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Star Wars - Rebellion

The luxury liner Celestial cruised through hyperspace enroute to Dantooine, the next stop on her meandering course through the outer rim. Those passengers disembarking at Dantooine are said to be going there for archeological purposes, which very likely meant a search for Jedi artifacts, although no one would admit that in mixed company.

You all booked passage on the Celestial for your own reasons, whether to escape a backwater planet, keep one step ahead of Imperial entanglements, or to simply take a relaxing trip on one of the few liners operating in the outer rim, as far from Imperial influence as possible.

The Celestial is a typical Ubrikkian Luxury Space Yacht, with a passenger capacity of 40 and a crew of 30. The ship is 96 meters long, and comfortably appointed. The staterooms vary in size, from small to roomy but are all very nice. The dining hall on this particular liner is very fancy, complete with ornate chandeliers suspended from the ceiling and tablecloths on the tables. There is also a large lounge with sabacc tables, holochess tables and various other forms of entertainment.

Each of you has your own stateroom located in the same area. You have not been onboard long enough to really know who your fellow travellers are and have not really had much time to explore all that the ship has to offer.

OOC: Okay, a quiet start to the game but I wanted to give everyone a chance to make their first posts and begin interacting with each other. Those of you that already know each other can feel free to invent whatever reason you all ended up on the Celestial. Those with no ties to any other PC can also invent a reason for ending up on the liner.
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Former-professor Calven Jokairo sat, hunched over a datapad at the bar that fronted onto the Celestial's lounge. A half-empty beaker of lum sat on the counter next to him, and a t'bac pipe nestled in his free hand, sending a pungent cloud out across the empty seat beside him.

The human was dressed smart, for the Outer Rim. He had even shaved. His shirt was fresh pressed and laundered today, and his heavy explorers boots clean and oiled against weather he knew he wouldn't encounter on-board ship. Because a man needs a routine. Half-moon eyeglasses perched on his blunt nose and reflected the data streaming down the screen of the datapad. To Calven's great annoyance, he was finding them more useful by the week. He massaged his temples with a leathery hand, brushing back greying hair at his temples.

Quiet trip so far. Almost like before there was an Empire to worry about. The aging man mused to himself, a glance about the lounge showing an array of alien faces which were all too rare in the Core in recent years. He snapped the datapad shut and returned it to its pouch. I'm going to get no more work done today. Damn. Spinning his stool around to look out onto the lounge directly, he let himself slip back to lean on the bar, the growing strain on his back easing off. Not made like you were, are you?

"Where're they..." he stopped himself as the words fell out. A quick check indicated the bartender hadn't heard - or was keeping schtum. The kid and the droid had been all for this trip out to the Rim, though Calven hadn't seen either in a while. After Iridonia, Dantooine had seemed a logical next step in the puzzle, though he winced inwardly at what the passage had cost. Wasn't like that when I was working for the Society. He swirled his beaker, draining off the last of the Lum in one, and signalling for another. They'll show. Course they will.
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First Post
LE-3PO, or "Leo" as some of the sentients liked to call him (why, he would never know) paced back and forth in his room. Though the Celestial hadn't been underway for long since its last stop, Leo had run out of things to do. "Relax," they said. What does a droid do to relax? He had already recharged his battery and gone through every maintenance routine he could think of. "I wonder if Mr. Jokairo can think of something for me to do," Leo finally mused aloud.

That was it! With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, Leo made his way out of his room and into the passageway looking for Calven's room. Leo made a stark contrast to the clean, bright passageways of the Celestial with his slate gray paint (complete with chips and scratches) as he made his way through.

"Room 02-14... 02-16... Ah! Here it is!" Leo knocked on the door and after a couple of minutes gave up on waiting for a response.

"Maybe he's in the lounge, then? If not the lounge, then definitely the dining hall."

As he shuffled through the ship's corridors, he stumbled into a housekeeping droid coming around a corner. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry! Well now, am I glad to see you! It's a pleasure to finally come across some civilized company on this ship! So tell me, I happen to be looking for someone, and I believe he may be in the lounge. Do you think you could point out the way for me? You see, I haven't actually been there yet and -"

"Bllleeeeeeuuuuuuurrrrrp!" the other droid interrupted as it continued going its own way.

"Well, I never! Of all the nerve! I know at least one droid that's in desperate need of reprogramming!"

Leo continued to explore the ship, confident that he'd find the lounge soon.

OOC: Excellent job with the initial posts guys! This is exactly what I wanted to see, introductory posts that are almost an extension of character background, offering a glimpse of the character's personality, habits, mannerisms, etc. I figure that the first several posts from everyone will be a way for each person to ease into posting, get into character and allow each of you to begin interacting with one another.



Warning - long

Ryn felt dizzy in more ways than one as he left his stateroom after his first night aboard the Celestial.

After his 'talk' with Rax, he certainly hadn't expected anything like a severance benefit from the Lean. In fact, it wasn't until he'd hopped a speeder taxi to Dexter's in Coco Town, and sat down, alone, to a plate of sliders and jumbo-tube of Ting, that he even discovered it.

Sliding the bright green card into his datapad, he was surprised to see a picture of the entire crew appear on his screen, and flat-out stunned when it moved and spoke.

Greetings, young Nerf-herder! emanated from the datapad in a volume barely audible over the din at Dexter's.

An MT translator droid hovered into the foreground, sailing over the head of the crew's tallest member, a female Wookie named 'Sina (short for Empressina, a name never to be spoken unless you weren't particularly fond of, say, your arms), and spoke:

Our hearts are broken that we couldn't hang on to you for longer, so we chipped in and sent you on an adventure. We know you haven't seen much of the galaxy, and Captain doesn't want you anywhere near the Maw...

Ryn's face broke into a lopsided grin at that statement.

So to show our love...

Did 'Sina just wink at him?

...we're sending you to Dantooine!

The grin quickly changed to a look of utter shock and confusion, as Ryn nearly choked on a piece of (nerf?) gristle lodged in his throat. Ryn managed to hack it out of there, right about the time the droid went on.

We've booked you passage on the Celestial. It's a much bigger ship than the Lean, but you'll love your room, and the food is much better.

Ryn noticed two of the crew, both Rodians, look longingly at the holorecorder.

Your ticket can be picked up at the Passenger spaceport near Dexter's. Leave this card in, and show it to the front desk people. We checked, and you're not wanted by the Empire, yet...

Ryn sighed in relief.

...so just show up before 1600, then let the crew take care of it.

So enjoy, and remember: if you meet any pretty ladies aboard the Celestial, you're already spoken for!

That was definitely 'Sina grinning now. Ryn shuddered, then remembered they couldn't see him. He shuddered again.

A speeder taxi ride later, Ryn was booked, boarded, settled, and on his way to a planet he'd never heard of.

Ryn shuffled out to the lounge, freshly clipped, shaved, and scrubbed, and went in search of breakfast. A table opened up next to a bookish human man, and Ryn hustled over to grab it. As he sat down, he enjoyed the smell of the dried t'bac wafting from the man's pipe.

The server droid hovered over, ran a beam of red light across the badge he'd been given, and in a precise, clipped Basic, spoke:

Good afternoon, Mr. Turiaf! Your passage includes all meals and drinks for the duration of your stay! What may I get you?

"What's good?"


First Post
The grumbling in Andre's stomach is the first thing that he seems to have noticed in awhile. Having recently acquired a "Jedi Artifact" which everyone else dismissed as garbage he has spent all his free time working on it, referencing and so on. But right now he has realized that he is quite hungry. He looks up and around the cabin, no one is around. "Damn" he thinks to himself "where is the food again," as he sets off "artifact" in hand trying to find something to eat.


First Post
Oraltor casually strolled through the corridors of the Celestial, greeting passengers and crew alike with twin smiles, polite bows, and the occasional joke.

The captain was quite kind to offer discounted passage for my occasional performance. The Celestial is an excellent place to meet interesting people on the Rim, and there has been no sight of Imperial collaborators since Elchon 6. Thank goodness that disaster is behind me.

Running into a trio of Twileks, Oraltor paused to introduce himself. Remembering the correct Ryl phrase, he complimented their tentacles and wished them good health. As they walked on he watched them carefully.

I can almost 'hear' them communicate with one another using those tentacles, but the nuances are behind me. Perhaps I can locate a training video on Dantooine.

Entering the lounge, Oraltor noticed a few patrons enjoying food and a smoke. Stepping up next to the prim academic at the bar, Oraltor ordered a vegetable blend from the tender.

In his Ithorian stereo voice he spoke to his neighbor, "Greetings, sir. I am Oraltor of Momaw's River. Is this your first jump aboard the Celestial?"

OOC: Everyone, I am departing in the morning (Saturday the 29th) for a two week vacation. For most of the vacation, I will have some access to a computer and the internet so I will still be posting, although it may be a bit sporadic. So, continue posting and introducing your characters to each other. I should be able to post a few times while I'm gone. The game will move slower while I'm away but will pick up to a normal pace when I return. I'll post as often as I can while I'm away. For the next two days, I'll be driving from Colorado to Florida so my next post for the game is likely to be on Monday.

Love the initial posts from you guys! Great start! Feel free to continue interacting with one another over the weekend and feel free to continue creating minor NPC's to interact with as well.

See you guys early next week. I'll try to get my next post for the game up on Monday sometime.



[Thanks, Toric! I'm geeked for this game, which is... my FIRST SW game, ever!]

After conversing with the server droid, and happily settling on the prime rib of dewback with fried pototos and a jumbo gornberry shake (unsoured), Ryn settled in to listen and watch the room around him.

The bookish man was still at the bar, next to Ryn's table, smouldering t'bac filling the room with a fine smell. A few minutes later, a creature (is that an Ithorian?) sat next to him, and introduced himself to the professor at the bar in a voice that startled Ryn and almost caused him to drop his fork.

Anyone in the room looking at Ryn at that moment would have noticed an average-sized young human male, with platinum blonde box fade about 2 cm tall, slightly larger than average blue eyes open wide, with an expression that resembled a protocol droid's.

(Wow, they really DO sound like a choir...)

As he waited for his meal to come, Ryn got out his datapad, and once again inserted the bright green datacard. Fast-forwarding quickly past Greetings, young nerf-herder!, and the rest of the crew greeting, Ryn came to the brochure for the trip he was on. A picture of desert paradise appeared on his pad, with text scrolling slowly up the page:

You'll arrive at lovely Dantooine, an Outer Rim system with breathtaking rock formations and meter after meter of shoreline! Bask in the gentle hospitality of the native sentients. Bathe in the warmth of the gentle sunlight. Refresh yourself with the gentle crashing of the waves. It's all here, on Dantooine!

Ryn decided to seek a second and third opinion. Rising from his chair, he walked to the bar and lightly tapped the shoulder of the human and the Ithorian.

"Good day, gentlemen, my name is Ryn. Do you know anything about this Dantooine we're going to?"


dpdx said:
As he sat down, he enjoyed the smell of the dried t'bac wafting from the man's pipe.

"What's good?"
"Anything but the Nerf..." the quip was instinctive, rather than friendly. Damn, I've been shut away too long. Calven added a belated smile which almost reached his weathered eyes as he gave the newcomer an appraising look. His vision started to swim, and sudden realisation hit; he whipped off the glasses, restoring them to their case. "Damned things. More trouble'n they're worth."

The Ithorian's arrival, while unexpected, settled the scout somewhat. Struggling for the correct inflection (and berating his species' single mouth), he bowed his head to Oraltor "Namaar isttu momaw Oraltor..." Was the grammar right? Hope so. You're rusty, Calven, rusty

He offered his hand to the kid Ryn? as the younger man introduced himself, "Calven Jokairo, pleased to meet you. You might want to be a little more cautious in future, though. Out on the Rim, we could've been anybody."

Returning to the conversation at hand, Calven took a long draw on the pipe, swirling his refilled beaker as he did so and letting the anticipation build. You've just got to lecture everybody, haven't you?. He shook his head, clearing the mental haze and exhaling. The smoke hung low over the bar, pouring off to disappear long before it reached the deck. "Been aboard since..." Anobis, was it? Yes, "...Anobis. Well, me and my team." What were you just saying about caution? He shrugged. "You come aboard at Ithor, Oraltor?"

He let the question hang as he looked to Ryn. "Not a whole lot. Forest world, isn't it? Hardly a garden spot either, from what I understand; pretty wild in places, even."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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