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Stat that movie!


What? Me Worry?
Well, here's something I did a long while back. Richard Belzer has the distinction of being the only person to play the same character in, if I recall correctly, 5 different TV shows (Homicide; Law & Order; Law & Order - Special Victims Unit; The X-Files; and, I could be wrong about this last one - Picket Fences) - Detective John Munch. Who knows where else he could turn up?

Detective John Munch
Male Human Expert, 6th level, hp 23
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 14
Size: M - Height 6' 2 inches, weight 160 pounds
Init +1; Spd 30'ft; AC 11; Atk = +4 melee, +4 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5;.

Skills and Feats: Profession(Law Officer) +9, Knowledge(Streetwise) +9, Knowledge(Bureaucracy) +9, Knowledge(World Cultures) +8, Entertain: Comedian, Raconteur, +4, Diplomacy +6, Bluff +6, Profession(Bartender) +6, Spot +4, Knowledge(Politics) +12, Knowledge(United States and World Conspiracy History) +12, Sense Motive +8, Knowledge(Business) +8, Knowledge(Physical Sciences) +6, Knowledge(Scholar, Writer) +9, Knowledge(Life Sciences) +4, Knowledge(US and World Political Figures) +4, Simple Weapon Proficiency,Armor Proficiency (light) – Bullet-Proof Vest, Persuasive,Trustworthy,Sharp Eyed,Weapon Group: Slugthrowers – Handguns, shotguns

Possessions: 9mm Beretta, Flashlight, Cell Phone, All-Black Clothing, Sunglasses

EDIT: I know there has to be a bunch of gaffes in this one; I did it maybe a year and a half ago, just after the Star Wars d20 game came out.
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Latency said:
What about the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon?

Just a thought :)

I'm pretty sure that CyberZombie (sorry if I am remembering the wrong person) made a pretty extensive thread about this a couple (few?) months back... I don't have a link handy, however, but if someone does by all means, find it, for Latency :D

I remember reading a supplement for 1e DnD, years ago, that listed Madmartigan's stats as "Either a level 20 fighter or four levels higher than the highest level player character in the campaign."

They took the notion of him being the "greatest swordsman who ever lived" quite seriously.


First Post
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka: Clearly an arcanist of considerable power, with a passion for crafting experimental Wondrous items and a storied career as a candymaker. His spellcasting and magical devices suggest Reduce, Fly, Arcane Eye, Dimension Door, Scrying, Polymorph Other, and even Plane Shift (you might think the terrifying trip by boat on the Chocolate River is a mere illusion, but it is in fact a wild jaunt through everchanging Limbo). In addition, he is a gifted tumbler and singer with a sometimes baffling wit and a knack for ferreting out other's intentions. I would say Brd4/Wiz 13, specialist in Transmutation, with Evocation his barred school. In addition to giving him access to the spells above, the high level justifies somewhat the considerable resources he'd require to create his fabulous stronghold, the Chocolate Factory.

Willy is chaotic good. He can be decidedly cruel, and is all too gleeful to see those who would take advantage of him hoisted on their own petards, but he has a basic decency and affection toward those who earn his trust.

Charlie Bucket and Grandpa Joe: Com1, with reasonably high Wisdom scores. They were tempted only once in their trip through the Chocolate Factory, and were resourceful enough not to be undone by their error.

Ansel Slugworth/Mr. Wilkinson: A low-level Rogue with a focus on social skills (Bluff, Intimidate) and Hiding in Shadows.

Veruca Salt, Viloet Beauregarde, Augustus Gloop and others: Commoners 1. Mr. Gloop's wealth suggests mercantile skill, so he is perhaps an Exp3. Otherwise unexceptional save for their personal failings.
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fba827 said:

I'm pretty sure that CyberZombie (sorry if I am remembering the wrong person) made a pretty extensive thread about this a couple (few?) months back... I don't have a link handy, however, but if someone does by all means, find it, for Latency :D

Huh? Nope, not me! You did figure out how to cast a Summon Cyberzombie spell, however. Congrats! You must have some epic levels to have figured out that spell. :D


First Post
Samurai Jack

Samurai Jack

Jack is a Samurai (d'uh), but shows various skills and abilities that suggest he also has several levels in Monk, and possibly a couple levels in Ranger. Through sheer number of feats and skills that he has mastered, Jack is most likely Epic level (I will not be statting him using Epic rules, however). Jack may or may not have levels in Weapon Master and Master Samurai.

Jack trained extensively in a broad range of skills, beginning the day Aku returned and single-handedly conquered Japan. Among the skills and feats Jack learned are:
  • Ride (from the Arabian sheik)
  • While in the desert, Jack learns how to get on a horse's good side. He later uses this same trick on an alien horse. Jack clearly has a few ranks in Animal Empathy, an exclusive skill.
  • Jack also performs quite a riding trick, at a young age. He can stand on a galloping horse and maintain his balance. This shows a high Ride skill, but also ranks in Balance.
  • Proficiency: Quarterstaff (from the African hunter)
  • When the hunter and Jack leave Africa for Egypt, they seem to run most of the distance. Jack has exceptional Endurance.
  • Literacy (in Egypt)
  • Jack learns how to wrestle while in Greece. He has the Improved Grapple feat, and may also have Close-Quarters Fighting.
  • Jack learns archery from Robin Hood himself. He is clearly proficient with the bow. Jack also impresses Robin using the feat Snatch Arrows (requires Improved Unarmed Strike and Deflect Arrows).
  • Profession: Sailor (from Vikings)
  • Proficiency: Hand Axe (while in Russia)
  • Proficiency: Spear and Mounted Combat (while in Mongolia)
  • Jack demonstrates Improved Unarmed Strike and Proficiency: Naginata while training in a Shaolin temple. He also shows good Balance again, fighting atop wooden poles.
  • When Jack finally returns to reclaim his sword, we see he is already proficient with the Katana. Jack uses the standard two-handed grip, so there is no proof at this point that he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Katana.

After battling Aku, Jack is sent thousands of years in the future. Reappearing in mid-air, he'd glad that he spent some ranks in Jump, so that he can reach the ground after a series of jumps from one flying car to another. (Note: This is not Slow Fall, as Jack does not use any nearby vertical surfaces to slow his fall; he is clearly jumping from one car to the next.) In an alien bar much like the Mos Eisley Cantina, Jack gets into a fight with various alien cyborgs with claw-like appendages. Jack's preferred method of dealing with them is to sever their clawed hands, a feat that requires Sunder. Jack also manages to parry and dodge missiles. Unlike Rogues, Samurai are not known for their Reflexes; Jack has learned the importance of Lightning Reflexes.

Now that we have seen Jack's fighting style, it seems highly likely that Jack also has Weapon Focus: Katana, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, and Improved Critical: Katana. Jack does not usually wear armor, and so he surely has Expertise and Superior Expertise. He also has invested in Tumble. Between his skill at unarmed combat, Deflect Arrows, and his ability to Tumble, it seems that Jack picked up a couple levels of Monk while training with the Shaolin.

In the final battle, Jack demonstrates even more skills! Tell me he's not Epic. He's quite Knowledgeable about War, and can craft Weapons, Bow and Arrows, and Traps. He's even a bit of a Calligrapher. Jack fights in Medium Armor on horseback, using the spear as a makeshift Lance, and even Cleaves through some of the robot scarabs.

I haven't reviewed the rest of season 1, but working from memory, Jack shows further talents in his continuing adventures. In Jack and the Three Archers, we find out Jack learned to Fight Blind at the Shaolin temple. In Jack Under the Sea, we see that Jack can Swim. In Jack Learns to 'Jump Good', Jack learns to, um, jump good. Real good. He's reached seventh level as a Monk and can do a Leap of the Clouds. In the episode where the Scotsman returns, Jack performs a Great Throw on one of the Scot's clansmen, to prove his worth. And in Jack and the Smackback, in a gladiatorial arena, Jack shows proficiency with a number of Exotic Weapons, including the nunchakus, as well as Two-Weapon Fighting (again pointing to Ranger skills). Jack also lives off the land, and no doubt has ranks in Wilderness Lore.

In a Rokugan campaign, Jack would hail from the Lion clan. Lions make brave and honorable Samurai. They are trained soldiers, and look the part. Jack may have levels in Akodo Champion, and it's no stretch to think Jack might be immune to fear and be able to Smite Evil. Akodo Champions are also great leaders, but we have not seen Jack actually lead an army into battle (he's never needed an army).

If Jack's katana has any special powers, he's keeping them secret. It's a powerful sword, probably +5, and may have the Bane property. It's unclear exactly why the sword is so effective against Aku; perhaps it's a wizard bane; perhaps a demon bane; perhaps a shapeshifter bane; perhaps a holy weapon that was forged to destroy evil.


Aku is a wizard with a talent for shapeshifting. This makes him at least Wizard 5/Shifter 10. Aku demonstrates some interesting abilities in the Trilogy, including fiery eye blasts. This may be an unknown spell. I suggest that Aku is an Acolyte of the Skin. At seventh level, Acolytes of the Skin receive the Glare of the Pit, "the supernatural ability to produce fiery rays from his eyes." The abilities of the Acolyte of the Skin are also congruent with what we know Aku is capable of. Aku is unharmed by the weapons that the defenders of Japan hurl at him; this may be due to the Acolyte's damage resistance (although how Aku hurls them back is unknown). Aku also seems to be extremely long-lived, having survived for thousands of years. Between this, and his ability to send Jack into the distant future, Aku shows a high proficiency in magic, and can probably cast ninth-level spells.

Other Characters from Samurai Jack: the Trilogy

Jack's father is also a Samurai. He disarms his son using only his bare hands, and thus may possess Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved Disarm.

We know nothing of whatever abilities Jack's mother may possess. She may be a Courtier (from Rokugan).

Sir Colin Bartholomew Montgomery Rothchild III, Sir Dreyfus Alexander (chief of excavation) and Angus McDuffie (artifact aficionado), the three "talking demon dogs," are actually Awakened Dog Experts from a Dragonstar campaign.


First Post
Re: Samurai Jack

Chun-tzu said:

Jack is a Samurai (d'uh), but shows various skills and abilities that suggest he also has several levels in Monk, and possibly a couple levels in Ranger.

Very nicely done.

I am not sure I would use the samurai class from OA/Rokugan. The class does not lend itself to Jack.

I think Jack has huge xp penalties- because he has levels of

Rogue(Robin Hood) (He sneaks into the gargoyles home to steal the faerie and bluffs his way into a mafia gang)
Monk (Greece/Shaolin)
Ranger(He seems able to track everything down, heh)

Or, he may be a straight fighter/rogue/monk- that has taken one level of a lot of Prestige Classes :)

Jack's Sword- is an artifact that can not be damaged. The weapon ignores armor/hardness. It is vorpal and bane: Aku.

Aku is a unique creature, like the Tarrasque, if equal to anything- he is an arch-devil. He is immortal and has the power of Wish after all (sent Jack into the future).

Have you seen the episodes with the barbarian-like guy with the kilt and a peg-leg that is a machine gun?

That guy is definitly an epic level character (he fights toe2toe with Jack) with an odd exotic weapon. haha.



First Post
Thanks for the compliments, guys.

I'm not clear on why the Samurai class seems inappropriate to you, Furn. It's much like the Fighter (he's got to have many levels in at least one or the other, seeing how many feats he's got), minus heavy armor, and more skill points and better skills.

I would avoid extensive multiclassing. You're right, Jack has ranks in Move Silently and probably Hide. Doesn't he also sneak past the sleeping Mitchellites in Jack, the Woolies, and the Mitchellites? But monks are good at sneaking, too. I also think it's fair to say he's got some ranks in Bluff (but not many, as he's not really a good liar).

But there's nothing otherwise particularly Rogue-like or Barbarian-like about Jack. He doesn't use the trademark features of either, Sneak Attacks and Raging. I'd also say Jack was Lawful Good/Honorable, and being Lawful clashes with Barbarian (although, you suggest he took those levels before we really got to know him, so he may have changed alignment).

I'm also not so sure that Jack's sword is indestructible. The main reason for this is that in Jack's Tales, Jack protects his sword from the metal-eating robots. Perhaps he was just being cautious, though. Jack also doesn't go around cutting off many heads, so vorpal may not be the best descriptor. But I would add Keen.

Some additions:

Jack does a fair bit of Climbing in Jack, the Woolies and the Mitchellites, and in the mountain episode.

Jack's best attributes are Dexterity and Wisdom. His Strength is no more than above average, and he has a good Constitution. He shows a high enough Intelligence to solve the two-headed serpent's riddle in Jack Tales.

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