As for martial powers in 4e, I always had a hard time in believing daily powers for martial classes.
But encounter powers were always fine by me. There's things you can try to do regularly in a fight, like throw sand in someone's face, but generally can't repeat again, since someone is less likely to fall for that trick again.
IMO, martial encounter powers should be rare. I don't think it's the best mechanic for something like feint, which your example resembles (instead maybe penalties for repeated use). Encounter powers do make sense for things like barbarian rage that cause the character to become fatigued.
In fact, I could see this as a more general mechanic - there are some martial abilities where you push yourself so much that you become fatigued (e.g. -1 or -2 to all physical checks) and cannot use such powers again before resting. It would be something you use only when you really need to, not at the start of most encounters.