• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Star Wars: Rebels with Style Part I


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Deurr sat back on his chair, fingers crossed and listened to the others. He was with them to blow things up, or more rarely fix other things. The others were more proficient making big plans and giving speeches.

The holo-projector bugged him. He had taken it apart and put together a dozen times yet it still didn't work. Damn humans. Couldn't build anything to last a five minutes. He frowned under his helmet, secure in the feeling that others couldn't read his face.

[sblock=OOC]Just building some background. I see Deurr as a kind of person who'd try to fix everything in the ship on his free time. He is more comfortable with machines than he is with other sentients :D[/sblock]

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Istara had been planning to shoot down the idea until she realized Kay was planning on playing the part of an heiress, rather than having her handle it.

"I like it. Do you want me as lady-in-waiting, financial factor, or technical consultant?" Istara says. "It's usually easy to confuse Imperials with high finance, as long as you can convince them that money is ending up in their pockets somehow."

"I think financial factor would be best. Lia can be my pilot and technical consultant." Kay says to Istara and then turns to Garrett. "First you must understand two things about Imperials Garrett. One is that they think we are all poor illeterate children playing at pirates with ships so old they are falling apart. To their minds rebels couldn't possibly afford to do things like commission new spacecraft. The second thing to remember is that they don't look too hard at things. People who stick their noses out tend to lose them, they are conditioned not to notice things."

"There are trillions of companies out there, heiresses wanting to spend their families' money are so common as to be completely innocuous. Remember that with the clientele that could afford to buy brand new starships like we are talking about discretion is part of the price. If Istara spends some time setting up data phantoms to associate a picture of me in costume with an already existing Imperial sympathizer they are going to take it at face value. Remember this isn't imperial intelligence that we are trying to fool here, this is a corporation whose business it is to build ships for wealthy clients, if they anger their clients the clients will go else where."


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"There are trillions of companies out there, heiresses wanting to spend their families' money are so common as to be completely innocuous. Remember that with the clientele that could afford to buy brand new starships like we are talking about discretion is part of the price."

"I suppose in the galaxy as a whole, that's true." Istara said. "But on any given world there aren't that many of us. And there are always the ones who don't have any intention of spending the family fortune on their personal amusement. Still, if you're playing the part of someone that does, I'm afraid I'm not the greatest model."


First Post
"We're on a major hyperlane in the Core," Lia answers Istara's concern. "I don't think such a cover story would be that unbelievable. After all, we're not that far from Coruscant, itself."


First Post
"Oh, I agree." Istara said. "It's just a matter of perception. On Anaxes -- which is a fairly short flip through hyperspace from Crouscant, and a fairly wealthy planet, all things considered -- I'm one of a very small number of people who could pull off the act we're proposing. But if you take the upper crust from every world in the Empire, it adds up."

Captain Droma had listened quietly to the discussion before eventually nodding, "Overall, it sounds like a good cover story. If necessary, we can attach some fake credit accounts and redirect them a couple of times to make it harder for anyone to figure out you aren't exactly who you say you are. I expect that would take less than a standard day, at most, which would at least be enough time to get you all establish on the planet if you can avoid those kind of questions immediately. Whatever happens, though, we'll be close enough that we can make a quick jump in-system and get you all out if it comes down to something that bad."

In the midst of the planning, Sara had kept mostly silent, just nodding as she listened. That was normal for her, though. She rarely seemed to say much beyond bickering with Sya. Amazingly, though, Sya remained quiet, too. Though she seemed to be lost in thought for a time, before the look had crossed her face she had crossed her arms and grumbled at the floor, "You did not rescue me. Nearly shot me..."

OOC:[sblock]Going to give another day or two for Yeoman to pop in...after that we'll go ahead and jump ahead a bit and get this moving.

Also, possum, when you leveled Lia did you do the HP? I've been rolling them for everyone...swing by the OCC thread to let me know.[/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Sniper 6)

Garret thoughtfully squeezes Sya's hand thinking that he understands the emotions that are playing through her concerned mind.

"I do not know if this will be ultimately useful, but I speak High Galactic and this might be useful while hobnobbing with the white-collar brown-nosing bantha herders.

I am also curious if I will be using standard issue armor and weapons or if I can use my gear. Perhaps, I should use standard issue gear as my custom gear might stand out more? Or perhaps just the armor and a standard issue rifle?

In the mean time I will be with some techs to see if I can get some holorecorder mods worked out that I have had a hankering to see if I can get done.

With that said he looks to Sya and, with his hand in hers, gently motions her to her feet and walks out with her to prepare for the upcoming mission and perhaps to talk a little...


First Post
"I do not know if this will be ultimately useful, but I speak High Galactic and this might be useful while hobnobbing with the white-collar brown-nosing bantha herders.

"Probably not. If we were trying to slip among academics or people with academic pretensions, it'd be useful -- that's why I know it, well, that and I'm pretty good with languages -- but it's not in general use even among the upper crust these days."
Istara says.

"I am also curious if I will be using standard issue armor and weapons or if I can use my gear. Perhaps, I should use standard issue gear as my custom gear might stand out more? Or perhaps just the armor and a standard issue rifle?

"You're going to want to look like someone hired by the very wealthy. So you want to look good, and professional. Get any dents knocked out that you'd normally leave alone, make sure everything is cleaned and polished. Custom equipment is good; it'll make it more convincing that whoever hired you has money."

There was only a short amount of time to prepare before the Nova Runner exited hyperspace in what could only have been described as the middle of no where. Thankfully, though, it was more than enough time to finish the preparations to the Vortex and to load the shuttle with a good deal of supplies, from food, to spare equipment, and eventually, once everyone had arrived, its command crew and personnel.

Before boarding the shuttle, a Mon Calamari crew member delivered a small datapad to you. According to him, it contained the times to comm the Runner (very late into Corulag's night and a small window during the middle of the day), basic information on the Imperial Academy there, what little information they had about Sienar's facility, and then something else. At first, it seemed odd to find a file on the datapad that looked to be simply a holo-image that one would keep of friends or family. There were three humans in the image, all wearing bright orange flight suits and not looking at whoever had taken the image. They seemed to be in a hangar of some kind, but no ships could be seen. Though the image itself was unremarkable, as were the three pilots, it was hard to shake the feeling that you'd seen it before, even if you couldn't place where or who they were.


But deeper in the file was an explanation of the holo. The three pilots were members of the Nova Runner's crew. They were not a part of the regular fighter squadron that was stationed aboard the ship, but part of a smaller squad of recon, Longprobe Y-Wing pilots. The report went on to explain that they were the pilots that Captain Droma had mentioned being lost on a recon mission to Corulag. It stated that, along with finding whatever the Empire was working on, the Captain wanted you to find out what happened to the three pilots, even if they were simply shot down and destroyed. You noted easily that it was stated as a personal request from the Captain rather than a direct order, and it seemed odd that he hadn't mentioned it before. That is, until you reached the small profiles for the three pilots and one of them had a bit of information that stuck out immediately.

The young woman was Pilot Officer Trin Droma. Her father was listed as Captain Valin Droma. There was nothing beyond the personnel files, though.

The hyperspace jump from deep space to Corulag only took twenty standard minutes. Amazingly enough, there were no in-cockpit arguments. There was an air of tension in the shuttle, and especially the cockpit, that likely was the reason for it. Alliance ships rarely moved this far into the Core. Coruscant, itself, was only a short jump away.

When the blue of hyperspace gave way to the black of realspace, this became immediately apparent. Corulag was there, a palm sized globe of blue and green with her star off to the shuttle's port side. Against Corulag, ships could be seen. The wedge shapes were easy to identify even without the assistance of sensors.

"Now the fun part..." Sya trailed off a moment to check some of the systems, then looked over her shoulder and said, "Probably have a minute or so before they pick us up. Time to decide where we're landing and what I'm telling the docking control."

Datapad Info:[sblock]Consider this page available to you thanks to the datapad information. Important things being less the history listed, and more the locations on the planet/cities/etc.



First Post
"Easy Sya, we aren't doing anything that hundreds of ships don't do every day. We're going to be landing in Curamelle, the capital city. Give the Space port control the history that goes with our new IFF transponder. When they ask the nature of our business tell them your carrying your employer's daughter to the Corulag so that she can comission a starship from Siener. If they press for a name hesitate a little and then tell them your is Rima Beria." Kay told the pilot, giving the identity that Istara and the other members of the team had worked to build up for her.

"If they ask for anything else that you don't know, stall for a minute and then put me on."

Voidrunner's Codex

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