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Star Wars - Rebellion


Ryn shakes Calven's proferred hand, and speaks softly. "Ryn Turiaf, free agent freighter jock, and thanks for the warning. Came aboard at Coruscant myself. I'm s'posed to be on vacation, which is probably why my guard is down. But then again, we're not hauling anything..."

Ryn raises his eyebrows and grins sheepishly (had to open your mouth, didn't you, moron?). When Oraltor is introduced, Ryn turns to him, shakes his hand, and says "How do you do, sir? I sure like your voice."

He let the question hang as he looked to Ryn. "Not a whole lot. Forest world, isn't it? Hardly a garden spot either, from what I understand; pretty wild in places, even."
"Weird; stupid holobrochure makes it sound like a desert planet with oceans! Ah, well. Anyway, I'll stop bothering you, and I think I see my meal coming, anyway. I'm trying the dewback. Very nice to have met you both."

Ryn returns to his table seat (against the wall) in time for the server droid to arrive with his meal. While he eats, he watches the sabacc tables in the lounge for any easy marks...
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After a good while, Leo finally finds his way to the lounge. After scanning through the small crowd for a moment, he spies Calven by the bar and heads over.

"Oh, Mr. Jokairo! I have to tell you, I've just had quite a time trying to find this place! I hadn't really paid much attention to our guide when we first came aboard, you know, considering I wouldn't have much to do with the lounge on account of not needing to eat, and you know, of course, I'd probably have an unfair advantage at any of the games, but that's all beside the point. I'm glad I found you! I just finished relaxing like you suggested, and to be completely honest I'm at a loss as to what I should do now, and I was just wondering if you had any more ideas. Oh! And if you only knew how rude the housekeeping droids are on this ship! You wouldn't believe what this one said to me when I asked it for directions!"


The door to the lounge hisses quietly as it opens. Once the door is opened, a human with short and unkept blonde hair walks in. Those looking notice that this is the human who was picked up when the Celestial stopped at Nar Shaddaa. There is a certain swagger as he walks, however those who have witnessed a soldier marching realize that he is trying to unlearn something that has been instilled in him. As he moves towards the bar, he takes notice of the patrons in the lounge paying particular attention to the humans. He mentally takes note of where each individual is located in the room and then turns to face the bartender. "I'd like a light Corellian Wine please." He seems to think to himself a bit before continuing. 'Should I try the nerf, or perhaps a bit of Rancor today? Surely they can't mees up nerf that badly.' "Id also like whatever nerf plate you have tonight. Something simple I think." With that, the human takes his drink and sits at an unoccupied table watching the others.


First Post
The door slides open to the lounge and Andre walks in still working on his piece of Antiqueware and sits down. A moment later the server droid comes up and he orders a salad. He has yet to look up up or even around other then to speak to the droid. The salad shows up and he does not seem to notice.

As the dinner hour wears on, the lounge begins to fill with passengers looking for a bit of entertainment. Soon after most have finished their meals, a band appears in the lounge and takes the small stage along the back wall of the room. They are a four piece group, consisting of a female human, a male twi'lek, a male bith and a male rodian. The human is quite striking. She is about five feet ten inches tall and has jet black hair that hangs below her shoulders. Her blue eyes are piercing and attractive, and she has what could only be described as pouty lips. The band takes the stage and launches into their first number, a soulful song sung beautifully by the human woman.

The tables featuring games of chance like sabacc also begin to fill with passengers looking to turn a quick credit. Several tables still have room for more players however.

The exotic drinks begin to flow freely with everyone drinking, gambling and having a good time. One individual in the crowded room however, seems set apart from the others. He sits at a table off to the side of the stage, watching the band intently. He has a drink in front of him that stands nearly untouched. His attention seems to be firmly on the band or in particular on the singer. He has a nondescript look about him, neither dressing in a flashy manner nor having a memorable face. At one point, he looks at a datapad, punches a few buttons on it, looks up at the singer, back down at the datapad and then puts it back in a pocket.

The action continues in the lounge, with several vacationing couples getting up to dance to the music. Finally, the bands first set comes to a close and they depart the stage for a break, disappearing from the lounge. A few minutes later, the man who had been watching intently leaves the lounge as well.

OOC: Feel free to react to anything that I posted here as well as simply continue your own conversations and actions.


Like it says on the sheet: Scoundrel

...and remember: if you see any pretty ladies aboard the Celestial, you're already spoken for!
Hoping (okay, really hoping) 'Sina wouldn't mind, Ryn is fascinated by the singer. He listens intently to the songs, making eye contact with the singer as much as possible, even to the point of drawing a few bemused looks from the band members.

During the set, Ryn scans the room in a half-hearted attempt to find competition for the singer's affection (not to mention backups, in case the singer isn't available). His attention is diverted by the dour-looking human in the back of the room. When the band takes a break, Ryn notices the human following them.

[Probably the manager...]

Ryn gets up from his table, and strolls casually past the set. Blaster packed securely on his hip under the jacket, he smoothly runs a hand along it (as if to wipe something off his hand). Going the same way the band did, he steals a glance at them to help determine where they might be going, in case that information would be useful later...

[Feel free to roll a Spot check for me here, or let me know if I should. (Are we rolling our own dice?) If Ryn sees anything in this glance that strikes him as odd, or if the singer or the band looks to be in danger, Ryn will react. Otherwise, the narrative will continue on...]

Ryn returns to the lounge, and parks himself at a sabacc table. Ryn will stake himself to 300 credits, and see how it goes [Gamble check].
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"Pleased to meet you, Calven Jokairo and Ryn Turiaf. Strange to say, but I have never been to Ithor. I suppose some of my people would find that shocking, but I doubt I missed much growing up on a herd ship. And I've had the chance to see all these other intriguing planets as well."

Oraltor introduces himself to the droid, then continues talking with the professor. "I must complement you on your Ithorian, Mr. Jokairo. I know it is a bit of a struggle for monorallic lifeforms. You mentioned your team? What sort of studies are you involved in?"

Oraltor glances at the soldier somewhat warily, having grown somewhat suspicious of anyone with a military connection. When it becomes obvious that the man is primarily interested in his own meal, the Ithorian relaxes.

This music is interesting. A bit much percussion and not enough harmony, but certainly quite good. Perhaps this is the band the captain mentioned lask week. I wonder what their political perspective is?

Like Ryn, Oraltor watches to see where the band is headed. He doesn't pay much attention to the lone individual.


Calven gave a wince which faded into a smile as he caught sight of the protocol droid. A forgetful droid... who'd have thought it? "Calm down, Leo, you'll invalidate your warranty if you keep on like that. Really, it's no worry..." he trailed off as the 3PO kept talking, resigned to another lengthy explaination of what, precisely, had befallen his metal friend since last they spoke. He popped his pipe back into his mouth to sit it out. At least he isn't prissy. It's even kind of soothing.

It took a couple of seconds' relative silence to register to the aging scout that LE-3PO had stopped. "Thanks, Leo. I was worried for a second, there. You could hit the tables, you know. You'd only have as much of an advantage as an organic having some practice. Say, I think the kid's missed us in all the confusion." Calven's gesture took in Andre, sat next to the untouched meal, and the intensity of the younger man's concentration made him think back Like you once were, isn't he? Wonder if he'll burn out, too. He pinched the bridge of his nose sharply to clear his mind, realising that Oraltor was still sat patiently nearby.

"Sorry. I think I faded out for a bit, there." Calven smiled at the compliment, "Well, I spent some time on a herdship myself when I was younger. Researching your people's clean technology, before the Empire took a real dislike to, well..." He sipped from his beaker again, rallying his scattered thoughts "I'm a historian and I used to work as a contract explorer, but cutbacks sent me into academia. Till things took a turn for the worse in the Core as well, at least. Now we salvage what we can whan we can. We can't let the past die, Oraltor. Not without losing ourselves."

He sat back again, taking another long draw from the pipe, letting the music sink in for a long moment. "I like it. I think there's a real depth to their work." And you're a melancholy old goat, Calven. That too.


Izon sat and ate once his meal was brought. He only looked up once the band started to play and only for an instant. After he finished his meal, he called a serving droid over. Pushing his dish towards the droid, he lifted his glass and swirled it around. "Another one of these. As well as something with a bit of an edge too." The droid seemed to almost look quizically at him and then turned around. The soldier watched the droid wheel away and shook his head. He allowed himself to ease back into his chair a bit. He watched the stage and lazily sipped at his drink. Looking around the room, he noticed several things. He saw the man who was apparently taking note of some type on a data pad. He then looked at the table with a few odd types at it. The Ithorian is the one who caught his eye. This creature was apparently nervous, or at least his stare earlier would betray that. Izon's gaze continued around the room and fell upon certain individuals and their current situations. When the music faded into silence, he looked back to the stage. He saw the band disappear and the strange man follow. At that moment he saw one of the people from the other table get up and follow as well. Still he sat drinking his drinks and thinking. Odd. Who is the prey, and who are the hunters? Honestly I think some people have too much time on their hands.


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Andre sits at the table still working on his prize. He takes one or two bites of his salad and then seems to forget where he is. The music starts up and he is startled by it, he was not expecting live music in his stateroom, oh right i am not in my state room. He finishes off his drink and orders another also telling the server that his salad is warm, could something be done about it. Then he is back in his on head and working on his prize he does not look up when the new drink arrives, nor when the freshened salad arrives.

Voidrunner's Codex

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