Star Wars Empire at War: The Grand AAR



Hello there!

I may be new to this community, but I entered it with a purpose: to begin a Grand Empire At War AAR Campaign. Now, what exactly does this entail? Well, thanks to the extremely active modding community for this game, we have mods spanning 3 major eras in the Star Wars universe. As such, I shall be utilizing three specific mods to accomplish my task. I will begin with the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire with Fall of the Republic, witness the gripping conflict between the Empire and the Rebellion in Awakening of the Rebellion, and eventually see through to the Imperial Civil War in Thrawn's Revenge, all with the same character! As you will soon see, my roleplay will be done through the eyes of a single character, one that I made up specifically for this AAR. All perceptions of what occurs in the galaxy will be his, and we shall all follow along in his journey as he turns from a bright-eyed officer to a grizzled war veteran. I hope to have lots of fun with this new project of mine, and hope that everyone who views this has a good time as well!

P.S. Feel free to offer suggestions on what I should do! I will take everything into consideration and may also integrate it as roleplay!
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Log 0: A Command of My Own
I think everyone had the same amount of shock that the Galaxy was engulfed in a war, no matter how they found out. Whether it be through a HoloNet News article, one of the many speeches given by senators, both Republic and Separatist alike, or word of mouth, we were all stunned. I remember exactly how, when, and where I found out.
I was sitting in my office one quiet morning, enjoying a hot cup of caf, just about to start my day when I received an incoming transmission on my holoprojector. I was a bit surprised; I didn’t usually get early morning transmissions. Curious as to who it was, I accepted the request which sprung the holoprojector to life and displayed a human female in her early 30’s wearing a Republic Navy uniform. My eyes widened a bit as I cracked a smile.
“Juli! It's been quite a few years since I heard from you. Not since our CDF days, I believe.”
She smiled back at me, “Your memory is as strong as always, Kio. I apologize for not keeping in touch, the Republic Navy has kept me very busy these last years.”
“I am sure it has. I myself have had my hands full with overseeing just a single section of the Corellian shipyards, so I can only imagine what you have to handle.”
“Yes, yes. Look, I’m sorry if this sounds rude, but I did not call to catch up. I have an important reason as to why we are talking.”
I raised my eyebrow, not with unpleasantness, but a continued curiosity, “Well, best not keep me in the dark then.”
Juli nervously rubbed the bridge of her nose before she spoke, “Kio, are you aware of what happened on Geonosis recently?”
I thought for a moment. I admit, I didn’t keep up with the news as much as I probably should, though the name Geonosis did ring somewhat of a bell.
“Not specifically. What happened?”
“A Jedi strike team was dispatched to the planet to rescue two fellow Jedi and a senator. Many of the Jedi died, with only a fraction of the original force surviving. They too would have perished had it not been for the reveal of the Clone Army.”
I gave a bewildered look, “Clone Army? We have one of those?”
“Apparently so. No one has questioned it, and I doubt they will. We are at war now, Kio. A group of powerful corporate leaders allied together with Count Dooku and formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems with an army of millions of Battle Droids. Geonosis was the first battle, and now systems from all over the galaxy are seceding from the Republic. We’ve been caught on the backfoot, and we desperately need combat leaders. That is why I have come to you.”
I stared at Juli with a mix of confusion and excitement. She was offering the one thing I had always wanted: a command of my own. Ever since I was a child, I had wanted it. Throughout my time in the CDF, I had wanted it. And even in these years as an administrator, I had wanted it. Juli was most likely preying on this dream, since she very well knew about it, but I could hardly resist. I gave a simple response.
“When do I start?”
Juli grinned widely, “Report to Kuat as soon as possible. There you will be given your ship, an Acclamator, and meet your crew. After a short adjustment and familiarization period, you’ll receive your orders. I wish you good luck on the battlefield, Captain.”
The holoprojector shut off as she disconnected the transmission, leaving me alone in my office with a cup of now lukewarm caf. I sat in my chair for a few minutes, collecting my thoughts, before joy overtook me, and I started packing my things. I was an officer now, an officer of the Republic, and I would make it proud.


There's a gamer seeking gamer forum. This thread may be more at home there.
Hello! I took a look around that forum and it didn't seem to be precisely what I have in mind for this thread. Thanks for the suggestion though!


Perhaps I'm confused what the tread is about beyond Star Wars.
I'm using the thread to post about my Empire at War game in a creative and more roleplay-oriented way. I've played this game for a few years, and I enjoy writing, so I thought I'd combine the two.


I am the mysterious professor.
I'm using the thread to post about my Empire at War game in a creative and more roleplay-oriented way. I've played this game for a few years, and I enjoy writing, so I thought I'd combine the two.
I thought you were trying to recruit folks, my bad.


I am the mysterious professor.
Welcome to the community. There's lots going on around here. Feel free to jump in wherever you feel comfortable. The grognards tend to bite. You'll figure out who they are with time. Just try to keep all appendages inside the vehicle at all times.


Welcome to the community. There's lots going on around here. Feel free to jump in wherever you feel comfortable. The grognards tend to bite. You'll figure out who they are with time. Just try to keep all appendages inside the vehicle at all times.
Will do

Voidrunner's Codex

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