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STILL No Character Builder Update?

Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
I think I saw a thread somewhere here (on ENWorld) about them giving a one month refund if you ask...

That's what I did. All it took was a message to WotC Customer Service and answering my security questions and info. It was simple, hasslefree, and the people who worked with me were very accomodating.

I would love it if the character builder was updated on time but they're doing a fine job compensating for their delay.

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After having to push the date back, twice, it would be stupid to give us a definite date. Sure it sucks, but it will be done when it's done.

Which is really unprofessional. They really should have a deadline and they should live by it. That's why people work afterhours. I bet they are losing quite a bit of their subscribers every day because of lack of communication with their customers. I've stopped the auto-renewal of my account as well.


First Post
Which is really unprofessional. They really should have a deadline and they should live by it. That's why people work afterhours. I bet they are losing quite a bit of their subscribers every day because of lack of communication with their customers. I've stopped the auto-renewal of my account as well.

No, it would be unprofessional to give us some arbitrary date that they can't be sure that they can uphold. You see this sort of thing happen all the time in the video game industry and I can tell you I would rather wait until they can finish the work properly than some half finished update because they want to keep to a strict release date.


First Post
The problem is a snowball effect, now they have even more data to input, meaning even more time to work on it, but then they're already behind...and next month the new essentials stuff comes out right? I've given them a lot of slack with missed deadlines, broken promises, etc, but if they don't release any update next Tuesday I'll be pretty pissed. I don't care if essentials is in it, just give me Dark Sun and Psionic Power...


The problem is a snowball effect, now they have even more data to input, meaning even more time to work on it, but then they're already behind...and next month the new essentials stuff comes out right? I've given them a lot of slack with missed deadlines, broken promises, etc, but if they don't release any update next Tuesday I'll be pretty pissed. I don't care if essentials is in it, just give me Dark Sun and Psionic Power...
2nded. And it's not like they didn't know this stuff was coming. (We've known it was coming for at least 6 months and we don't even work there.)

I'm actually a big fan of "it's done when it's done" (I wouldn't even call the Character Builder "done", honestly), but I agree with r1: throw us a bone! I don't know if it's really worth my time to get a ~$5 rebate or whatever, but if they miss two months in a row it'll be worth the principle of the thing.


Community Supporter
From what I have know (and I am dancing across an NDA minefield, so apologies for the vagueness), the plan is still to offer an update in October. More than that I cannot share, but as soon as WotC reveals more, I will get here to share it as soon as I can.

2nded. And it's not like they didn't know this stuff was coming. (We've known it was coming for at least 6 months and we don't even work there.)

This, I think, is what irks most people about the matter. WotC knows what it's producing. They've got a finished book months in advance, they know that a CB/Compendium update will be required for the new material. It's not Rocket Surgery.

Again, I can forgive Essentials not being present. I'm sure that it requires a lot more tweaking and updating then a normal rules update. But not having Dark Sun in the compendium/CB is killing me. I have the dead tree versions, but that's not the same.

the Jester

As was pointed out in another thread, WotC is under no obligation to provide monthly updates. It's nice, but it's a bonus- we are NOT entitled to it, despite the amazing sense of entitlement that the Internet seems to bring out in a lot of people.

Especially since they are being so nice about it with anyone who bothers to, you know, call THEM instead of bitching about it on a message board that WotC neither owns nor really frequents, I think they have been a lot cooler dealing with the complainers than the complainers have been with all the gnashing and crying.


First Post
I'd suggest contacting customer service and asking for a refund of last month. If they don't put the update this month, ask for a refund of this month. I hear they are offering refunds for last month.

I have faith that something will be announced about this shortly, and I will be patient and wait for it. It's not like I can't figure out how to make a character without it (yes it's nice to have but it's not "essential" to have DDI updates for Dark Sun and Essentials).

There is even a buzz that something else is coming... but nobody can talk about it yet due to NDAs


Community Supporter
I'd suggest contacting customer service and asking for a refund of last month. If they don't put the update this month, ask for a refund of this month. I hear they are offering refunds for last month.

They are giving refunds to those that request them.

Once people submit a ticket to CS, they will be contacted asking for some personal details (don't know which ones) and it will take a couple of days after that for the refund to be processed. (Last week, it was taking about a day, it may be taking longer now.)

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