• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Spring +63 A.K.

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The city of Ryn in NW corner or Ceomy on Thunder Island is seeing a relentless onslaught of Thunder Lizards. Its population is threatened by a new attack every week. Also, the Emperor has begun a journey across Eastern Ceomyr, visiting the cities there....

With the winter snows retreating back to the north, the orcs in Drukan Luk seem to be stirring, perhaps for another large assault on Edenall. The drow in the West Wall Mountains have been quiet all winter and the goblins to the south have been doing frequent raids across the River Silverwater. Prince Telendor starts fortifying the army of elves and humans to defend against the orcs to the north.

The Kaiser, in a controversial decision against the pushing of his advisors, has refused to go to the Elves or Dwarves for aid against encroaching Goblinoids. Instead, he has allocated funds for local barons to put bounties on goblin heads brought in. Reaction has been mixed; while the less threatened regions applaud the movement, the areas more directly affected are finding a woeful lack of adventurers willing to risk their lives.

Word has been sent from a cleric of Horun in Mittendien that the goblins that plauge their eastern border are coming for eastern Thoradur, the region of Falinus. The clans send out warbands to intercept the raiding goblins.

The Emperor's health returns, though it is widely debated how long that will last. He immediately tranfers all Legion commanding officers and their staff among different Legions, and likewise shuffles all heads of administrative bodies above the simple town level. This effectively breaks many power blocs up.

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