[Stargate SG-1 RPG] Part III - The Enemy of my Friend . . .


I aim to misbehave
Interlude III

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
12 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah had to run through the large central courtyard to get to what he thought was the governmental building. Passing the large statue in the middle of the square, Jeremiah noted that it was of a biped, mostly humanoid. The humanoid was heavily muscled and had many human features . . . though there was something odd about it. Either the sculptor was particularly bad . . . or the humanoid had thick broken skin, no ears, and extra skin covered the nose and eyes. Hair was apparent on the head and most exposed area but didn’t hide the broken skin. Clothing was sparse - a one piece covering its chest and pelvis. It appeared to be gesturing skyward with one six fingered hand with the other palm up and outstretched. The outstretch hand had nothing in it . . . and was also twenty feet off of the ground.

The ‘governmental’ building had stairs leading up to the entrance. Jeremiah needed almost two steps for every actual step of the incline. A large archway stood open leading into what appeared to be a large reception area within the building itself. Two stone arched stairway lead both up and down from the reception area. Heavy furs covered many areas along the walls of the reception area. Another statue was in the center of the reception area, again of the same or similar person to that within the central courtyard.

This statue had its arms outstretched, its palms at its eye level and facing outward to the entrance.

OOC: Grayson

Stargate_Com now playing Jeremiah Grayson said:
Moving up the stairs with speed and caution, Jeremiah felt a renewed hope in military aide. The sheer size of both the steps and statue could suggest that the natives were of great size and strength, a military advantage regardless of technology. This was just a theory, but the thought gave him hope once again.

'Gee...I hope these guys are friendly,' Jeremiah thought.

Entering the building, he was again amazed by the sheer size of this reception area. Yet, his awe faded to frustration as he once again found no signs of a written language.

'Still nothing! Maybe, I made the wrong choice. Maybe, they made the wrong choice. I was not meant for this team. I was perfectly happy on the reservation, yet I gave it all up. I gave it all up for this...'

His feelings of doubt continued to sweep over him as he stood there probing his mind for an answer...a way out. He remembered the file on Ra, and how he had forbidden all writing on the planet. Could that be the case? The facts seemed to fit as the statue outside seemed to be paying homage to the gods. As far as he knew, this very building could be a temple in their honor. It did fit. Well, if this was true, there would be no military help from the natives, at least, not initially. At any rate, he needed to find help for his friends.

Jeremiah continued his musing, 'Well, I guess we head up. Maybe, a bird's eye view will help me get a better perspective.'

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
13 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah felt more confident about the size of the missing inhabitants of the stone town. Based on the archways and stairs, the inhabitants could be around seven to eight feet tall and quite strong.

As Jeremiah crossed the reception area to take one of the set of stairs upward, he noticed what could have been a plaque on the bottom of the statue in the center. Hammered metal plaque in fact . . . the first metal he had seen in the entire town thus far.

OOC: Grayson
Stargate_Com now playing Jeremiah Grayson said:
Estimating their size at seven to eight feet, Jeremiah felt more and more confident about military support.
'Yet, what happened to all of them? Were they killed? Had they run? The town didn't look like it had been through a battle, but who knew what weapons an alien race would use. Maybe, they were all gathered at some sacred place...a temple or something. All the more reason to head to the roof for a look around,' Jeremiah thought.
As he was heading up the stairs, Jeremiah caught a spark of light off of the base of the statue. It looked like some sort of plague.
Excitement takes over Jeremiah as he hopes for his new language rise once again.
'Finally, a label. Something I can translate.'
Falling down to his knees, he frantically wipes of the plaque with his sleeve.

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I aim to misbehave
Final Interlude

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
16 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah wiped the Brass plaque with the sleeve of his camo fatigues. The form was obviously runic in nature, perhaps a dialect of ancient gaelic or norwegian. As Jeremiah knelt before the statue working on the plaque and trying to decipher the text, he felt a chill pass over him. The hackles on his neck rose and he had the strangest sensation that he was being watched.

His mind, distracted by the feeling, worked unimpeded and Jeremiah was successful in translating the Script**

"Place Your Fate in Our Hands and Accept the Judgment of the Giants"

OOC: Grayson

**Used one action die of Jeremiah's (two remaining) for a Xeno-Languages check based off of Jeremiah's Gaelic language skill (+2 to Xeno-Languages check (synergy) + 4 Intelligence + 7 from Action die + roll of 16 for a total of 29. Made it by 4!!)

Stargate_Com now playing Jeremiah Grayson said:
Dusting off the plaque, Jeremiah tried not to get his hopes up. Yet once he saw words, there was no holding back the excitement. Frantically, he continued cleaning of the dust.

'Words! Familiar words! It looks like some form of ancient Gaelic or Norwegian.'Reading the plaque out loud, Jeremiah must sound out every word as he worked on the translation in his head.

'Place...Your...Fate...in Our...Hands and...Accept the...Judgment of the...Giants'

His words are followed by a soft creak from behind. The hairs on his neck rise.

'Was someone watching him? There is no way it could be one of the giants.'

In his travels, he had worked with many hunters. And though he would not consider himself and expert, he was finding it hard to believe that an eight foot giant had snuck up on him.

'Boy, if anyone in the Scottish Highland found out about this, he would be the laughing stock of the mountain.' Fear came over him as he thought of the consequences for every possible action. Left with no choice, he calls out to his mystery guest.

(In the Giant's language) "I Place my Fate in your Hands..."


Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
18 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah Grayson said:
(In the Giant's language) "I Place my Fate in your Hands..."

For several moments, Jeremiah waited for something to happen . . . nothing did. He felt a cool breeze from somewhere . . but there were no open arches nearby. Well, no surprise that the place would be drafty with all of the stone. Not surprising because, except for the heavy pelts covering the doors, Jeremiah hadn't seem anything else organic, living or not.

Still he waited and . . . nothing. Finally, Jeremiah stood up in front of the statue and almost bumped his head on the outstretched arms of the statue - arms out with the palms upraised . . . and within reach.

OOC: Grayson

Stargate_Com now playing Jeremiah Grayson said:
Both fear and excitement rushed over him as he waited through the silence. Jeremiah hated to surrender so easily, but he had no time to waste. Besides, he was no warrior.

'What chance would I have against a giant?'

It seemed like an eternity since he had spoken, yet still nothing.

'Maybe, it was nothing. I mean...a place this drafty is bound to have some creaks in it. It was probably just the wind,' Jeremiah thought.

Gathering up his strength, he glanced back over his shoulder to find...nothing. Generally relieved, Jeremiah could not help but feel a little disappointed. He would of gladly risked a fight for the chance to study a new language.

'Well maybe, I will have better luck upstairs. At least, I wasn't snuck up on by a giant.'

Rising to his feet, Jeremiah narrowly misses bumping his head on the statue's hand. That is when it hits him.

(In English) "Place Your Fate in Our Hands..."
The idea seemed crazy, yet he couldn't seem to dismiss it. After all, ancient Egyptians often put secret passages and doorway in their tombs. He didn't recall any incidents of this in Gaelic or Norwegian architecture, but this was a different world. Besides, he still could not shake the feeling of being watched. Placing his hands in the statue's hands, he pulled down.

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
19 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah said:
(In English) "Place Your Fate in Our Hands..."

As Jeremiah placed his hands on the statue’s hands, he felt a tingling and a beam of light covered him, temporarily blinding him. With a triple sound of air rapidly passing over him, the tingling suffused his body. After three more such sounds, the light disappeared.

After a moment of rapid blinking Jeremiah’s vision returned. Before him was an eight foot tall humanoid, skin pale and thick. The creature wore a fur loin cloth for its only clothes and a brass torc on its arm. It’s right hand had a metal device on it, finger tips encased in the metal, bands connecting in the palm and around the wrist, a crystal in the center of the palm.

“Greetings, mortal,” the creature spoke in Gaelic. His voice was deep and sonorous, “I am Medraut, I have been expecting you . . . though I expected more little ones like you.”

The room had glistening rough walls of a rounded room with two tunnels leading out of the room. There were no windows and the light for the room appeared to be coming from all around.

OOC: Grayson


Stargate_Com now playing Jeremiah Grayson said:
Jeremiah's doubts disappeared as an odd tingling ran down his arms and over his body. There was little time for fear though as the tingling was followed by a flash of blinding light. As his eyes struggle to recover, he noticed that the statue was gone. In fact, the floor even felt different.

'I'm in a different room!'

Before he can take in the reality of his situation, the outline of a giant begins to come into focus. Fear and cautious told him to take a step back, yet his disorientation caused him to stumble.

"(In English)Who?... (In Gaelic) Who's there?" Jeremiah asked.

"Greetings, mortal, I am Medraut, I have been expecting you . . . though I expected more little ones like you.

Hearing the alien tongue brought a smile to Jeremiah's face. All the doubts he had carried through the stargate vanished with that one sentence.

'There is a giant standing in front of me. Fur loin cloth...brass torc...it's the statue. Well, the live version.' Millions of questions ran through his head. . . . 'Is Gaelic your native language? Did you bring it to earth? What's with the Gould hand device? Expecting trouble?'

It took a moment for Jeremiah to realize that he had not yet given a response. Snapping out of his trace, his mind goes back to the team.

"(In Gaelic) Yes...they need your help," Jeremiah said.

End Interlude


I aim to misbehave
Two Story Building
P7X – 912
33.30 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Andreev said:
He lowered his P90, and spoke. "I surrender, and will accompany you to speak with your Master. However, please do not harm my companions. If it is only one of us you require, please apprehend only myself and allow my companions to go free."

The Jaffa who spoke tilted his head slightly at Andreev’s request, then spoke, “No Tauri, the only way your companions would not accompany you would be if they were dead. Leaving them on the surface would kill them as surely as if we shot them ourselves. Drop your useless weapons and stay where you are . . .”

With that several of the Jaffa, including the one who spoke, gathered close to Lucas, Lorelai, Rylee and Andreev – actually jostling them closer together. A beam of light enveloped the team and the Jaffa, rings appeared, and when the flash of light disappeared everyone was somewhere else.

The floor and walls were metal . . . and Egyptian hieroglyphics adorned the walls. Several Jaffa were already in the room the team had beamed into, in addition to the quartet of Jaffa that accompanied them. A window was in the room . . . it looked out over space . . . and a planet below.

Something was nagging at the back of Rylee’s mind . . . though she was struggling to come to terms with it. Moment passed and she hardly noticed the transfer of the team from the planet to orbit . . . then it dawned on her. Myrrdin was a Gaelic name . . . but what was it in reference to . . .

OOC: Fallon, Fisher, Ilianov, Nguyen


I aim to misbehave
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
19 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah Grayson said:
"(In Gaelic) Yes...they need your help," Jeremiah said.

"Yes . . . yes . . . they always do," Medraut replied in Gaelic, "but it is not safe to travel on the surface at the moment. I'm certain you have questions of me . . . and you must be thirsty and weary from your journey. Come, I will tell you what I can."

With that, the giant turned from Jeremiah and began lumbering down one of the glistening corridors leading away from where Jeremiah arrived. When the giant turned, deep marks were etched into his hide on his back. The look of the dozens of long, deep grooves almost seemed to be lashes, as from a whip.

OOC: Jeremiah

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Not in Kansas Anymore...
P7X – 912
33.30 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Myrrdin? Rylee remained silent as they were herded into one compact group, as she was searching her memory for the meaning of the name Myrrdin, and what it could be in reference to. She blinked at the flash of light, and when her vision cleared, the first thing she was was the spectacular view of the planet below. They were in space. She bit her lower lip, looking out at the black expanse before her, before going back to the puzzle at hand. After all, thinking about that was much preferable to thinking about other things... like, for instance, the fact that they were now in a metal box, hundreds of kilometers away from anything resembling solid ground.

kid A

First Post
Andreev Ilianov

Not in Kansas Anymore...
P7X – 912
33.30 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

The floor and walls were metal . . . and Egyptian hieroglyphics adorned the walls. Several Jaffa were already in the room the team had beamed into, in addition to the quartet of Jaffa that accompanied them. A window was in the room . . . it looked out over space . . . and a planet below.

He had finally made it! As if by instinct, the first thing Andreev noticed after his eyes recovered from the bright flash was the view of space and the planet below. Presumably the planet they had just come from. Although he did not appreciate the method of their arrival, he still took a moment to take in the granduer and beauty of the sight before him.

When his attention returned to the room, he noticed that they had been almost herded together in a small configuration. In fact, it merely seemed they were brought closer together for transport, without any seeming concern for their weapons. He took the opportunity to sling his P90, but felt a slight comfort when his arm brushed past his revolver in it's underarm sling. If they did take their visible weapons, he hoped that they did not search the party too thoroughly...


First Post
"Yes . . . yes . . . they always do," Medraut replied in Gaelic, "but it is not safe to travel on the surface at the moment. I'm certain you have questions of me . . . and you must be thirsty and weary from your journey. Come, I will tell you what I can."

Jeremiah wanted to demand help, but he knew that he must choose his words carefully. He had no knowledge of their ways or culture. A demand may not only hurt their alliance, but assure no help for his friends. As he searched for the right words, Medraut turned revealing severe lashings across his back.

Cringing, Jeremiah muttered a single word in Gaelic, "Ouch."

What could have do this to such a powerful being? Was this the danger on the surface?

There was only one way to get any answers...follow him. Tagging along side the giant, Jeremiah thought of the giant's offer.

So many questions. I must remember them all...for later.

(In Gaelic) "How long before we can return to the surface? My friends are in real danger. It is quite urgent."


Two Story Building
P7X - 912
33.30 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Lucas flinched as the rings descended around the group, then his vision was obscured by a bright flash of light. Blinking to clear the blurred afterimages from his eyes, he slowly took in his surroundings.

Sh*t! He thought as he looked out of the window and down onto the planet below. He put a reassuring hand on Lorelai's shoulder, although he himself wasn't certain if it was to comfort Lorelai or himself. He looked over to Rylee and Andreev, disconcerted by their seemingly calm manner.

Am I the only one who's have a problem dealing with all this? He frowned gloomily. I can't cope with all this happening... it's just too much... He rubbed his hand across his eyes, squeezing them tightly shut to close off the many levels of culture shock being generated by the sight of the inside of the spaceship.


I aim to misbehave
Beneath the Cobblestone Town
P7X - 912
29 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

Medraut walked for some distance, a normal pace for much of the way, then limping slightly for the remaining thirty or forty feet. There was one corridor branch that was passed over and two rooms which were also ignored. The corridor ended in the room that Medraut entered – a room similar to the one Jeremiah appeared in – at least in size. In this room there were several chairs, a long table and raised dais with some liquid within (almost like an old fashioned stone well filled to the brim).

On the edge of the ‘well’ were several metal goblets of various size, many of the size to fit Medraut’s large grip as well as a few Jeremiah’s size.

“Help yourself,” Medraut offered, “within is fresh mountain water, cool clear and safe for you to drink.” To illustrate his point he grabbed a large goblet, dipped it in the ‘well’ and drank from it.

“As for your friends, you may go check on them whenever you wish. I cannot accompany you, there are those that are looking for me,” Medraut said gravely, “I dare not show my face.”

A large stone container was opened by Medraut with ease. From within he pulled a plastic packet similar to Jeremiah’s MRE’s.

“Sadly, I must apologize as my food is probably not much better than the fare you already have with you,” Medraut said. He sat heavily in one of the large chairs, which seemed to almost complain about the weight, but held.

“You friends may be a while . . . the increasing mass of the sun has distorted the travel times of the gate. Perhaps in an hour or more your friend will arrive,” Medraut finished.

OOC: Jeremiah


I aim to misbehave
Not in Kansas Anymore...
P7X – 912
34 minutes since arrival, June 3, 2003

After allowing several seconds for the team to become comfortable with their new surroundings, the Jaffa who had spoken earlier spoke again.

“Please hand over your weapons, they will be returned to you. I will not forcibly take them from you. However, it would be rude to appear before my Master so armed,” the Jaffa said, “and I don’t think you wish to start off on the wrong foot.”

The Jaffa did not have their weapons leveled at the team any longer.

OOC: (Currently Out of Combat) Fallon, Fisher, Ilianov, Nguyen

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