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Star Wars: Wrong place at the wrong time: OOC


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I think you might have missed what I was trying to say. The non-hero classes don't make sense for player characters. What they did before being a "hero" can be reflected in skill point allocation. We won't be an effect CR 4 even though we'll have 4 levels. We will each be a CR of 3, from 2 non-hero class levels(make a CR1) and 2 hero class levels(CR 2, making a total CR 3).
Jedi aren't that wrong as far as power. Sure it is possible to munchkinize them, but someone who goes around throwing Force Lightning and Force Grips accumulates Dark side points. Eventually these take a toll on his physica being, imposing minuses to the 3 physical stats. Not only that, but eventually he'll come up against someone who will be more powerful than he is, and probably kill him. If a jedi is throwing his weight around, it's up to the DM to deal with it and counteract said problem. The only way a character runs around ruining the game, is if he goes unchecked by the DM

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What I think Candide and RobotRobotI were trying to say (and guys, please forgive me if I'm wrong) wasn't that they wanted more power for their characters (as in the addition of extra starting hero levels) but rather that they would prefer to role-play their characters as 1st level heroes rather than adding a few "regular" levels which don't accurately reflect their characters' backgrounds. Having two extra NPC levels, in my opinion at least, represents several years of dedicated education, job experience and growth in a particular field as Pate Pot Pete said:

commonor levels represent what you did before becomeing a hero some examples are; local malita soldier (Thug), functionary (diplomat), mechanic (expert), for the Jedi it represents other skills you've learned.

The backgrounds that have been submitted so far don't seem to include that kind of a 'I used to be a ***** before the war started' concept so I think they feel that a part of their characters would be compromised by the addition of extra class levels that don't really mesh with their concepts. So instead of trying to limit PC power-gaming by adding NPCs levels, why not just start as fresh 1st level heroes? Just my take on it though.

That being said, Depra II, the Guoot and recent invasion sound cool so I'd just really like to get to playing as soon as possible. I hope to read more from you guys soon. :D

Pate Pot Pete, any idea when you'd like to start and how often you intend to post?

Pate Pot Pete

First Post
I've been lisining to your feedback and have desided that you're correct, about the NPC levels. So I'm going to make it 3rd level heroic game. The anti-jediness is my problem brought on by a jack-@$$ powergamer who maxed out his move object and has convinced the GM that this allows him to move people, which is true. The problem is that he's using this to drop his enamies over cliffs, into walls, and etc, etc. And that's just the tail of his power-gaming. Sorry for the rant. I'll try to post as often as I can. So lets see some stats.


Well, I for one can garantee that I won't be abusing any force powers. ;)

Pate Pot Pete, could you let me know how I can contact you so that we can discuss the stats for the LE repair droid? If you have the chance, could you also check my earlier posts and please answer my questions so I can get rolling? Thanks. :)
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Pate Pot Pete

First Post
I can be reached at Motol11@aol.com Also feel free to make the nessesary changes. Also for equitment, you only ned to list specificly important stuff, I will assume that you have cloths, comlinks, food, etc. etc., etc. unless you say otherwise.
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Data File Image

R-LE-1 "Arley"
Expert 1 / Tech Specialist 2 / Scoundrel 1

Cybot Galactica LE Series
Medium walking 2º repair droid

LE Design Specs
Height: 1.7 meters

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 8 (-1)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 19 (+4) [+1, 4th level ability increase]
Wis: 13 (+1)
Chr: 14 (+2)

Vitality Dice: 3d6+3
Wound Points: 12
Vitality Points: 12
Force Points: ––
Reputation Bonus: +0
Defense: 12 (+3 Class, -1 Dex)
Damage Reduction: 3 (Light Armor)
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 10 m

Fortitude +1 [+0 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +2 [+3 base, -1 Dex]
Will +2 [+1 base, +1 Wis]

BAB: +1
Melee Attack:
+2 melee (1d3+1, hand) or
+2 melee (1d8+1, cutting torch) or
+2 melee touch attack (2d6 to mechanicals/stun organics, electroshock probe)
Ranged Attack:
+0 (3d8, 8 m, heavy blaster)
Face/Reach: 2 m by 2 m/2 m

Special Class Abilities: Research, Illicit Barter

Astrogate +11 [6+1 ranks, +4 Int]
Computer Use +16 [4+3 ranks, +4 Int, +2 Aptitude, +3 Equipment]
Disable Device +11 [6+1 ranks, +4 Int]
Gather Information +9 [+7 ranks, +2 Chr]
Knowledge (engineering) +10 [6 ranks, +4 Int]
Knowledge (technology) +10 [6 ranks, +4 Int]
Listen +3 [+1 Wis, +2 Equipment]
Pilot +5 [4+2 ranks, -1 Dex]
Profession (administrator) +7 [6 ranks, +1 Wis]
Repair +16 [6+1 ranks, +4 Int, +3 Competence, +2 Aptitude]
Search +10 [4 ranks, +4 Int, +2 Equipment]
Spot +8 [5 ranks, +1 Wis, +2 Equipment]
-3 armor check penalty to Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump,
Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Swim and Tumble skill checks. -1 penalty to Entertain, Gamble and Ride

Armor Proficiency (light)
Skill Emphasis (repair)
Starship Operations (space transports)
Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons)
Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols)

* Reprogrammable skills/feats

Languages: Speak/Read/Write Basic, Speak/Read/Write Binary, Speak Durese, Speak Mon Calamarian, Speak Quarranese

Stock Accessories

heuristic processor
light armor
recording unit (halo)
sensors (telescopic vision)
translator unit (DC 15).
Supplemental Accessories
electroshock probe – 1 kg; 400 c. [concealed in left wrist 1 kg internal storage compartment]
internal storage – 500 c. [concealed 7 kg compartment in chest, 1 kg in each leg, 1 kg in left wrist]
locked access – 0.5 kg; 50 c.
rust inhibitor – 0 kg; 40 c.
sensors (improved sensor package) – 2.5 kg; 200 c. [mounted on head]
sensors (infrared vision) – 1.5 kg; 150 c. [mounted on head]
telescopic apendage – 2 kg; 25 c. [mounted on left forearm]
welding laser/cutting torch & tool mount – 1.7 kg; 310 c. [mounted on right forearm]
Carried Equipment
all temperature cloak – 1.5 kg; 100 c. [worn]
blaster, heavy – 1.3 kg; 750 c. [concealed in chest storage compartment]
power packs x3 – 0.3 kg; 75 c. [concealed in chest storage compartment]
security kit – 1 kg; 750 c. [concealed in left leg 1 kg internal storage compartment]
tool kit (extreme) – 1 kg; 1000 c. [concealed in right leg 1 kg internal storage compartment]

Credits: 650

Although R-LE-1 has undergone at least two memory wipes during its operational lifetime, this curious droid has conducted extensive searches of corporate databases in an effort to rediscover its past. It would appear that it was originally constructed and activated in the Cybot Galactica droid manufacturing plant on Telti. It, along with its LE series lot-mates, were sold on consignment to the Offworld Mining Company who were hoping to cut their interplanetary ore-shipping costs by forming their own dedicated ore-hauling fleet. It was believed that the LEs would help their freighter captains by improving ship efficiency, cutting repair costs and speeding up docking and departure procedures. R-LE-1 served Captain Catlo, a Duros, for over two decades aboard the Mother Lode III. Unfortunately, unexpected fluctuations in the galactic ore market eventually made the fleet more expensive to operate than subcontracting their ore hauling to independent cargo-transport companies and the fleet, along with its other properties, were liquidated.

Subsequently, R-LE-1 received a memory wipe and was sold at auction to an independent freighter captain named Sekkor. Sekkor, a Quarren, owned and operated the Free Lance, a Mobquet Medium Cargo Hauler, which he used to transport Nergon 14 for the Depra II mining corporation. Nergon 14, being a volatile and extremely valuable substance, was very carefully monitored by the authorities when loaded and unloaded from freighters to ensure every ounce was accounted for. Sekkor sought a means by which he could falsify shipping logs to glean some of the precious material for his own needs. So along with its usual shipboard duties, "Arley", as Sekkor called his newest acquisition, was tasked with the breaching of the security seals of the cargo containers of Nergon 14 and the falsifying of shipboard transport logs. Sekkor began to sell small quantities of refined Nergon 14 on the black market to underground weapon manufacturers.

Arley helped Sekkor slowly amass a significant fortune, some of which the ambitious Quarran used to upgrade his droid by purchasing smaller, refined components; thus freeing some space in Arley's chassis for the addition of some unregistered components as well as a secret storage compartment. This compartment was often used to hold small quantities of refined Nergon 14 which Arley would then carry past customs and security personnel for delivery to Sekkor's clients. Arley was returning from just such a delivery when the Separatist army launched its initial attack on Depra II. Arley watched the Free Lance rise from its docking platform as Sekkor desperately tried to evade the invasion force, only to be blown out of the sky by the Separatist ships who were attempting to secure the space-port.

Since then, Arley has found itself alone in the city, afraid of being either destroyed outright or captured and memory wiped by the Separatist forces. He's been hiding in destroyed buildings and back alleys, listening to the Separatists' communication frequencies on his Comlink and trying to dodge the occupying forces' patrols. It's uncertain of what to do next, but has grown oddly pleased with it's newfound freedom. Consequently, it has made the required modifications to secure its shutdown switch to prevent itself from being deactivated and memory wiped.

Droid Quirk: Obsessive
(+3 equipment bonus on Computer Use checks, -1 penalty to Entertain, Gamble and Ride)
Having been surrounded by technology during its existence and itself being a product of technology, Arley has developed the notion that technology is the key to galactic civilization. Without it, organics would remain planet bound, isolated and primitive. The hidden key to technology is computer code; it is the highest expression of order, the language of existence, a virtual law-of-nature. To understand it is to become enlightened. In contrast, Arley has little interest in frivolous pursuits, in leaving things to chance or in non-sentient forms of life.
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First Post
Ambrus, he said it would be a 3rd level game. Your expert level doesn't need to exist. You can be 3 levels of Tech Specialist. Unless you have reason to take a level in expert. I don't know if that's a droid thing or not.

And now without further ado:

Zar'fan Lokinne, Jedi Guardian1/Scoundrel2

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 150
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Age: 21

Str: 10 (2 points)
Dex: 14 +2 (6 points)
Con: 10 (2 points)
Int: 16 +3 (10 points)
Wis: 8 -1 (0 points)
Cha: 14 +2 (6 points)

Class and Racial Abilties:
Jedi Guardian:
-Deflect (Defense +1)

Illicit Barter: +5 to diplomacy to buy/sell illicit goods/services
Lucky 1/day

Reputation: +2

Hit Dice: 1d10 + 2d6
HP: 14
Def: 15 (10base +2dex +3class)
Init: +2
Speed: 10 meters
Armor Check Penalty: 0

Fortitude +2 (2base +0con)
Reflex +7 (5base +2dex)
Willpower +0 (1base -1wis)

BAB: +2
Melee Atk: +2
Ranged Atk: +4

Astrogate +11 [6 ranks, +3 Int, +2aptitude]
Bluff +8 [6 ranks, +2 Cha]
Computer Use +6 [3 ranks, +3 Int]
Gamble +2 [3 ranks, -1wis]
Hide +5 [3 ranks +2dex]
Intimidate +8 [6 ranks, +2 Cha]
Knowledge (underworld) +8 [5 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (jedi lore) +4 [1 ranks, +3 Int]
Listen +2 [3 ranks, -1wis]
Move Silently +5 [3ranks +2dex]
Pilot +10 [6 ranks, +2 Dex +2aptitude]
Repair +6 [3 ranks, +3 Int]
Spot +2 [3 ranks, -1wis]
Affect Mind +6 [4 ranks, +2 Cha]
Force Grip +5 [2 ranks, +3 Int]
Force Lightning +5 [2 ranks, +3 Int]

Read/Write: Basic, Huttese
Speak: Basic, Durese, Rodese, Dug, Huttese, Speak Cerean, Speak Jawa Trade, Speak Mon Calamarian

-Force Sensitive
-Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber)
-Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons)
-Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols)
Power Attack
Starship Operations(space transport)



Appearance: A human stands just over 2 meters. His body is average looking as far as muscle goes, but he is quite handsome. His face/eyes show the brashness of youth and a earning to prove himself. He walks a line between the darkside and light, and has trouble finding that line. He's slowly falling farther away from the ideal of a Jedi. Too much unresolved anger sits inside him, always barely under the surface. However, he seems to hide a lot of it fairly well. Alcohol has proven effective once or twice for releaving his problems, but he is not an addict.

Zar'fin is a typical ne'er do well scoundrel. He gambles, steals, lies, does what he wants. However, the force is strong with this one. He believes in finding his own way, not dictated by someone else. There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Zar'fin way.

Zar'fan Lokinne was born on Coruscant to a pair of noble parents, one a senator the other a diplomat. He didn't want to do the same things that they wanted for him. He didn't want the prescribed life that had been layed out for him since birth. His parents thought he needed structure, so he was sent to a military academy. He was passed though he intentionally tried to fail the entrance exams. This was thanks due to a fair sized donation from his parents. His life was still planned out. There was no freedom in it. Eventually he ran away, vowing never to return there on his own volition. He had some money in his equipment, and snuck out of the compound.

He was on the lamb for awhile. A day or so after his break, he successfully negotiated passage back to Coruscant. He'd get some of his stuff and find a way in the galaxy. Upon his return, he was greeted by his father. Not listening to his sons' plees, arguments were started. Zar'fan said that he'd rather be off on his own. His father released him from any dealings with the family. He was disowned.

That was 8 years ago. Since then Zar'fan was discovered by a Jedi named Dorn Farrin. Farrin accepted Zar'fin as a padawan learner. Now Zar'fan is a Jedi Knight. He has strayed from his training that Master Dorn instilled in him. Zar'fan believes that structure holds someone back from true potential. Zar'fan's outlook on things is not exactly stellar. He throws himself into combat, as if to give his own life meaning. Anger rests in his heart. Anger at his parents mostly. But anger at those who have tried to dictate how his life is to be run. Deep down, fear is the motivation of his anger. Fear that he cannot make his own way in the galaxy. Fear that he'll make the wrong choices and fail
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