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Spycraft: Project Duct Tape [OOC][Vacancy]


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Jaik - concept looks interesting; please answer the personality questions from your agent's point of view. (Douane posted them, or you can find them in the Spycraft CRB starting on page 10). I'd like to see the answer's and a basic history/personality outline as soon as possible so that we can work you into the game from the start.

I try to check this thread fairly regularly & I'm always willing to answer questions or help in any way - so are the other guys in the group. Welcome aboard.

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I'm working on further expanding my background.

Do you want the important NPC's:

1. description (without game-terms)

2. description + suggestions regarding game-terms

3. fully statted out?




First Post
Domingo Martinez

1) Three Traits found in Agent
Dedication, faith, paradox.

2)Three Traits Agent doesn’t like to see
Wastefulness, rigid thinking, introspection.

3) Where Born and When?
Miami, FL, June 12, 1978

4) Agents Specialty
Intervention and apprehension. Intergalactic bouncer.

5) Looks
A little under 6 foot, slender build, straight black hair, brown eyes, latino.

6) What the Agent Loves
His family.

7) Agent's Quirks
Dislikes modern "latin" music, prefers classic country-western and irish/celtic.
Would take a Mini Cooper over a Corvette or a Ferrari any day.
Has watched the modern version of "Romeo & Juliet" at least 25 times.

8) Agent's Favourite Things
His rosary, a gift from his parents on his first Communion.
A notebook with autographs from Benjamin Bratt, Chow Yun Fat, Charlize Theron, and Hank Williams Jr.
Keys from the first car he ever stole, the car long since lost.

9) Important Event
By age 18, Domingo had risen to a position of authority in Los Lobos Loco, a local gang involved in drug distribution. Domingo was the target of a failed drive-by that claimed the life of Maria Santiago, a 7-year-old girl who happened to be skipping rope nearby. Domingo tried to retire, taking his life savings and moving to Georgia. 4 months convinced him that it wouldn't work; he simply needed adrenaline too much. 2 weeks later, Domingo had joined the Miami PD.

10) Opinions on Espionage
The life works for Domingo. He gets the excitement that he needs and he gets to protect his family, or at least people like them all around the world.

11) Why live a life of lies?
Innocence is precious. Those of us who don't have it should protect those who do.

12) Family
Domingo's parents (Pablo and Melissa) are both still alive. They are both retired, living in the suburbs supported by Pablo's pension and Domingo's help. They had 3 children, John, Maria, and finally Domingo. They were a close family, but all of the children have moved out of Miami, at their parents' urging. There are still get-togethers and they remain close. Melissa is a devout Catholic and she tried to instill this in her children, but it only seemed to take with Maria. Domingo has had experiences in the last several years that have deepened his appreciation for his faith, but he can't really talk about this time, so Melissa still chides him for his ways.

13) Motivation
Domingo is an adrenaline junkie; he has to do something exciting with his life. Extreme sports were a possibility, but the future was too uncertain and he felt responsible to help support his parents. He considered being a stuntman for a while, but didn't have the finely honed skills it would require and besides, it seemed so frivolous. He finally settled on the police as contributing. His time with A-B has been even better, with an expanded sense of responsibility and even more excitement.

14) Personal Views
Domingo is a Catholic, and a relatively devout one at that. He realizes that some might think it odd to believe in a single deity after having come face to face with multiple alien races, but he puts it under the heading of Mysteries of God. He sees a similar irony with the combination of his life of violence and his faith, but so long as he is protecting innocents, he believes that his calling is sanctioned.

15) Most important Values
Family, friends, integrity, faith, self-respect are all very important to Domingo. Money is appreciated for its use rather than its existence. Possessions and power are unimportant, as long as Domingo can be mostly left alone. Politically, Domingo just shakes his head and hopes that people come to their senses.

16) Greatest Fears
Harming those he loves, either himself, or by an enemy discovering them.

17) Nation
USA-Politically, Domingo leans toward Libertarianism, just so people could be left alone, but he's not dogmatic about it, thanks to his wider perspective.
A/B-They serve a noble purpose and Domingo has yet to see tactics that disturb him.

18) What would the agent change about himself
Domingo would like nothing more than to settle down and lead a normal life, complete with picket fince, lovely wife, and 2.5 children. In his more honest moments, he knows that he doesn't really have any job skills outside of police work, he hasn't met a girl he really wants to marry, and his sense of resposibility probably wouldn't let him ignore all the ET's and the potential problems they bring. But a dream is no fun if it can totally come true...

Domingo was born the third child in a latino family in the bad part of Miami. From an early age, everyone knew that Domingo was bright, very bright. He was also quick and agile. He was also addicted to adventure, constantly getting into trouble and ignoring hisparents. He vexed teachers by causing trouble and skipping classes, then aceing tests. Then he found Los Lobos Loco, the neighborhood gang. His invoilvement with them brough excitement, money, and power. Money and power brought excitement. It was a cycle that Domingo dove into. His parents, and his best friend, Jesus Chavez, tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't listen. Not until a rival's drive-by missed Domingo but got Maria Santiago, did Domingo change his mind. He had to change and he had to get away. He grabbed his life savings and headed for Georgia.
4 months of lying low, living quiet convinced Domingo that it wasn't the night for him. He was going crazy in his apartment, craving action, something, anything to do. He tried booze and he tried light drugs, but they didn't help enough and he knew ebtter than to try the heavy stuff. Deciding to escape his apartment, he went out jogging, running long and hard, trying to wear himself out so he could sleep. On his way back home, he knew even that had failed. His mind was still awhirl with thoughts and he was still driven to DO. That's when he saw the cops outside of his building.
It turns out that one of his neighbors had been a voilent drug dealer implicated in multiple murders. For a moment, Domingo wished that he had been the one to track the man down and make the world a little safer. And then he knew.
Two months of working out later, his system squeeky clean, Domingo enrolled in the Miami police academy. As soon as he knew that he was in, he met with Jesus Chavez, gave him $500,000, the last of his money from the old life, and told Jesus to get married and move away. "I can't get away, but you can, Jesus. Get away and be happy."
He worked hard to overcome some suspicion about his past, but his natural talents, his knowledge of the streets, and his drive all brought him above board. Soon, he was working undercover stings and investigations. And that's when he started hearing about Z-Max, a new street drug with near-mythic properties. It was new, it was hip, it was cheap, and it was dangerous beyond belief. And Domingo found a lead straight to the supplier.
Everything was going to plan, except that when Domingo tried to arrest the creep, said creep grabbed a sofa and threw it as a distraction for jumping out of a fourth-story window. Domingo managed to dodge the sifa and get to the window in time to see the little creep running away, apparently unhurt. A quick trip down the fire escape and a chase to an abandoned warehouse, Domingo found the creep again, only now he had an extra pair of arms and way too many teeth. There was a fight, Domingo remembers that. He knows that he reloaded his weapon at least twice, and that at some point two guys in black suits showed up helping. He knows those things, but he can't really remember them. What he does remember is a moving truck driving off with the creep inside and the two guys sharing a look, then offering him a job.
His parents think he got into some trouble and had to transfer to a desk job with the state police. His friends think he hit the lottery and moved away. His priest thinks it's good to see such a nice young man at Mass every Sunday. His girlfriends all think he has a trust fund. Domingo knows that he's having fun and making things better for more people than he could have ever hoped.

So, how's that? Thoughts, suggestions? Now I just have to stat him up...


First Post
Jaik - the personality & background look very good (you get a free Gear Feat for your agent as a result). Go ahead and start statting!

Douane - short descriptions using non-game terminology is fine for NPCs... they may or may not show up in game, if they do I'll work out stats for them as needed.


First Post
Oh crap! ;)

Well, you'll get interpretations for the two most important of them anyway, just because I already finished 'em.

I'm working through his military days now, trying to build some NPC's into it. (so it doesn't look like I took the "almost no family" route to avoid any personal attachments.)



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Okay, I think I have everything but equipment, and that always takes me forever, so I went ahead and posted Domingo to the Rogue's Gallery.
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