "are you sure - your boyfriend can come with you any feast-day"

loudly at the bar...
"another one, NOW. [sobs as another ale is delivered] Why did she leave ... [more sobbing] and for what - that villinous tomcat! [hicup] my fluffy - gone. her whiskers..."

from across the room...
"Ya, thats what I heard too, a huge party! merhaps we can see the inside of the place if they need some extra servers or cooks! wouldn't ... e great..."

Off to the side...
"three goats and a cow. maybe ya can throw in a chicken or two? ... Great, how about tomorrow..."

A few tables over...
"He is marrying the cousin of my second uncle on my mother's side! Imagine, a family like THAT marrying my family... Youngstrom ..." the conversation is shushed down by the others.

Voidrunner's Codex

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