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Stat that movie!


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Regarding Willow, one should not forget Airk, Madmartigan´s buddy. I´d estimate him to be a Warrior (he seems to lack Madmartigan´s specialized training) with a decent Cha score. Level should be about 9 or so, for he gives Kael a pretty tough fight. Since he backstabs an enemy during the final battle, I´d also give him one rogue level. Result: Warrior 9/Rogue 1.

Edit: I think he was spelled "Airk", although it could just as good mean "Eric".
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MasterOfHeaven - My previous post was in reference to your recommendation on reading the book of The Princess Bride.

As far as Airk from Willow goes, I saw him as more of a supporting character than a main one. I'd lean toward Blackthorne's estimate of his level, putting most of his rogue skill points into Hide.

Fin Raziel does manage to get a few good hits in on Bavmorda, but let's not forget three things: Bavmorda has bested her before, Bavmorda has quite possibly expended a considerable number of spell slots before their confrontation (while Raziel was various non-spellcasting animals), and Bavmorda wins this time, too.

MasterOfHeaven is probably right on my conservative estimates of the character levels in Willow, though his example of the two-headed "dragon" is not the one I'd have chosen. It's obviously a two-headed pyrohydra, not a dragon, and consequently not quite the challenge it would seem. Plus, Madmartigan doesn't defeat it single-handedly, as I recall. Doesn't somebody else shoot an arrow into the thing's gullet, taking out one of the heads with a critical hit? I could be misremembering that one, possibly because of Madmartigan's use of the Disguise skill during that sequence.


First Post
It can't be a Pyrohydra. It's head doesn't grow back after it explodes. ;) Seriously, I think it's just a Willow Dragon, after all, it is a custom world. And the way it dies is Mad Martigan jumps on top of one of it's heads, impales his sword through it's brain and it's head explodes. The shock is apparently too much, as the Dragon then falls over and dies from the attack.

I agree Bavmorda is a higher level than Raziel. I'd say Bavmorda is a 17th-18th level Sorcerer, at least, considering her and Kaal basically took over the entire world with the exception of a few pockets of resistance like Ariks army, and I'd say turning an entire army into a bunch of pigs is at least a level 9 spell.

Raziel is probably a 12th-14th level Sorcerer, and only held her own somewhat against Bavmorda the second time they faced off because she had Shalindrias Wand.

To continue my criticisms ;), I'd also disagree about Xander. I'd say Xander has at least a few levels of Rogue. He must have a high Bluff skill, as he's seduced/attracted practically every female in the show with the exception of Buffy, who must have a damn high Sense Motive score.

He's also performed quite a few sneak attacks in my opinion, and he must also have a high Diplomacy score, considering he was the only one who could convince Willow to stop going nuts this last season. I'd say he even has Evasion. The key to remember for all of the main characters in Buffy is they can't take NPC classes, since they're the PCs and adventurers. And besides, Xander is far too cool and humorous to be a simple Warrior. ;)

Heh. Maybe _I_ should try to do a stat of a movie and have it ripped to shreds by others. ;)

In regards to Willow...

Considering the uses it was put to toward the end of the movie, I would have called Cherlindrea's Wand some form of Rod of Metamagic rather than a wand. Maybe transforming Fin Raziel back into human form required some form of Ritual, and Willow's (abysmally) low caster level was insufficient to get enough punch from the required spells, hence his need of the "Wand" to punch things up a bit.

Random aside, has anyone else read the "sequels" to Willow (Shadow series by Lucas and Claremont)? Interesting magic system going on there.

Neat thread, btw. I may have to try my hand at a couple movies in my collection this evening...


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Raiders of the Lost Ark


Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. - Indy is quite a mix of classes, though obviously Rogue is paramount among them. His emphasized Rogue skills include Move Silently, Search, Disable Device, Climb and Jump. He's probably a 2nd-level Lasher (from Sword and Fist), based on his extensive use of a bullwhip as both weapon and "Third Hand." That requires two feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip) and Weapon Focus (Whip). From knowledge gained in later films regarding his youth, we can guess that he obtained these two feats early on. He also has the Improved Unarmed Attack feat, though he's not a Monk by any stretch of the imagination (he's clearly not of a Lawful bent, for starters). In the final analysis, we'll place Indy at Expert 3/Rogue 8/Lasher 2. Additional feats probably include Toughness and Lightning Reflexes. High stats are likely Dexterity, Wisdom, and Constitution.

Marion Ravenwood - Marion is very resistant to Intimidation and Bluff attempts (even when threatened with torture), indicating a high Wisdom. She obviously has an extremely high Constitution (her alchohol tolerance alone would suggest this is her highest stat). Although attractive, Marion is a poor Bluffer, indicating an average Charisma. Finally, her Hide and Climb skills are very poor, betraying a below-average Dexterity. Marion is probably an Expert 2, emphasizing Appraise and Sense Motive. Feats include Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Frying Pan).

Rene Belloq - Though Indy's nemesis, it's clear that Belloq is a lover, not a fighter. His low Constitution nearly lets Marion escape by getting him drunk. His poor Wisdom is clearly responsible for his choise of allies and his inability to detect the Flamestrike/Chain Lightning trap on the Ark (which he probably couldn't have disarmed anyway). His Dexterity is likely pretty weak as well, as he miserably fails his Reflex save against the aforementioned trap. Belloq is a Rogue 5 and has most likely spent all his skill points on Bluff, Diplomacy, Spot (to notice workers digging in the wrong place) and Appraise. He also speaks several languages, but he has probably used his bonus languages to pick up Hovitos, English, and Arabic, in addition to his native French. High stats include Intelligence and Charisma.

"Toht" - Toht is not easily Bluffed, but he otherwise shows little in the way of high Wisdom. He more than likely simply has a high Sense Motive skill. His Constitution seems on the low side, as a small burn on the hand (1-3 points of damage, max) makes him cry like a baby. Likewise, he can't seem to take the heat of a Mediterranean summer, obviously suffering subdual damage on the trek to the Ark-opening site. Toht is a Rogue 4 with a lot of points in Intimidation, Sense Motive, and Gather Information.

Sallah - Sallah is a Bluffing master, as evidenced by his ability to convince the Germans time and again that he is a simple digger duped by Indy. Obviously a Rogue, Sallah is unhampered by his poor Dexterity, choosing instead to concentrate on the social skills. Diplomacy, Gather Information, Bluff, Perform and Hide are all well represented. Sallah's physique seems to indicate a rather low Constitution (though, judging by the number of children he has, his wife might well beg to differ), but his Strength is probably fairly high, allowing him to reasonably impersonate a professional digger. Rogue 6.

Highlights and Gaffes

Aside from an astounding number of failed Reflex saves among the villains, the film has few out-and-out rules gaffes. It stretches credibility a bit to believe the Germans don't have the forsight to hire a Rogue capable of detecting and disarming the trap on the Ark, but, since the Ark is an Artifact, it's possible that it is simply not disarmable.

Indy makes an amazing number of Reflex saves throughout the film, particularly in the opening sequence in South America. Aspiring Rogues should watch these scenes carefully. They should also note the potential perils of failing a Disable Device roll (the old "bag of sand switcheroo" almost qualifies as a critical failure).

Belloq must have the "Trustworthy" feat from Song and Silence (and then some), as his Bluff skill is high enough to sneak an entire company of German soldiers into British-controlled Egypt in 1936.
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Alright, I'll try to do a movie or two that hasn't been done yet right here.


Bowen: Ex-Paladin 10/Fighter 10/ Knight Protector Of The Great Kingdom 10.

Why such high levels? Well, the guy goes around soloing Dragons, and is pretty much the best Dragon Hunter in the business. He nearly beats Draco one handed. He's a bitterly jaded guy who used to believe in the ideals of honor, justice and righteousness to the utmost extent (Paladin levels), and loved his kingdom like King Arthur loved Camelot (Knight Protector).

He took the fighter levels when he started hunting Dragons, and learned all those exotic weapons during that time. Maybe there's a unique Dragon Hunter PrC in the Dragonheart world, but really I'd say Bowen is simply an Epic level Fighter type.

Draco: Great Wyrm Green Dragon, Fighter 6/Paladin 5.

He's the last surviving Dragon, and takes out several Dragonhunters all by himself, seems like the toughest Dragon out there, and even defeats Bowen (Fighter levels). He's a very spiritual guy, and is even willing to sacrifice his own life for the greater good. (Paladin levels.)

Ainin (sp?): Rogue 20/ Fighter 10/Dragonheart Template.

High levels because he beats Bowen. Manages to fool Bowen, and even Draco into thinking he's redeemable/a good guy, and knows how to break rebels into pitiful serfs in no time. Beats Bowen twice the two times they fight each other, only "losing" the second fight by falling off the scaffolding. Clearly likes sneak attacking. Taught by Bowen how to fight, so definitely Fighter levels instead of Assassin or some such.

Kara: Commoner 4/ Fighter 10.

She doesn't really do much, and basically just tries to convince Bowen to help free everyone. She does learn how to fight pretty well by the end, though, and takes out Brock and a few soldiers in the end. Definitely nowhere near Bowens or Ainins power level, however.

Brother Gilbert: Cleric 16?

Not really sure. Fantastic with a bow, but a Monk, believes in non violence, and manages to take out Ainin with one shot. I'd say Ainin was damaged from the melee though (D&D HP not being actual wounds according to my interpetation, of course), though given the one hit kills that so often occur in the world, maybe the DM for Dragonheart is using instant kill criticals, or the 20-20 instant kill rule.

Well, that's what I think, so feel free to point out any errors you think I made. ;) Maybe I'll do X-Men next, this is actually quite fun. :)
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First Post
Oh right... About Willow, he's clearly a Commoner 1/Rogue 15. He doesn't even have Sorcerer levels until the very end of the movie, when he finally gets his book of magic. He's using the Wand with UMD, and keeps blowing his rolls. The DM is laughing his arse off, and Raziels player keeps getting ticked off for this inexplicable lack of good rolling skill. ;)

Edit: Although, now that I think about it, it's possible Willow has a few levels of Devoted Defender as well, given his devotion to protecting Alora.
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First Post
Draco - a Green dragon? I think you mean Gold. And I kind of doubt he needs any character levels to do what he does, given the natural abilities a dragon gains over time.


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Scupper, I have to applaud your thoroughness in statting these movies. Great job on most of them, though I have to ask (I may have missed your take on this) as to how you explain the burnt Troll becoming the two-headed Dracohydra. ;)

Also, shouldn't one of Indy's high stats be Intelligence? Think of the crazy Knowledge skills he must have; he's also multilingual, and he's a university professor... a competent one, too, if the movie is any indication.

But mostly, he seems to know every damn legend that no one else in the movies has heard about.

Now, the next 2 challenges:

1) Statting the Neverending Story (penalties for statting any one but the first one ;) )

2) For those who know anime, statting the ORIGINAL Record of Lodoss War series (with penalties for references to the second series ;) )
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