Starfinder STARFINDER Miniature Starships Peek

Remember I mentioned a line of Starfinder prepainted plastic miniatures from Ninja Division? Well, here's a quick peak at them, straight from GAMA. These are not final. Ninja Division will also be producing minis for Starfinder characters, as well as starships.

Remember I mentioned a line of Starfinder prepainted plastic miniatures from Ninja Division? Well, here's a quick peak at them, straight from GAMA. These are not final. Ninja Division will also be producing minis for Starfinder characters, as well as starships.



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First Post
I do not want a bone fleet or Warhammer 40k style gothic-cathedral ships.

Just give me some ships better suited to a space opera. Like the ones they already showed in the concept art! What happened to those?

Taavon Farwise

First Post
Starship minis?! I've always loved having mini's for my games & would be happy to trade rpg minis for some syfy themed ones. I have a LOT of PC minis for pathfinder, courtesy of various Wizards of the Coast collections. Here's a listing off of ebay for starship minis of all kinds. Most of them are from starwars but if you're looking for any starships at all, it's a good place to start w/o breaking your wallet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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