• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Still Taking Requests (Updated: 4/14 - The Destructor)


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Sigurd said:
Hope the wheels are turning and turning....


I hope to build a storyline around your rendition ;)

Sorry it's taking so long. Been busy with work and social obligations. I will have the boss ready for you in about an hour I think. The other three should, if I have time before evening obligations, follow relatively close.

You don't mind psionics, do you?

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Silas, male crippled human savant Psi (tel) 5/Thrallherd 6: CR 9; Small humanoid (human); HD 11d4-11+16; hp 31; Init -4; Spd 15 ft. (+10 ft. with psionic focus); AC 8 (+1 size, -4 Dex, +1 deflection, -2 crippled) touch 8, flat-footed 8; BAB/Grap +5/-8; Atk -1 melee touch (by effect) or +0 ranged touch (by effect); S/R 5 ft./0 ft.; SA - psionics, psionic charm, psionic dominate; SQ - harmless, combat insight, deductive leap, skill insight, skill mastery, terrain insight, thrallherd; S/R 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +0, Ref -3, Will +12; Str 1, Dex 2, Con 8, Int 27, Wis 20, Cha 17.
Skills: Bluff +17 (27), Concentration +13 (+17 manifesting defensively or to become psionicially focused), Decipher Script +22, Diplomacy +21 (31), Disable Device +10, Disguise +3 (+5 acting in character), Gather Information +17 (27), Intimidate +5, Knowledge (psionics) +22 (32), Knowledge (all others) +8, Open Lock -7, Psicraft +24 (34), Sense Motive +19 (29) (+29 when using Inquisitor), Use Magic Device +16 (26).
Feats: Blind FightB, Boost Construct, Combat Manifestation, Craft Universal ItemB, Expanded Knowledge (astral construct, ectoplasmic form), Inquisitor, Narrow MindB, Psionic BodyB, Speed of ThoughtB.
Powers Known (ML 10th; PP 118; DC 18 + power level)
5th - incarnate, mind probe, psionic plane shift, psychic crush
4th - death urge, mindwipe, psionic dominate, schism, telekinetic maneuver
3rd - crisis of breath, ectoplasmic form, false sensory input, psionic blast, psionic dominate
2nd - biofeedback, brain lock, psionic suggestion, share pain
1st - astral construct, conceal thoughts, disable, force screen, inertial armor, mind link, psionic charm
Incarnate Power: Conceal thoughts.
Combat Insight (Ex): Silas gains a +1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls and a +2 insight bonus to AC against any creature it has watched in combat for a least 3 rounds.
Deductive Leap (Ex): Once per round, Silas can choose to substitute its Intelligence modifier for the ability modifier usually associated with a saving throw it is about to make. The decision to use this ability must be made before the saving throw is rolled, and this ability can be used even if Silas does not know what the saving throw is for.
Harmless (Ex): Until Silas attacks in some identifiable way opponents must succeed at a Sense Motive check (DC 22) to spot him as a viable opponent.
Psionic Charm (Ex): Once per day, Silas can manifest psionic charm at a reduced power cost. The cost of psionic charm is reduced by his Thrallherd level, to a minimum of 1 power point. The effect of this power is still restricted by his manifester level.
Psionic Dominate (Ex): Once per day, Silas can manifest psionic dominate at a reduced power point cost. The cost of psionic dominate is reduced by his level, to a minimum of 1 power point. The effect of this power is still restricted by his manifester level.
Skill Insight (Ex): Silas gains a +4 insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against creatures it has observed or interacted with for 1 minute. Furthermore, Silas can use all Knowledge skill, plus Decipher Script, Disable Device, Open Lock, and Use Magic Device untrained.
Skill Mastery (Ex): Silas can take 10 with the following skills even if stress or distraction would normally prevent him from doing so: Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device.
Terrain Insight (Ex): Silas gains a +4 insight bonus on initiative rolls and Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks in any area with which he is very familiar (that is, a place which Silas has been to often and feels “at home” in).
Thrallherd (Ex): Silas has a Thrallherd score of 20 which gives him a 9th level Thrall, 50 1st level Believers, 5 2nd level Believers, 3 3rd level Believers, 2 4th level Believers, and 1 5th level Believer.
Languages: Common plus 6 others.
Possessions: amulet of health +4, belt of biofeedback, circlet of intellect +4, ring of protection +1, vest of charisma +4, MW Thieves‘ Tools.

Belt of Biofeedback
The wearer of this lightweight belt can activate it three times in a 24 hour period. While active, the wearer has damage reduction 4/-- for 9 minutes. If the wearer has their own power point reserve, they can activate it more than three times for the cost of 9 power points.
Manifester Level: 9th; Requirements Craft Universal Item, biofeedback; Market Price 35,000 gp; Cost to Create 17,500 gp, 1,400 XP.

The Crippled Creature Template can be found here. The Savent Template can be found in the Advanced Bestiary from Green Ronin Publishing.

For Silas, life sucks. Up until the night of his 22nd birthday he was perfectly healthy. While walking home drunk he was run down by a runaway team of carriage horses. Lacking the finances to be properly healed Silas was forces to let his body mend as it would. Little did he know, he wouldn't be forced into a life of solitude. Shortly after the injury a hulking beast of a man showed up and wouldn't leave Silas alone. Eventually, Silas just accepted the continuous presence of B'rg.

Over time, Silas has learned that B'rg, and the rest of his "foollowers" have no choice but to serve him. Oddly, two of his childhood friends have stuck by his side and are more than willing to take advantage of his herd.

I'm working on the others now. I hope Silas is acceptable.
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First Post
Is there a variant rule for using a Pure-Blood Yuan-ti sorcerer without having the LA? Or even a smaller one than +5?


Ok. Well then, how about a:

Human, Male, Sorcerer Lv 11 who likes to utilize meta-magic?


First Post
Slaygrim said:
Is there a variant rule for using a Pure-Blood Yuan-ti sorcerer without having the LA? Or even a smaller one than +5?


Ok. Well then, how about a:

Human, Male, Sorcerer Lv 11 who likes to utilize meta-magic?

There is the "Powerful Races at 1st Level" variant in the back of the Player's Guide to Faerun. Unfortunately, you'd be taking some major negatives using that. I have to finish the job for Sigurd, then the magic item for the poster formerly known as Frukathka, but after that my creative juices are all yours.


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Silas' "Fetcher and Basher"

B’rg, male dreadnaught half-ogre Bbn 8: CR 10; Large giant (augmented); HD 8d12+56; hp 152; Init +6; Spd 40 ft.; AC 25 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural, +6 armor) touch 11, flat-footed 25; BAB/Grap +8/+19; Atk Large +1 greataxe +15/+10 melee (3d6+11, x3); S/R 10 ft./10 ft.; SA - felling strike, punishing strike, rage 3/day, rapid strike; SQ - acid resistance 10, DR 8/magic (1/--), fast movement, fire resistance 10, illiteracy, immunities, improved uncanny dodge, SR 18, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge; AL N; SV Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 25, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +11, Intimidate +7, Jump +15, Listen +6, Survival +6, Swim +10.
Feats: Cleave, EnduranceB, Improved Initiative, Power Attack.
Felling Strike (Ex): Once per day, on a successful critical hit, B’rg can elect to make a felling strike by rolling again. If the result of this third roll would hit the target, the target takes the full damage from the critical hit as normal but must also make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die.
Punishing Strike (Ex): Once per day, B’rg may make a mighty attack against any one opponent, adding its Charisma bonus (positive only) as a bonus on the attack roll and its Hit Dice total as a bonus on the damage roll. B’rg must decide to use this ability before making the attack. If the attack misses, that punishing strike attempt is wasted.
Raging (Ex): +16 hp; AC 23 (touch 9, flat-footed 23); Grap +21; Atk Large +1 great axe +17/+12 melee (3d6+14); SV Fort +15, Wil +5; Str 29, Con 28. Skills: Climb +13, Jump +17, Swim +12. B’rg’s rage has a duration of 12 rounds.
Rapid Strike (Sp): Twice per day, B’rg may grant himself the effects of the haste spell (self only) for 8 rounds.
Immunities (Ex): B’rg is immune to disease, poison, paralysis, stunning, and all mind-influencing spells and effects.
Languages: Common, Giant.
Possessions: Large +1 great axe, Large +1 mithral breastplate, 2 potions of bull’s strength, 2 potions of cure serious wounds (3d8+5), Exotic Saddle (so Silas can ride around in front of him).

Kitty, female quickling halfing Ftr 2: CR 3; Small humanoid (augmented Halfling); HD 2d10+4; hp 19; Init +14; Spd 80 ft. (run 400 ft.); AC 24 (+1 size, +6 Dex, +4 Dodge, +3 armor) touch 21, flat-footed 14; BAB/Grap +2/-2; Atk MW Kukri +10 melee (1d3, 18-20/x2) or Sling +10 ranged (1d3, x2, 50 ft.); Full Atk 2 MW Kukri’s +7 melee (1d3, 18-20/x2); S/R 5 ft./5 ft.; SA - rapid attacks; SQ - fast healing 1; AL CN; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +1 (+3 vs. fear); Str 11, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +7, Hide +11, Jump +31, Listen +5, Move Silently +9, Search +4, Spot +2, Tumble +20.
Feats: DodgeB, Improved InitiativeB, MobilityB, Quick DrawB, Quicken SpellB, Run, Spring AttackB, Two-Weapon FightingB, Weapon FinesseB.
Languages: Common, Halfling plus two of choice.
Possessions: +1 leather armor, 2 MW Kukri’s, Sling, 20 Sling Bullets, Messenger Bag (hewards handy haversack).

I'll finish up the Butler when I get back from the gym. I would have them done, but I had to work unexpectedly today.


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The Butler

Phillip (Secondary) and Douglas (Primary), male ettinoid (shared) Cloistered Cleric 5 (Secondary) and Rgr 5 (Primary): CR 7; Medium monstrous humanoid (augmented human); HD 7d8+35; hp 91; Init +10; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21 (+6 Dex, +1 natural, +4 armor) touch 16, flat-footed 15; BAB/Grap +6/+11; Atk 2 MW Morningstars +12 melee (1d8+5, x2) or MW Composite (Str 20) Longbow +13 ranged (1d8+5, x3, 165 ft.) or MW Composite (Str 20) Longbow +14 ranged (1d8+6, x3, 30 ft. maximum) or MW Composite (Str 20) Longbow +11/+11 ranged (1d8+5, x3, 165 ft.) or MW Composite (Str 20) Longbow +12/+12 ranged (1d8+6, x3, 30 ft. maximum); S/R 5 ft./5 ft.; SA - combat style (archery), favored enemies (human +4, elf +2), rebuke undead 6/day (+5 turn, 2d6+8 HD), spells; SQ - animal companion, darkvision 90 ft., lore +11, superior two-weapon fighting, wild empathy +9; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12/+10 (+14/+12 against mind-affecting effects); Str 20, Dex 22, Con 20, Int 15/19, Wis 16/16, Cha 14/16.
Skills (Phillip): Bluff +7, Concentration +10, Craft (any one) +9, Decipher Script +9, Diplomacy +9, Heal +8, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcane, planes) +9, Knowledge (history, religion) +14, Listen +8, Spellcraft +11, Spot +8.
Skills (Douglas): Climb +10, Handle Animal +8, Hide +13, Jump +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering, geography) +7, Knowledge (nature) +14, Listen +10, Move Silently +13, Ride +8, Search +7, Spot +15, Survival +8 (+10 to find/follow tracks, checks underground, natural aboveground environments, and to keep from getting lost or to avoid hazards), Swim +10.
Feats (Phillip): Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Initiative, Iron WillB, Multiple Head Casting.
Feats (Douglas): AlertnessB, EnduranceB, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid ShotB, Stealthy, TrackB.
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 5th; DC 13 + spell level)
3rd - animate dead, cure serious wounds, nondetectionD
2nd - bear’s endurance, cure moderate wounds, invisiblityD, lesser restoration
1st - bane, detect secret doorsD, entropic shield, shield of faith x2
0 - detect poison x5
D: Domain Spell; Domains: Knowledge (all Knowledge skills are class skills, +1 caster level for Divination spells), Magic (use spell completion and spell trigger items as an arcane caster of ½ your cleric level), Trickery (add Bluff, Disguise and Hide as class skills).
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; DC 13 + spell level)
1st - longstrider
Languages (Phillip): Abyssal, Common, Elven, Giant, Infernal, Orc.
Languages (Douglas): Common, Elven, Giant, Terran.
Possessions: 2 MW Morningstars, MW Composite (Str 20) Longbow, Quiver (50 Arrows), Mithral Shirt, boots of elvenkind, gloves of dexterity +2, hawkeye goggles (ranged attacks are at 150% normal ranged, +5 competence bonus on Spot checks) (worn by Douglas which usually has a Nystul‘s magic aura spell cast on it by Phillip), arcane wand of dispel magic (1d20+5, 25 charges), wand of cure light wounds (1d8+4, 20 charges, spell component pouch.

I hope he/they aren't to complex. If so I can work something else up. Also, I may have missed something with the stats, sorry and let me know and I'll fix it.

Also, check out the updated Ettinoid here.


First Post
Reveille said:
Oh. :heh: I tthought hat was for the other request. Much appreciated. Thanks.

One more for you when you get the time:
One magic item: Girdle of Giant's Resolve. Not sure what it should do; let your imagination run wild.

Girdle of Giant’s Resolve
This wide leather belt must be worn for 24 continuous hours before the wearer can use its magical abilities. Once per day, after the 24 hour acclimation period, the wearer can activate the belt as a swift action to gain the effects of righteous might for 1 minute.
CL 10th; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, righteous might; Market Price 18,000 gp; Cost to Create 9,000 gp, 720 XP.

If you want something more let me know. This was just the first thing that popped into my head.


First Post
Slaygrim said:
Is there a variant rule for using a Pure-Blood Yuan-ti sorcerer without having the LA? Or even a smaller one than +5?


Ok. Well then, how about a:

Human, Male, Sorcerer Lv 11 who likes to utilize meta-magic?

Nureve Beldarn, male spellpowered human Stalwart Sorcerer (metamagic specialist) 6/Incantrix 5: CR 13; Medium humanoid (human); HD 11d4+44; hp 73; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (+2 Dex, +1 ring of protection, +1 amulet of natural armor, +5 armor) touch 12, flat-footed 17; BAB/Grap +5/+4; Atk +1 falchion +6 melee (2d4, 18-20/x2) or melee touch +4 melee (by effect) or ranged touch +7 ranged (by effect); S/R 5 ft./5 ft.; SA - spells; SQ - cooperative metamagic, focused study (necromancy is prohibited), metamagic effect, metamagic spell trigger, spell-like abilities, supernatural enhancements; AL Any; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +13; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 20.
Skills: Concentration +16, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Spellcraft +16.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Extend Spell (3/day - 4th level and below), Iron Will, Martial Weapon Proficiency (falchion)B, Maximize SpellB (3/day - 2nd level and below), Quicken SpellB (3/day - 1st level and below), Somatic Weaponry, Weapon Focus (falchion)B.
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 11th; DC 15 + spell level)
5th (5/day) - feeblemind
4th (7/day) - charm monster, lesser globe of invulnerability, stoneskin
3rd (7/day) - dispel magic, fly, haste, nondetection
2nd (7/day) - blur, invisibility, Melf’s acid arrow, scorching ray, see invisibility
1st (8/day) - expeditious retreat, feather fall, magic missile, shield, true strike
0 (6/day) - pick nine
Spell-like Abilities (CL 11th)
At will - detect magic, fireball (DC 18), mage hand
Supernatural Enhancements (Su): Nureve is possessed of a supernaturally enhanced presence granting him a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. He also possesses the ability to continuously read magic as the spell. These abilities have an effective caster level of 11.
Possessions: +1 falchion, +1 twilight mithral shirt, bracers of resistance +1

Variants used: Metamagic Specialist (PHB2 pg. 61), Stalwart Sorcerer (Complete Mage pg. 36), Daily Uses Spontaneous Metamagic (Unearthed Arcana pg. 152).

The Spellpowered Template can be found on page 75 of the Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition v3.5.

If you would like to see something going a different route let me know.


First Post
What a fantastic post! Bravo!!

I don't mind making NPC's but you seem to have a real flare for them! And speaking of which, I wouldn't mind one if you have the time (no rush).

I'm looking for an arch-nemesis for a PC who is a warrior priest of Hextor; something along the lines of a 10th level human paladin of Heironeous. Go crazy! :]

Voidrunner's Codex

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