Spoilers: Some guy in Friends & Family playtest apparently violates his NDA

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By posting his playtest experience, the violator of the NDA has harmed 5th Edition. There are others like JRRNeiklot who read what was posted and say "that's not for me."

WotC will have a public playtest (as they've stated). Until then, WotC wants the ability to test, tinker, modify, and screw around with the rules in private. Who knows what WotC was really testing in this playtest. It could have been the Adventures, the Monsters, the Casting Mechanics, the Thief Powers, the Warlord class, Cleric prayers, the spells, or the feats. Regardless, the player base now has incomplete data and will form uninformed opinions about the product.

WotC did not want the player base at large to view the information in this form. The information is incomplete, in development, may be a complete hoax, and absolutely not what WotC wanted to present to the public at large.

It's a shame the violator did not honor his or her word.

This is especially true because the major piece of missing info that would shed a ton of light on what that info really means is the character creation rules. Without those the leaked info is just inane babble seen out of proper context and perspective.

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