Star Wars: The Acolyte starts June 4


So re-watching sime stuff about Jedi knowing about Sith.

1. Ki Amundi is wrong about the Sith. The council doesn't know after Obis master reports it in TPM. Yoda doesn't contradict this.

2. Yoda not only knows something but he knows about the rule of two. His decides lived long enough he could be the last Jedi left who knows something.

3 In the clone wars he knows of Darth Bane while talking to his spirit.

So depending on execution a few Jedi learning of the Sith doesn't contradict canon espicially if that knowledge is buried.

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So re-watching sime stuff about Jedi knowing about Sith.

1. Ki Amundi is wrong about the Sith. The council doesn't know after Obis master reports it in TPM. Yoda doesn't contradict this.

2. Yoda not only knows something but he knows about the rule of two. His decides lived long enough he could be the last Jedi left who knows something.

3 In the clone wars he knows of Darth Bane while talking to his spirit.

So depending on execution a few Jedi learning of the Sith doesn't contradict canon espicially if that knowledge is buried.
The jedi have a history of keeping knowledge hidden from their own order anyway. It's not as if one jedi knowing something is the same as all jedi knowing something. Then there is choosing not to believe something, irrespective of the evidence.


The jedi have a history of keeping knowledge hidden from their own order anyway. It's not as if one jedi knowing something is the same as all jedi knowing something. Then there is choosing not to believe something, irrespective of the evidence.

Yup. As always execution will matter. It's not a major problem as such by itself.

If only a few knew and Yodas the last one left no problem.


I see that it has only several half-hour episodes. I was thinking that it was going to be more a drama and not a comedy show.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
There must be some wild discussions inside the Star Wars offices over which Star Wars silliness is canon and which isn't.
I want to ask how this website managed to miss the fact that the sequel trilogy had an entire species of aliens who are primarily named after Beastie Boys songs. You gonna put Biggs Darklighter on the spot but leave out Slowen Lo and Brasmon Kee?


This is about how long the Andor episodes would be if the boring filler parts were cut from each episode.

I liked Andor BUT. Was really slow early on. Liked it less than the internet but liked Obi Wan more (it's not great) and Ahsoka as well.

Ymmv of course.

I'm going tobrewatch Mando 1-3, and Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Andor. See how things hold up.b

Voidrunner's Codex

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