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Star Wars - Rebellion


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"Well, maybe a game of holochess wouldn't be too much out of the question," Leo muses and looks out for any open games, for the most part oblivious to everything else going on around.

At Oraltor's introduction Leo offers his hand and "Why hello! It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm certain. I am LE-3PO, though most sentients end up calling me "Leo". Why, I will never know! Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the proper greeting would be..." Leo trails off, and after a slight pause and a barely audible *click* as his translator unit kicks into action, continues in flawless Ithorian; "May your next sunrise find you in pleasant lands."

"A very interesting greeting." Leo continues in Basic, "I hate to admit it, but I've never had much opportunity to chat with one of your people before."

As Leo speaks with Oraltor, he notices the ithorian eyeing up the soldier and glances over himself.

"Well, he certainly seems to be a sour fellow. Do you know him?"

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Nodding his curved head at Calven's statement, Oraltor replies, "I agree with your sentiments exactly. We mustn't let the past die. I try to keep it alive in stories, drama, and dance. I've studied the records of many species, and all possess equal parts virtue and vice. It's too bad the vices seem to be running the galaxy these days."

Oraltor realizes that his conversation has drifted into dangerous territory, but he figures that academics are quick to debate and slow to anger.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, LE-3PO. I wouldn't worry too much about your lack of exposure to my people. It seems all my kind care about recently are their own herdships. Unless you develop an interest in environmental planning, you are not missing anything."

"I don't know that man, but he has the appearance of a soldier. You don't see many on liners these days, what with the Rebellion and all."

Ryn leaves the lounge and attempts to follow the band and the sour looking man. He reaches a connecting corridor just in time to see the band round a corner and disappear from sight. The man who had gotten up to leave when the bad left is no where in sight. Continuing on down the corridor, he rounds the corner into the main corridor leading to the passenger cabins just in time to see the band members dispersing into their respective cabins. The man who had appeared to be sizing up the singer is still nowhere to be seen. Satisfied that nothing strange is going on, Ryn returns to the lounge is is able to sit in on a sabacc game but over the next half hour only manages to break even.

Back in the lounge, the evening begins to wind down and many of the passengers begin to scatter back to their own cabins, although a few games of chance still continue unabated. The drinks are flowing freely by this time and several people display traits that indicate that they have had one too many.

After a short time, the band returns, one by one. Within ten minutes the bith, twi'lek, and rodian have taken the stage and are warming up their instruments. Another ten minutes pass and the three appear to be anxious, looking towards the entrance to the lounge, obviously wondering where the female lead singer is. Another five minutes pass without any sign of her and after a brief discussion, the rodian steps off the stage and starts towards the exit to the lounge. He is gone no more than a few minutes when he returns looking agitated. After another brief discussion, the three band members leave the stage without a word to the remaining patrons in the lounge.


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Andre stands up to leave but he still is looking very intenetly at his toy and still trying to make it work. So his movements could be likened to a newborn nerf trying to learn to walk for the very first time. He is not very steady and ends up tripping over his own 2 feet. He lands face down on the floor, toy beneath him. As he slowly rises he is afraid of what he will see, but alas the crystal structure of the thing did not hold up and it was powderized. Andre lets out a sigh and says aloud to himself"DAMN!, That was my only piece of Jedi history,damn."

He gets back up into his chair and orders something a lot stronger then the water he ha dbeen drinking.


Izon continues to drink slowly, happy to be able to sit back and relax. He watches the different people milling around the joint. He is just about to stand up when the band comes in and assumes their positions. Settling back into his seat, he calls the serving droid over and requests the house dessert of the evening, along with a black coffee. Once the band has disappeared, he turns to watch the human who followed them before. 'This should be interesting. Now what's the boy going to do?' He sits and checks that his holdout blaster is in it's place, well hidden from any prying eyes.

He also has his vibro knife on him if it can be easily concealed in his boot.


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Andre looks around expectantly having not looked around before and sees the aggitation on stage and can't help but wonder what is going on. Partially yelling across the bar, Hey droids are supposed to be helpful right, "Pardon me, 3P0 unit what is going on?"
Andre asks looking a little mouseish of the 3P0 unit sitting next to the human.


"I agree with your sentiments exactly. We mustn't let the past die. I try to keep it alive in stories, drama, and dance. I've studied the records of many species, and all possess equal parts virtue and vice. It's too bad the vices seem to be running the galaxy these days."
"I couldn't have put it better myself," a wry smile crossed the academic's weathered face, "course I did put it that way once, which is why I'm self-employed nowadays..." He took another slug from his beaker Running dry, old timer. Just one more wound't hurt any, would it? Setting the vessel down, Calven signalled the bar for another.

He settled again, watching the band forestall their next number and leave, as well as the last outing of Andre's artefact. The professional in Calven winced at the audible <crunch> of the fragile crystal. With a glance at LE-3PO, he murmered "Kids, huh? Never learn. Say, does that look like trouble to you?" He extended his arm, pointing with the pipe's long stem towards the back of the last band member, the bith, to leave the room, a frowm meandering across hie features You're 'studying' again, Calven. You should stop that; look what happens when you get in over your head...


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To Oraltor Leo replies, "Even so, at the root of my programming lies an interest in speaking with all different species, no matter how trivial the conversation may seem to be. Professional interest, you might say. Well, former professional interest would be more accurate, really, considering over time I've been finding myself performing a much wider variety of-"

Leo is interrupted with a start when Andre crashes to the ground, and nods at Calven's comment.

"I don't know what he has there, but one of the most important things I've learned is that when working on anything, it's best not only to do so in a safe environment, but also to avoid damaging it even further. Still, accidents will always happen, I suppose."

Having had his attention called to the band, Leo replies, "Trouble? I really couldn't say. It does seem that quite a few people are becoming unsettled, though. Everybody was so relaxed, too. Something I haven't seen in quite a while, to be honest. Maybe I should go and talk to the band?"

Leo makes to head off when he hears calling over to him. "I'm really not sure what's going on. I was about to go find out, in fact. Why don't you come with me? I might be able to help you out with that piece of tech you just broke, too."


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Andre gets up looking very eager and shows L3P0 what it is and if L3P0 knows anything he knows that he is looking at fake merchandise and it is quite obvious the kid got took. But Andre is eager for any help in fixing it so he is more then willing to give L3P0 a hand first.


With a grumble at the effort expended, Calven rose to his feet, flexing muscles that had adjusted too-fast to sitting. He rolled his neck and, leaning forward, emptied out the remains of the t'bac into the waste recepticle on the bar. "Nothing like other people's business to get a man like me interested, though. Especially if the result of that's messing up a good evening's smoke." Calven brought the fresh beaker to his lips and snapped his head back sharply, emptying the vessel and basking in the warm rush of the lum as it hit the back of his gullet. Don't make 'em like they used to, though, do they?. He brought the glass back to meet the metallic surface with a <clack> and smiled to himself. "Let's see what's up here, shall we?" He took a few steps toward the exit the musicians had taken, before looking back towards the trio with a nod to the door.

Voidrunner's Codex

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