Star Wars: The Acolyte starts June 4

Dire Bare

That's it! Steve!

The archangel Steve, beloved of Ao, grew jealous of the mortal humans, elves, dwarves, hobbits halflings, goliaths, orcs, dragonborn, aarakocra, goblins, tabaxi, and all the others . . . and so gathered a host of similarly peeved angels and rebelled against the celestial throne . . . . and after being cast down into the fires of Baator . . . or was it the Abyss . . . realized that getting to be king of Hell wasn't such a bad deal! Stylish outfits, the opportunity to corrupt those pesky mortals, what's not to love?

Or something like that.

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Blame 1980s Marvel comics for the whip lightsaber.
I won't! Sure that's where we first saw one, but that died in the fires of the great EU content annihilation.

The Vernestra Rwoh comics/books are what is to blame for bringing this completely dumb-even-by-Star-Wars-standards concept back, and possibly even getting it on screen.
Old legends was 20-30% or season 1 Trek levels.
That's an overestimate on "hit ratio" of the old EU, I'd say, it's more like maybe 10% were anything but awful in the old EU.

And hit ratio on the live action shows?

Mando S1: Hit
Mando S2: Disputed
Mando S3: Sucks
Boba Fett: Sucks
Obi-wan: Sucks
Ahsoka: Sucks
Andor: Literally the best Star Wars "thing" since the OT - but still only counts as "Hit"

So if we eliminate Mando S2 as disputed (some people thought it was better than S1, others that it was pretty bad), that gives Live Action SW TV currently a 33% hit rate on the basis of seasons, which, yeah, way better than the old EU, but still not good.


I won't! Sure that's where we first saw one, but that died in the fires of the great EU content annihilation.

The Vernestra Rwoh comics/books are what is to blame for bringing this completely dumb-even-by-Star-Wars-standards concept back, and possibly even getting it on screen.

That's an overestimate on "hit ratio" of the old EU, I'd say, it's more like maybe 10% were anything but awful in the old EU.

And hit ratio on the live action shows?

Mando S1: Hit
Mando S2: Disputed
Mando S3: Sucks
Boba Fett: Sucks
Obi-wan: Sucks
Ahsoka: Sucks
Andor: Literally the best Star Wars "thing" since the OT - but still only counts as "Hit"

So if we eliminate Mando S2 as disputed (some people thought it was better than S1, others that it was pretty bad), that gives Live Action SW TV currently a 33% hit rate on the basis of seasons, which, yeah, way better than the old EU, but still not good.

I wouldn't say Obi Wan and Ahsoka suck or season 3 of Mando.
That's more stuff like AotC, RoS and the animated clone wars imho.

I also include the animated stuff so Bad Batch, Clone Wars and Rebels would be thumbs up.

About 10% of old EU was 1 great most was kinda mediocre. The equivalent of animated clone wars movie is stuff like Crystal Star or Children of the Jedi.
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Ah. I misunderstood. I thought you were saying the traditional animation Cartoon Network shorts by Gendy Tartakovsky (of Samurai Jack fame) was bad.

No that 2008 cartoon movie. Worst official release everit's just several patched togather episodes of the show.

You can enjoy parts of TPM or AotC or switch your brain off for RoS and kinda enjoy its stupidity.

There's no redemption for that movie.

Mando S1: Hit
Mando S2: Disputed
Mando S3: Sucks
Boba Fett: Sucks
Obi-wan: Sucks
Ahsoka: Sucks
Andor: Literally the best Star Wars "thing" since the OT - but still only counts as "Hit"

All of Mando is fun. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are fun. Boba Fett was ok, but the final three episodes were great. Andor put me to sleep in half the episodes, it was so slow moving. People complain about shows not having enough episodes, but Andor was too long. It would have had a much better pace if it had been the normal 8 episodes, instead of 12. Way too much time spent in that tedious prison, all for a stupid payoff of watching a piece of the Death Star being installed. I don't care that it was the piece they were assembling, it was anti-climatic.

About 1/3 of Andor was great, and the other 2/3 was boring. Ahsoka was slow and predictable, Mandalorian season 3 was fine, if viewed as The Clone Wars: The Next Generation. I suspect some stuff originally originally planned for the canned Rangers series went in there. Obi-Wan and Boba Fett were entertaining enough. I mean, Star Wars is only meant to be entertaining, not High Art. So long as it has lots of blaster fire and exploding spaceships it's doing exactly what it's meant to do.

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