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Spheres of Influence:Rhiannon in Jepardy? GAME



[Diplomacy +9] "Always a pleasure to meet a Lorekeeper, Monsignor Wynter."

Relsyn bows slightly and kisses the old mans proferred ring.

"It is Father Saffire, Sir. I graduated seminary two summers past and am now pursuing my doctor of letters at the Free University. Perhaps you know my mentor, Garret Bynerges, He too is a Lorekeeper. It is most gracious of you to offer this generous hospitality at so late an hour, even if the traveler is one of your own. Please don't mind if eat, this roast beef looks heaven-sent."

As he eats, Relsyn makes a few comments, politely.

"I am the same Relsyn that worked on the new Library in Arras, I'm pleased that you have chosen to remember so small a detail."

"I have journeyed here with some friends in a caravan. While I am here, I thought it wise to check what sources you may have that differ from those in Antioch. My doctoral dissertation is on St. Salix's Third Campaign. It is known that Salix visited Malta at some time prior to the Second Crusade, and I am hoping that here I may find some unique and obscure bit of knowledge with which to make my dissertation stand out. Do you have a staff researcher here with whom I may inquire?"

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First Post

Airith lies in bed thinking about which house probably has the staff.

Probably Cuthbert, and when they find us lifting the staff.
How can we even get close enough?
How are we going to find the gem?
I wonder what the others are doing?

He sits up and rubs his eyes.

I thought the ale would have helped me fall asleep by now.

Instead of trying to fall asleep all night Airith puts his stuff on and heads downstairs. Smoke follows even though he was sleeping fine back in the room. Airith enters the downstairs and sees Wrinkle playing on the stage. He is playing a song for a table of rather loud gentlemen who are singing in a rather off key. Airith heads outdoors and looks around the street. Not much happening at this time of night. An elderly gentleman is carrying a bag of something over his shoulder as he heads out of sight. A cat hisses at Smoke then takes off around the corner of the inn.

Let's go see if Porter has heard of any jobs for me lately.

Airith carefuly makes his way past the Upper Dock District to the Lower Docks. He would rather go hang out at the Black Dragon but Porter prefers to lay low at the Anchor Bar. Airith enters and sees the place hasn't changed. The mood is dark and gloomy, there is enough light to make out figures but not enough to see anything clearly. One reason the bar is never busy is due to the smell of fish coming in through the windows and doors. There is no stage or entertainer here just tables with an assortment of different chairs, two fire pits evenly spaced in the middle of the room and a bar. Airith slowly and carefully walks in looking for Porter.


First Post

The mention of the name Youngstrom caught Inwe's full attention. Though continuing to half listen to the other conversation around the room, she focused more on that table. Her concentration led Cildar to tilt his ears in that direction. She took note of the speaker and looked for a chance to approach him when he was more alone. When his companions left the table, she picked up her empty pint and walked over to him. [Diplomacy] Beginning with flattery and asking his name, she then offers to buy him a drink, then calls to the bartender, "Another two pints over here please." After luring him to a table off to the side and some more conversation, she asks him, "Did I really hear you talking about a Youngstrom marrying into your family?" using a tone in her voice that could convey either admiration or disdain, depending on his existing frame of mind.


First Post

"Hospitality? Oh of course. We rarely have visitors here and are a bit forgetful of our manners. As for remembering the library in Arras, the Archbishop sent a memo not long ago about it and it crossed my desk again recently. A trifle.

But yes, the third campaign. Hmmm. Garrett Bynerges, now there is a name I know! We were trained at the same time, he and I. Do I have stories to tell about him. Of course, he was always the favored one of us, always doing the right thing and not enjoying life like I had. Always a bit too fond of books for my taste. I prefer the lore and knowledge gained by experience and, how shall I say, subtler means. Let us also say, we were not friends.

Hmm, was there a third campaign? You know better. But Salix! There was a man of action. Yes. And perhaps some subtlety of his own? Yes, you must find something about Salix's intelligence gathering ability. We may have some documents and references which may apply to that. We have lots of books. I've even read a few - ha! Well, tomorrow, you will be given a card for free access to anything we have in our library. Of the six fathers we have living in our company, most are of my inclination - live it rather than read it. The librarian, Foscil, will be able to direct you to the documents you desire. He likes it in there.


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From the shape of his shadow, Airith finds Porter sitting in the corner, toward the back. Porter is not a tall man, but he makes up for his lack of height by the shear size of his barrel chest and tree sized arms. Scars cover his exposed arms, some minor, some must have taken a while to heal. Nothing on his is clean, and from knowing his past, Airith suspects some of the stains are recent blood. Porter's greasy hair is tangled all around his face, except for a small opening he occasionally make for his current entertainment, a 'conversation' with one of the Anchor's wenches.

After a few minutes, Porter and the woman rise and head for the stairs, but stop when he notices Airith sitting inconspicuously at a table. Sending the woman away, he gets another ale and joins Airith.

"What d'ya say, fish-food? You got a few thugs out looking for you, even came in here looking for you. You in trouble and need my kind of help? …Good."

"Porter, have you heard about any new jobs for me? Preferably on the other side of town. I'm in need of a good one about now. Last one fell flat and I'm out a bit"

"Well, an assassination I can't do myself? Burning a ship when it arrives? 'Delaying' a payroll shipment?… not interested in those, I see. I heard of a recovery needed from the Queens Keep, but I don't imagine anyone will risk that though. Perhaps working the pockets at some party that's going on over the other side of town. Not your style either, is it? Okay. Let me think …not the other meat grinding ones …
Hey, there is a small job to recover a ring over there. Some dead granny's wedding ring needing to come back to a family, and soon. Try that one?

"Yes, try that job - quick gold. Find the servant that buys the ale at the Hopson Brewery, over by the Horse Gate [closest to Underplow Inn] He stops in tomorrow morning again. Wears a black butlers outfit with blue and gold trim. Mention to him you need help moving a horse and he should reply lift up it's tail."

He finishes his drink "Bottoms up, and upstairs waiting for me." He goes to the stairs.



"Intelligence!" Exclaims Relsyn.

"I had not considered that facet at all. Indeed, I have encountered very little material on that aspect of any of the campaigns of the Second Crusade. Though I did once encounter a vague reference to Salix's Spymaster."

"One thing further, Monsignor, I came across a veiled reference to Salix's use of a staff of the Elioim during this crusade, but know little about it. Have you heard of this weapon? All the rest of the records indicate Durandal was his weapon. Perhaps this staff is some other sort of item?"
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First Post

Monsignior Wynter: "Yes, the intrigue of Salix is very interesting. Foscil likes to tease me with these facts from the past. Of course, the existence of the staff is questionable, at best. I am a man for today. You know, following the rounds of who is top of the game among the families. Persuasion and influence... deep secrets. That is my kind of lore!"

"The staff used by Salix? Yes I have heard of it, but know little of how Salix used it. Of course, it is said to be a trophy today, but none know which staff is it. Probably none of them. None of them appear to be anything special, I hear."

"Well, speak to Foscil. He can pull up the documents he teases me with, as well as, perhaps, your vague reference to a staff used by Salix. I think, if it really existed, it would have been mentioned more."

"Well, have you a place to rest? we have a few meager cells available, but our cook is noteable (as you have tasted) I see you kave practically licked your plate clean. What do you say?"


First Post

The older man Inwe has foused her attention on obviously like bragging about his new vicarious status he believes he gained through some young relative's engagement. Obviously, the other men at the table think he is all puffed up about nothing and are trying to keep him quiet. When all attemps to change the subject fail, everyone leaves the table and heads for the door.

In an 'unfortunate' coincidence, Inwe happened to trip and fall right into the shoulder of the very man she was hoping to speak to. After a brief appology, she whispers...
"Did I really hear you talking about a Youngstrom marrying into your family?"

"Well... yes actually." He looks to his companions, who obviously will have no more of him tonight, and back to the mysterious elf before him. As they go to a quieter corner of the room, he says "My niece is marrying the heir to the family in fact! That makes me part of the family, too."

"Really? How great to be so blessed. You must be able to do all sorts of noble things now..."

"Well, actually, I only call her my niece. My mother's sister's second husband has a niece, oh what a pretty thing, and she is the lucky one. I am like an Eli-Father to her [Godfather] at the family meetings, you know."

"Interesting - you must adore her..."

"Oh certainly! Believe it or not, I actually do. Her parents are a mean pair, and she not much appreciated. I have tried to befriend her and mentor her. When she told me she was seeing a boy, I never imagined it was young master Youngstrom. Good for her! That family is not much fond of her, but she is kind and really does love him. At least they are allowing the wedding to go on. "

"how noble of them."

"You know, I have always been noble. My friends think I am silly, but truely I was born to be one of the elect in the city. Now everyone will know me." He pauses a minute, then sighs. "Actually, this will not change anything. I am still an old dottard who dreams of nobility but was born a pawn in the greater game. Oh - don't tell anyone I said that, pretty lady."

"I was invited, you know, to the wedding! But my buddies think I made that up. Day after tomorrow, they will know better, when I get admitted through those golden gates and they do not. Ha"

"So do you have a companion going with you?"

"You know what, I forgot about that. My wife's been gone some time, and my chldren think I am looney. How about you? Are you free? Imagine, and old fool showing up with a young beautiful elven girl. That would turn a few heads."

Inwe whispers into his ear "I am one hundred twenty four years old. That would make a few of them jealous, too."

He smiles, "My name is Coleman Fairweather" and extends his hand.
"Inwe Galanodel" she says as she takes his hand - he kisses it politely.

"How about it, Inwe? Are you interested in seeing a royal-style wedding?"
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First Post

Airith tosses a slivler over to Porter. "Thanks Porter, you could use it for the tip upstairs."
"Not bloody likely." Is all Airith hears as Porter makes his way upstairs and out of sight.

Airith heads out the door and makes his way back to the Underplow, taking the time to go over his conversation with Porter.
Hopson Brewery, must be a rich family. Make the best stuff in town.
I wonder if the group of thugs he was refering to were the Stilettos. If they keep poking their nose in my business I might have to cut one of their noses off. They're probably looking to score a few coins off me for the job.
I best be in my messenger attire tomorrow morning to meet this butler. I don't want to be late to pick up those letters from the girls for Zane.

Airith enters the Underplow to see Wrinkle playing for only one table.
I would like to listen a bit but I better get some sleep. To bad about Wrinkle. I thought he would have had more patrons to entertain.
Smoke heads over to his riding blanket and stretches before getting comfortable on it. Airith takes off his things and lays down, he falls asleep thinking of his busy day tomorrow.
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"No thank you, sir, I have a room at the Underplough Inn, along with my traveling companions."

He stands.

"Many thanks for the good food and a chance to speak with you. I am doubly blessed. I will return in the morning to speak with Foscil."

Relsyn kisses the High Priests ring again, then departs, making his way through the darkness to the Underplough Inn.

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