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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:

Chaotic Good 7th level Rogue/23rd level Fighter

Weapon Focus, Weapon Spec, Improved Crit for Pistol. Weapon Focus for Rifle. Also, Improved Initiative, Quick-Draw, Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Rapid Reload (all that cocking of both pistols and rifles), Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Cannon, Endurance, and Dodge.

"Blondie" is not proficient in Shovel. No need really, as he always has a loaded gun.

Epic Feats:
Blinding Speed, Epic Initiative, Distant Shot, Swarm of Arrows (Bullets), Uncanny Accuracy, Epic Endurance

(I'd add the Ghostwalker prestige class from S&F, as this character was clearly the inspiration for it, but it really only applied in A Fistful of Dollars, and I don't have the book here)

"Blondie" has been putting a point into Dex every 4th level. He wears a Serape of +6 Con, a Hat of Dexterity +85,000,000, and an Ehlonna's Ammo Pouch.

"Angel Eyes"
Lawful Evil

It's about at this point that I got tired of looking up feats and cross-referencing them to Epic levels, class levels, etc., so I'll just say that Angel Eyes is a LE Rogue, and probably has some levels in Assassin.

The only one of the three to actually have a real name, Tuco is CN with evil tendencies, is probably mostly Rogue with a little Fighter mixed in.

Both "Blondie" and Tuco have a few ranks in Use Rope.


Scupper said:

Okay, this madness has to stop. I promise this is the last one.



Willow - A pretty iffy sorcerer, if ever there was one. Willow is clearly a low-to-mid-level halfling rogue with a decent, but not amazing Use Magic Device skill. His attempts to use a wand of polymorph other are comically inept, and he wastes about two dozen charges trying to get Fin Raziel back into human form. His Bluff skill is good enough to fool evil Queen Bavmorda, though she doesn't seem to have a very high Sense Motive anyway. We'll call Willow a Rogue 5/Sorcerer 1 by the end of the film.

Madmardigan - Basically a fighter with few social skills. We see Madmardigan fail a Will save (vs. the spell causing him to fall in love with Sorsha), which is typical of a fighter. However, he also fails a Forititude save vs. Bavmorda's polymorph other, which is indicative of a relatively low level, overall. Madmardigan checks in as a Fighter 8/Rogue 2.

Queen Bavmorda - Well, a Transmuter, obviously, as that's just about all the magic she uses in the film. She's clearly made herself at least one wand of polymorph other, as she casts the spell an ungodly number of times toward the end of the film. Her trick freezing all the soldiers in Tiras Lee seems to have involved some variant of flesh to stone, but that's never made clear. Additionally, it's not at all clear she was even there, indicating she may have vast range for her powers. Conservatively, we'll place her at Transmuter 12.

Sorsha - Displays a decent fighting ability, but not really comparable to Madmardigan. Most likely, she's a fighter 8 like him, but lacks his rogue levels, which gives him the edge.

Fin Raziel - It's unclear what Fin was capable of in her heyday, but it's abundantly clear she's no match for Bavmorda, and probably never was. Fin checks in at about Sorcerer 8, with some stat loss (notably Charisma, which is vital to sorcerers).

General Kael - Kael is a pretty tough customer, cutting a swath through the good guys at every opportunity. He gives Madmardigan quite a fight and seems to be tougher than the hero. Kael is likely a Fighter 6/Blackguard 4, though he shows a remarkable dearth of feats. It's quite possible he's just not very bright and therefore doesn't make good use of the feats he possesses.

Highlights and Gaffes

We can only speculate at the manner by which Bavmorda incapacitates the garrison at Tiras Lee, because it happens off-screen. A likely scenario is that she scrys on the fortress, teleports there while protected by improved invisibility and then uses a wand of flesh to stone on each of the guards, who are all Warrior 1's and therefore incapable of handling an invisible opponent. A stretch, but nothing compared to her later antics on the battlements. Bavmorda then teleports back to her fortress and lets the ignorant populace believe that she can cast spells on targets she can't even see.

Trolls have no inherent spider climb ability in Core Rulebook III, though it's possible the creatures infesting the ruins of Tiras Lee are some sort of variant troll, or that they have a template applied to them. They don't display much in the way of Regeneration either, for that matter.

Willow's attempts to use the polymorph other wand on Fin Raziel illustrate the difficulty in using the Use Magic Device skill. He's trying to fake an effective Wizard caster level of 7, meaning he's got to get a total roll of 27 (caster level = result - 20). He's probably a Rogue 4 at this point in the film, meaning his maximum number of ranks in the skill is 7. His Charisma bonus is probably not very good, as he's a truculent, argumentative peck with few social skills, so we'll say he has a Cha of 10 (and that's generous). So he's looking for a natural 20 on this roll. It's no wonder he gets so many mishaps.

The scene in which Bavmorda casts polymorph other on just about every soldier in the attacking army is just plain silly. Even if she had a nice supply of wands to provide the castings, it's clear that she doesn't take an action for every one of her targets. Bending the rules a little may let her use a wand of quickened polymorph other, but it is pure munchkinism to believe that she could still cast so many spells in a single turn (plus it would mean she'd have to be at least a Transmuter 15 to make the wand). The fact that nobody whips out a longbow and nails her with it is also rather ludicrous (though she may have protection from arrows up, we don't even see anybody try). It's also pretty unbelievable that not one soldier in the entire army makes his Fort save.


OK I just watched the end bits of Willow again and have a few thoughts

Willow. Obviously a halfling. Willow IMO is not a Rogue (as he never demonstrates any Rogueish abilities) I would suggest Expert 3 with A sorcerers Bloodline feat that allows him to use items at level+wis mod. Also the feat is what was being yested for by that old man at the begining. However Sorcerers in this world use Wisdom not Charisma and Willow has a very decnt Wis, 16 or so.

With Madmartigan I would agree with you assesment. He is IMO more Rogue than fighter maybe ftr4/rogue5. You can see all the Rogie levels in all the traps he sets and his aborted attempt at lock picking. Plus he has rather high Social skills . He is a finess fighter though Dex is High, Cha is high but STrength is around 14. Look at how easily General Kael tossed him around. To represent his kendo/juggling combo I would give him EWP Katana and Weapon Finess Katana (whixch is not noramally allowed but we will bowwor the Wheel of Time rules for the low magic Willow world )

Bev Morda. Transmuter is right on but I would put her at level 18 or so and give here the old Mass Polymorph 9th level spell three times or give her chain spell on Polymorph other. She only uses Transmutation as far as I can see, even her TK and Plane shift spells are Transmutation. The reason no one seems to save is that she has high int (20 or so) and both spell focus and improved spell focus for Transmutation. Typical saves are around DC 23 or more. No wonder all those Low Level Guys were changed. She also has the leadership feat (those druidy guys are hers) SHe may also have some kind of call lightning spell (she used it on the altar)

General Kael is of course Bev Mordas Cohort. He is a high level Warrior/Fighter with Leadership, Power Blow, Cleave, Wpn Focus, and especially Sunder

Now Finn Raziels wand is pretty powerfull. An Artifact of somekind I would guess as it cast Lightning Bolt, Animate Object (on the table) Counterspell (Some varient of Greater Dispell I would guess)and Telekenesis among other things


First Post
tleilaxu said:
Austin Powers
CG 10th Level Bard/10th Level I.M.o.M

Nah... 10th level bard, 10th level SPYMASTER from Song & Silence. Remember his "disguises"?

'Hi, I'm Richie Cunningham and this is my wife... Oprah.'

Obviously a cunning alias. ;)


First Post
Army of Darkness - Sorry MasterOfHeaven, you missed your chance. :)


Ashley J. 'Ash' Williams - Ash is a barbarian, there's no doubt about it. Perhaps it's a recessive gene, perhaps he was raised by wolves, but Ash certainly has the "Rage" ability ("... the next one of you primates even touches me ..."), Fast Movement and Uncanny Dodge (over the shoulder evil witch boomstick action). He's a demon (literally, at times) with a chainsaw (Exotic Weapon Proficiency) and a boomstick. Some might suggest that Ash could only be statted correctly with d20 modern rules, but I beg to differ. He's as D&D as can be, with only a few small vestiges of modern times. Let's break down some of Ash's more impressive abilities.

First, of course, Ash has Ambidexterity and Improved Two-Weapon fighting. He's also got Rapid Reload, allowing him to fire his boomstick fast and furiously. He's got the aforementioned Exotic Weapon Proficiencies (Chainsaw and Boomstick). His skillset is so broad and shallow, few would deny he has the Jack of All Trades feat as well.

I'd list Ash at Barbarian 10/Rogue 1/Expert 1 (Specializing in Housewares). Likely stats are as follows: Strength 14, Dexterity 16, Constitution 20, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 8, Charisma 8 (he just rolled really high when making his "...just me, baby, just me ..." speech to rally the terrified primates.) His Dexterity is hard to pin down, because he is quick as hell at times, but dangerously pratfall-prone at others. His alignment is True Neutral until Sheila is abducted, at which time it shifts, just barely, to Neutral Good.

Sheila - Sheila has to have the lowest Wisdom in the world to fall for Ash, and she clearly fails whatever will save would have kept her from becoming "Evil Sheila" later in the film. She's a Commoner 1. High Charisma is about all we can credit her with. Skills include Craft (Blanket Weaving). Feats don't include Dodge.

Arthur - Obviously not a Paladin, based on his treatment of prisoners of war. Arthur isn't much of a leader, really, probably a decent Fighter with a few levels of Aristocrat. He does seem to posess the Leadership feat, meaning he's at least 6th level, but it's apparently his Aristocrat levels that make him Lord of the Land. We'll call him Aristocrat 4/Fighter 6.

Wiseman - Wiseman is pretty ineffectual at anything other than some vague divinations. However, he's savvy enough to read and understand the Necronomicon well enough to create a potion from it to make Ash sleep for several hundred years. We'll call Wiseman a Wizard (probably a Diviner) Level 3 or so. This is clearly one of those "low magic" worlds where the DM gets all the good stuff and the PCs are screwed.

Bad Ash - Bad Ash is Ash with something like the "Revenant" template (from Monsters of Faerun), except that his alignment is Chaotic Evil and he is a willful undead. This is likely due to the influence of the Necronomicon.

The Necronomicon - Possibly a variant on the Book of Vile Darkness, but with a considerably-enhanced range of powers. It doesn't seem to corrupt those who merely handle or read it, but it is dangerous to touch if you don't have protection from evil up (or a world-specific variant with only a verbal component, but you'd better pronounce it correctly).

Anime Kidd

The 13th Warrior?

How would the characters in 13th Warrior stack up? I'm guessing most wouldn't be barbarians, despite being called barbarians. I think they would be multiclassed Fighters, with their second class their specialty.

Ahmed - An Aristocrat 2, Expert 1, and later becomes a Fighter 2 at the end.

Ahmed's friend (the blonde) - Babarian and low-level Ranger.

The Scout - The guy in the tower is obvisouly a Ranger, as he uses a hand axe and a dagger (?) in the last fight. Possible Rogue as well.

The Archer - The guy with the bow in the forest after they landed would be a Ranger or Fighter specialized in the longbow.

Bovine (the leader) - A Fighter specialized in the greatsword. Also has Endurance, Leadership, and Great Fortitude feats.

The Venge (those bear people) - They would definitley be barbarians.

As for anyone else? No idea as I have never caught any of their names. :p


First Post
Scupper said:

I'd list Ash at Barbarian 10/Rogue 1/Expert 1 (Specializing in Housewares). Likely stats are as follows: Strength 14, Dexterity 16, Constitution 20, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 8, Charisma 8 (he just rolled really high when making his "...just me, baby, just me ..." speech to rally the terrified primates.)

Haha- very nice.

Since Ash seems to end up with babes, he must either have a feat that adds to his bluff/seduction rolls against the opposite sex or just a Skill focus(bluff) feat.

Ash's metal hand- perhaps off screen the wiseman enchanted it. It gives ash a working hand (no more dmg penalties for missing a hand)- and has an acting strength of 20 for grapple checks and breaking inanimate items.

Highlights and Gaffes
Ash is able to fire his gun when next to enemies and not suffer an AoO.

The tiny Ash's don't cause AoO when they enter Ash's 5' square.

The DM does a good job of showing how the npc's react to "heroes" who are more interested in their own personal wants instead of saving them.

The DM is very generous with character healing.



First Post
Re: The 13th Warrior?

Anime Kidd said:

The Venge (those bear people) - They would definitley be barbarians.

I believe they are supposed to be some of the last of the Neanderthal.

So, use an orc-like race and add 1 level of barbarian.



First Post
Re: The 13th Warrior?

Anime Kidd said:
How would the characters in 13th Warrior stack up? I'm guessing most wouldn't be barbarians, despite being called barbarians. I think they would be multiclassed Fighters, with their second class their specialty.

Ahmed - An Aristocrat 2, Expert 1, and later becomes a Fighter 2 at the end.

Ahmed's friend (the blonde) - Babarian and low-level Ranger.

The Scout - The guy in the tower is obvisouly a Ranger, as he uses a hand axe and a dagger (?) in the last fight. Possible Rogue as well.

The Archer - The guy with the bow in the forest after they landed would be a Ranger or Fighter specialized in the longbow.

Bovine (the leader) - A Fighter specialized in the greatsword. Also has Endurance, Leadership, and Great Fortitude feats.

The Venge (those bear people) - They would definitley be barbarians.

As for anyone else? No idea as I have never caught any of their names. :p

I'll bite. My guess is that Ahmed is in fact a bard with Weapon Focus (Scimitar) and Skill Focus (Ride). This is why:

* Ahmed possess bardic knowledge as shown in the scene he deducts that the bear-people probably lives in caves. He is also very curios and stops to investigate most things.

* Ahmed learns languages awfully fast. (Bards have Speak Other Language as class skill)

* Ahmed says in the narrative in the beginning that he was a poet in his home country.

* Even though bards don't get scimitar as weapon proficiency you might argue that since they get longsword it is suitable for a person of his culture to learn scimitar instead.

* Ahmed is good at diplomacy as he knows exactly what he need to do to be acknowledged by the vikings.

* Ahmed promises to write down the story of Buliwyf.

The rest of the warriors are difficult to make out and those not mentioned specifically are probably barbarians with ranks in Profession (sailor) instead of Craft.

Buliwyf (the leader): Fighter as you said. Perhaps a level of expert too as he seems fairly educated.

Herger the Joyous (the blonde): Rogue. He defeats his opponent in the duel after pulling off a successful bluff (feint) and follows up with a sneak attack beheading him. Knows latin.

Helfdane the Large

Roneth the Horseman

Rethel the Archer

Skeld the Superstitious (tattooed face)

Weath the Musician

Egdtho the Silent: Ranger (Fights with two weapons and prefers to sit in a furn rather than the guard tower.)

Halga the Wise

Hyglak the Quarrelsome

Haltaf the Boy: Is just a boy. ½ level warrior?

Ragnar the Dour

The vikings have an edge on the wendols in battle therefore I don't thing they are much more than warriors. It doesn't seem to suit them to have developed into a character class.

Voidrunner's Codex

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