stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


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Marot the Deadly

Marot frowns as he realizes that the man did not believe him -- it was the first time in recent memory that he wasn't able to convincingly lie through his teeth. Maybe it was the accent?

"Well,"He says looking at the others in the group and nonchalantly pointing his elbow towards the door on the other side of the room,"I don't know 'bout the rest o' you, but I was quite certain that the good Lord hired us to guard his doors and windows."

"Since you don't want unwanted visitors leaving all willy-nilly through strange doors while you still have business wit' em."

He scans the faces of the others to see if he was able to convey the message.

OOC: Bluff +15 to deliver a secret message to the rest of the party that we need to make sure no one escapes through the door on the opposite wall.

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Ashlyn listens to the discussion, but her attention is firmly fixed on the three undead creatures before her. As Jarrith speaks, indicating that the time has come for direct action, Ashlyn doesn't reply, she simply reacts, exploding forward as she charges the undead, her blade slicing down to smite those who desecrate this place.

[Sense motive vs Marot's Bluff to decipher secret message: 1d20+10 (I figure she probably needs to roll 'to intercept the message' since Ashlyn's attention is focused elsewhere)]

[Charge closest undead: Charge attack (with smite evil) +17, damage 1d10+1d6+9]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[Those of the party in the room act in the surprise round; I'm interpreting actions from what I've read.]
Steward's Office (Surprise Round)
Jarrith gives his signal, and the room bursts into action. Khensu steps up the man, hold his sword fast as a warning---interfere, and you will suffer. [Ready's action to attack of attacked by Lief] Behind him, Marot calls forth his power against the nearest undead, but errs in his judgement. [Spirit blast misses]

Holding her anger inside no longer, a vengeful Ashlyn closes on another of the undead, the odd sword tingling in her hand. [Couldn't charge this round] Jarrith, however, is more fortunate, and bursting forward, manages to skewer the dead flesh of one of the undead foes. [Charges and hits; 3hp; no SA since not flanking. Lightly wounded]

Steward's Office Round 1 (Partial)

Axe in hand, Khensu steps around the befuddled man, a warning look on his face. But he turns his attention to the undead Jarrith struck, clipping the creature in the back. [7hp; Near destruction] From the doorway, the Stormhand] lives up to her name, casting forth a blue bolt over the papers on the desk and flinging the undead back with the force. [15 hp; near destruction]

Lief, seeing the violence in the room and to his papers, lets out a horrendous screech, and reaching for something on the other side of the desk, pulls forth a ancient looking greatsword. The man takes a swing at the impertanent paladin, and while the weapon clangs off of the shifter's armor, the force of the blade is significant. [Lief misses]

[Marot's up]

Steward's Office Round 1 (Partial)
Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The bear, D: Robed undead, I: Ireena, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, L: Lief, M: Marot, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, White Border: Prone.

K: 19
J: 17 [38/38, drained 2 levels]
L: 15
M: 15
I: 14
A: 14
J: 13 [cat's grace 18 rounds, shield of faith 19 rounds]
b: 13
D: 9 [J4 & I6: Near destruction]
T: 2


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Marot the Unaccurate

"What the?" Marot exclaims as his bolt of holy energy sails wide of the undead creature.

"How could I have missed that thing? It's like shooting undead fish in an undead barrel..." he says as he silently berates himself to do better.

He sizes up the situation and decides to send one of the undead to a final resting place.

His left hand glows with silvery white energy and he stretches it towards the undead creature by the door.

OOC: Ranged touch +8 to hit 4d6+5 dmg on J4


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Tessa felt a grim smile tug at the corner of her lips as the sounds of combat began to rumble in the small room. She gave what she hoped was aconfident, reassuring glance at Ireena, then stepped into the doorway, ready to invoke the divine grace of the Sovereign Host, and whatever powers flowed through the Icon that she had been entrusted with. She raised the symbol in her right hand, presenting it as firmly as if it were her own talisman. "Abominations, this place will shelter you no longer. Flee or be destroyed!" She tried to put as much power into her voice as she could, but she knew that she could not match the force of the Lightbringers' sheer emnity for the walking dead.

OOC: 5-foot step, into the doorway; turn undead attempt using the Icon; basic attempt is 1d20+3 check, 2d6+7 turning "damage", plus any additional effect from the Icon


First Post
Finally within swords reach of the undead creature, Ashlyn's swings the dormant blade and smites the foul creature with the strength of her faith.

[Attack creature at I3 (with smite evil) +15, damage 1d10+1d6+9]
[(Using Dormant Sunsword - I don't know if it has any additional effect vs undead before the blade is awakened)]


If anything stil stands, Jarrith takes a step back and offers up his holy symbol as well. (Turn Undead use: 2d6 damage to all within 30' / Will save DC 14 for half damage)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Steward's Office Round 1 (Complete)

Temporarily stunned by the miss, Marot tries again with more vigor. The holy bolt catches the tattered undead just as its recovering from Janis' bolt, and with a hollow scream, is sent back to the darkness of Mabar. [Hit for 15 hp, more than enough to destroy it good.]

Ireena, crossbow in hand, fires over the doorframe, but the shot goes wide. On the far side of the room, Ashlyn brings down her blade, gleaming silver with holy might, and cleave the robed creature in twain. The tattered remains of its robes flutter to the floor. [Hit, 20hp, destroyed] Jarrith, meanwhile, holds forth the flame on his rapier, and with a hiss, the wounded abomination hisses in pain! [Purge undead, 7hp, still near destruction]

Anger showing on its bent features now visible through the cowl, the undead chants a low spell, weaving and dodging Khensu and Jarrith's weapons. It points a bony finger at the Stalker, and his courage momentarily wavers, but after all his as faced and seen, he easily fight through the fear. [Cast cause fear, Jarrith immune due to HD]

Holding forth the Icon, Tessa feels the will of Knight's past flood her mind, filling her with the confidence and the ages. Her voice echos with those of the honored fallen, causing the remaining undead to moan piteously as it is obliterated from the room! [Icon adds +4 to effective cleric level when used as a holy symbol for turning; last undead destroyed.]

The maddened gleam in the steward's eyes intensifies as the last creature falls, the bloodthirsty look making clear his still violent intent.

Steward's Office Round 1 (Complete)

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The bear, D: Robed undead, I: Ireena, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, L: Lief, M: Marot, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, White Border: Prone.

K: 19
J: 17 [38/38, drained 2 levels]
L: 15
M: 15
I: 14
A: 14
J: 13 [cat's grace 17 rounds, shield of faith 18 rounds]
b: 13
D: 9 [All destroyed]
T: 2


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Tessa stood still for a moment, enthralled by the power that the Icon had lent to her invocation- and more than a bit surprised that the undead had fallen so quickly. "Yield!," she cried to the man who stood alone against them. "Your life may yet be spared- surely you know you cannot defeat us." With any luck, further bloodshed might be avoided- but while Tessa hoped he would surrender, she was not naive enough to be convinced.


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Marot the Deadly

In the back of his mind, Marot reaches out once again and listens to the sage-like voices. "Undead, using necromantic spells...."

Somewhat relieved at how quickly the undead were dispatched, the orange haired warlock concentrates now on the odd greatsword wielding bookkeeper.

"You should have listened, old man, when we told you we were in the service of Sergei..... Your next destination will be the fiery prairies of Fernia...."

Willing his gloves into action, they begin to glow with a harsh red light -- with a flick of his wrist, Marot sends a pulsating bolt of energy at the man.

OOC: Know (religion) check +13 on undead creatures, activate Gloves of Eldritch Admixture for 1 charge, (2 charges left today) for 2d6 fire damage. Ranged touch +8, 4d6+1 (untyped) + 2d6 (fire)

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