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[Spycraft/S9] A Simple Heist


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Gheist will reactivate the whisperlock on his SOCOM as he waves Raven towards the Ancient Civilizations of South American Gallery. He then sneaks forward from mannequin to pillar to pillar to mannequin and freezes. If possible he will brace and aim, and take out the trailing of the two heading into the South Eurasion Gallery.


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Raven leans around the corner, covering Gheist as he moves across the hallway. Then when Gheist is in position Raven reactivates his laser sight and tries to fire at the same person Gheist is, if it isn't a clear shot he'll just fire at whichever enemy he has the best odds of hitting.

Gheist glides from one piece of cover to another like a shadow, from a warrior of the Shang dynasty with a dagger, spear and armor made of bronze to a Shaolin Monk wearing soft, loose clothing bearing a staff, finally finding a stealthy sweet spot just behind a pillar. But the two men in black move swiftly. The smash and grab team is eager to get their hands on the package.

No time for a carefully lined up and braced shot and the trailing tango never gets close enough for the laser sight to be effective. Gheist leans around the pillar for a quick shot /thwipp!/ The target flinches and stops in his tracks.

Raven waits for a target of opportunity but none are available. The warrior mannequins and the pillars block his line of sight to the intruders.


((I'll use the same initiative counts as before.
Round 1.
Ready (Full Action) to shoot first target of opportunity.

Gheist: Hide (Half-Action) and Move at Half-Speed (Half-action).
Gheist's Hide Check 16=4+7:Ranks+3:Dex+2:Feat(Stealthy)
Gheist's Move Silently Check: 21=7+7:Ranks+3:Dex+2:Dept+2:Feat(Stealthy)

Tango 3 Spot Check: 5=4+1.
Tango 3 Listen Check: 16=15+1

Tango 4 Spot Check: 6=5+1.
Tango 4 Listen Check: 13=12+1

Tango 3 and 4: Two standard 30' moves (Two Half-Actions)

Round 2.
Ready (Full Action) to shoot first target of opportunity.
Gheist: Ready (Full Action) to shoot trailing tango at best range possible.

Tango 3 and 4: Two standard 30' moves (Two Half-Actions)

The intruder is flat-footed but not surprised.
Gheist's Attack Roll vs DEF 13: 16=12+3:BAB+3:Dex-2:Range. Damage d12: 2.

Oh, just one other thing: Raven wasn't able to cut off the main power supply from the security centre. The main power, water supply and HVAC systems are managed through control stations in the utility building.))

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Gheist squeezes off two more shots at the trailing tango, using the pillar for maximum cover.


(ooc: What do you use to make your maps? That is very cool!)
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((Just as an aside, I've been reviewing the errata for the take down rules and determined that I used the wrong DC for the Fort Save. As a result, I'm restoring the 2 Action Dice that Raven spent to resist the Take Down. I will house rule this shortly.

Vardeman, the maps can be easily put together using JASC Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop. Glad you like them.))

Raven springs forward, takes up a position behind a pillar across from Gheist and squeezes off a shot from his pistol, forcing the Tango to duck. Gheist takes advantage of this momentary panic and gives the Tango a double dose of SOCOM goodness. The man in black is stunned, unable to return fire, and howls as the two 0.45 calibre slugs tear flesh and bone.

There are loud crashes from both the South Asian Gallery and the Ancient Civilizations of South America. The other men in black proceed with their smash and grab operation, tearing through the glass and plastic casings surrounding the museum pieces.


((Round 3
Raven: Move 20' (Half-Action) and Standard Attack (Half Action)

Raven's Attack Roll vs DEF 15: 23
= 19+3:BAB+3:Dex-2:Range. Damage d8+2: 5=3+2.

Gheist: 2 standard attacks (2 Half-Actions)
Gheist's Attack Roll vs DEF 15: 20
=16+3:BAB+3:Dex-2:Range. Damage d12: 3.
This hit reduces the 4th Tango's VP to 0 forcing a Fort Save against Fatigue. The Tango fails the Fort save and is stunned for 1d6 rounds. He also takes some wound damage.

Gheist's Attack Roll vs DEF 14: 16=12+3:BAB+3:Dex-2:Range. Damage d12: 6.
The Tango is taking a licking but still keeps on ticking.))
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Gheist moves forward, crossing to the corner of the entrance to the South Eurasion Gallery and puts one more slug into the stunned tango before glancing into the Gallery.



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Raven shadows Gheist's movements, firing on any live hostile within his pistol's reach, if there are none though he moves into the South Eurasian Gallery and takes cover.

Stunned and severely wounded, Tango Number Four stumbles into one of the museum displays. The weapons and armor of a proud Mughal warrior clatter and clang on the floor.

Within the South Eurasian Gallery, Tango Number Three removes the ornate box from the shattered case, kneeling down as he opens the lid.


((Round 4: Raven: Std Move (Half-Action) and Std Attack (Half-Action). Raven's Attack Roll vs DEF 13: 17[/b]= 11+3:BAB+3:Dex-2:Range+2:LaserSight. Damage d8+2: 9=7+2.

Gheist: 2x Std Moves to reach the corner of the entrance.))


First Post
Codename: GhostFox said:
Stunned and severely wounded, Tango Number Four stumbles into one of the museum displays. The weapons and armor of a proud Mughal warrior clatter and clang on the floor.

Within the South Eurasian Gallery, Tango Number Three removes the ornate box from the shattered case, kneeling down as he opens the lid.
Gheist holsters his SOCOM, draws the UMP and fires a burst at the kneeling figure. (ooc: using whichever burst option gives me the best hit chance)


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