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[Stargate SG-1 RPG] Part III - The Enemy of my Friend . . .


The Stone Courtyard
P7X - 912
Almost two hours since arrival, June 3, 2003

"If we're looking at a week, how are we doing in the way of rations? Do we know if there are any water supplies on the way?" Lucas asked. He turned to Rylee.

"I suggest that we have one of us on point, and the other bringing up the rear of the group at all times. That way, if anyone slips up, we might be able to stop them from falling."

"Sir, do any of the rest of the group have any climbing experience?" He said as he looked back to Durant. "If we could have someone posted in the middle of the group, I think we'll have a lot of potential problems covered."

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First Post
"Climb?" Loralai thought to herself, though her expression read disgust and disbelief to anyone looking. The cat could climb but she could not. She'd spent her summers pouring over textbooks instead out outdoors like many of her childhood friends. The mear thought of clambering over dirty rocks sent a shudder though her slender frame. Of course part of that shudder was the collision of her distate with her intense desire to see more alien technology and that thought alone was enough to make her swallow the tart comments about climbing that leapt to mind...for now.
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Rogue Warrior
Lt. Commander Craig Durant

Lucas said:
"If we're looking at a week, how are we doing in the way of rations? Do we know if there are any water supplies on the way?" Lucas asked. He turned to Rylee.
"I suggest that we have one of us on point, and the other bringing up the rear of the group at all times. That way, if anyone slips up, we might be able to stop them from falling."
"Sir, do any of the rest of the group have any climbing experience?" He said as he looked back to Durant. "If we could have someone posted in the middle of the group, I think we'll have a lot of potential problems covered."
Durant stopped. He was rather pleased to see Lucas taking such an active interest in the orders he had given. It seemed Mr. Fisher was rather passionate about his area of expertise.

"Stewart's gong to check over our supplies and give us an idea how long our rations should last. Not too much we can do about it though. Donovan's checking weapons and ammo. If nothing else maybe we can find something to hunt and eat out there. And I would venture a guess that most of our group has no real climbing experience."

He listened as Fisher took charge and ran marching order past Rylee. Now this is what I'm talking about. No babysitting. People actually doing their jobs and letting me do mine. Before Durant walked away he commented. "You two work out the details and let us know what you come up with before we leave."
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I aim to misbehave
The Stone City Gates
Approximately 7:00pm alien time

Making a quick check of MRE supplies, Stewart did some quick math and reported in to Commander Durant. “Sir, looks like we’ve got about 5 days worth of MRE’s per person. I suppose we could stretch it out some, but I wouldn’t recommend it, especially if you’re talking about the level of exertion that we’ll be making per day,” Stewart said. “Looks like everyone got their canteens filled as well, though there’s only two canteens per person. Water might be an issue . . . .”

Donovan sauntered up at that time, “Weapon and ammo supplies look pretty good, commander, with only the high powered ammo in short supply. I redistributed the extra rounds, including the larger ammo, and everyone has a full clip with another clip on the side. The lieutenant here, Stewart, still needs a decent weapon, though the pickings are lean.”

The group continued their conversations, but began traveling to the edge of the stone town. Solid stone slab gate doors standing fifteen feet tall barred the exit out of the city. Each had to weigh well over a ton or more. Inspecting the area, Lucas found several stone ‘bars’ which looked to be able to be placed against the gate to protect against intruders . . . though they weren’t at this time . . . .

OOC: Time to get this adventure rolling full swing - thanks for keeping up!!


The Stone City Gates
Approximately 7:00pm alien time

"If there's any game to be had on this planet, we might be able to stretch the food a little further." Lucas suggested. "I'm rather reluctant to investigate the local flora as a potential food source unless absolutely necessary, however. I suspect my knowledge might be a bit... outdated on extra-terrestrial food..."

He looked around the gates with interest, pondering how they might open. Out of curiosity, he walked over to one and attempted to push it open.

kid A

First Post
Andreev Ilianov

The Stone City Gates
Approximately 7:00pm alien time

Originally posted by Lucas
"If there's any game to be had on this planet, we might be able to stretch the food a little further." Lucas suggested. "I'm rather reluctant to investigate the local flora as a potential food source unless absolutely necessary, however. I suspect my knowledge might be a bit... outdated on extra-terrestrial food..."

Walking and listening to the discussions, Andreev voiced a thought. "If I may interject... and this would be as a final resort only... but in many desert nations, locusts were used as a food source in dire situations. Perhaps it would be worth examining one of the large... insects we encountered earlier, to see if they could be ingested."
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I aim to misbehave
The Stone City Gates
Approximately 7:00pm alien time

Lucas said:
He looked around the gates with interest, pondering how they might open. Out of curiosity, he walked over to one and attempted to push it open.

As Lucas approached the gates, he noticed that the two stone gates were almost seemless in the middle. With a tentative push, Lucas tried the gate . . . and almost fell over at the ease of it. Both gates swung open and were almost weightless in their use. No hinges were apparent on the sides - though the gates extended into the sides of both walls of the town, and the hinges may have been hidden there.

A road lead beyond the now open gate, hard packed and flat, extending into the distance until bending out of sight around the first mountain. Mountainous terrian rose on each side of the road, bits of large fallen rock lay on th sides of the road.


Rogue Warrior
Lt. Commander Craig Durant

The Stone City Gates
Approximately 7:00pm alien time

After hearing the reports on their rations as well as possible ways to extend them, Durant called over to Donovan. "Well Luke, what's the verdict. Can we eat 'em?"

Durant saw Fisher heading for the doors as the others finished gathering up gear and bugs. "Stewart, you want to keep on eye on him. I'm sure he can handle a wild boar or something but who knows what else we're gonna run into around here."

Dark Nemesis

First Post
The Stone City Gates
Approximately 7:00pm alien time

Upon hearing what Lucas and Durant were talking about, Rylee made a face. She had eaten bugs before, but they were not her favorite food. It was so much preferable to cook an animal, or find wild roots and berries… though it might be a bit more difficult to find edible plants on a different planet. Still, she was willing to try, if it was the alternative to eating giant bugs.

Upon seeing Fisher heading toward the gates, she moves to catch up with him. If she and Lucas were dividing the duty of taking point, then she might as well start now. “Hey Fisher, wait up!”


I aim to misbehave
The Slight Shelter along the Trail
Approximately 8:30pm alien time

Durant said:
"Well Luke, what's the verdict. Can we eat 'em?"

Lucas looked up from his inspection of the alien insect with a slight questioning look to his face and eyes. "I wouldn't recommend it . . . the acids in this thing are rather nasty and seem to spread into the possible edible tissues on any cut or puncture."

Durant said:
Durant saw Fisher heading for the doors as the others finished gathering up gear and bugs. "Stewart, you want to keep on eye on him. I'm sure he can handle a wild boar or something but who knows what else we're gonna run into around here."

Stewart replied in the affirmative and hustled up to point with Fisher, "Wait up, there, scout. Let me get your back before you get too far ahead."

Moments later, Fallon hustled up to point as well, the two trading comments easily on the trail ahead. Before long, the group headed out of the city with Fisher, Fallon and Stewart on a staggered point, Nguyen and Grayson in the middle with Donovan, and Durant, Reed and Ilianov in the rear of the group.

Looking through the terrain for anything edible starts depressing and only gets worse. It appeared that the insect had picked the organic material clean from the sides of the mountains, there wasn’t a spot of greenery to be found.

A light camp is made after only an hour and a half on the trail. Between the two, Fallon and Fisher discover a slight recess along one of the mountains edges that seemed sheltered from direct view and offered some shelter from the elements. Watches are discussed and three teams of three are finalized for the scheduled watches from the evening.

OOC: Anything else pre-camp before I discuss the evening?

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