stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tense at the sudden strange sound, Khensu, Ashlyn, and Jarrith approach the door. Throwing it open, they spy a ghastly scene. The room is large and opulent---a bedroom with heavy red curtain, thick carpets, and a sizable bed of the finest woods with a skillfully carved "Z" on the headboard. But it is what is on the bed the gathers the eyes. Beyond the light silk canopy is the prone form of a young woman in a fine nightcoat, her skin pale and breathing slow as if in sleep. It would be a tranquil scene if not for the wavy, incorporeal form of a beautiful court singer hovering over her, intently staring and singing.

As the door opens, the mournful tune washes over the party. What once may have been a joyful wedding tune is now a thing of grief and despair, but enthralling nevertheless. Only Ashlyn, Koppri, and Jarrith manage to fight of the insidious sound, the rest stand dazed...

OOC: Ouch. That was a lot of bad rolls...

Rooms of Haunting (Round 1)

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The bear, CC: Singing undead, I: Ireena, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Magenta Border:: Dazed, White Border: Prone.

T: 19 [dazed]
I: 15 [dazed]
A: 15
J: 14
CC: 12
K: 8 [dazed]
M: 4 [dazed]
J: 4 [38/38, drained 2 levels, dazed]
b: 4 [dazed]


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Upon seeing the sinister effect the incorporeal creatures voice seems to have on her companions, Ashlyn charges forward, and as her bird harries it, Ashlyn smites the creature before her.

[Raven (Harry): Will save vs DC15 or suffer -2AC]
[Charge attack (smite undead): 1d20+17; damage: 1d10+5+1d6 (double damage on natural 20; two miss chances vs incorporeal undead)]

As she attacks, she rakes her mind for what type of creature this could possibly be.

[Knowledge (religion): 1d20+13]
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Jarrith quickly follows in behind Ashlyn and moves to her side, all the while drawing both rapiers. (Move to F9) "Give me a second and I'll get behind this thing!" Jarrith says to the paladin.

He then begins the dismantling of this fiend by some fancy swordplay. (Attack w/rapier)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rooms of Haunting (Round 2)

Ashlyn sends her companion forward, its beak causing the shadowy form to dodge out of its way. [Harried] The paladin then roars in, with a might swing of her glowing sword, cuts the mists deeply! [Nat 20 on smite; 20hp; moderately wounded]

As her sword cuts through, something in her mind clicks. A singer of the crypts?! Its song is death... She must kill it or stop the others from listening before it is too late...

Jarrith moves aside the courtly form, but his silver rapier catches the canopy and it caught, missing badly.

The song continues unabaited, but most begin to shake off its tune. But Tessa, Khensu, and the bear are caught rapt, the song tearing at their hearts.. and souls. [Tessa, Khensu and bear are enthralled and gain 2 negative levels; the rest are freed]

[Marot's round 2 action; everyone else's round 3s]

Rooms of Haunting (Round 2, Partial)

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The bear, CC: Singing undead, I: Ireena, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Magenta Border:: Dazed, White Border: Prone.

T: 19 [enthralled, 2 negative levels]
I: 15
A: 15
J: 14
CC: 12
K: 8 [enthralled, 2 negative levels]
M: 4
J: 4 [38/38, drained 2 levels]
b: 4 [enthralled, 2 negative levels]


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Marot the untransfixed

"Whu?" the warlock gasps as he shakes off the tune. He looks at the bodies of Tessa and Khensu and sees the telltale signs of energy drain.

"It must be destroyed!" He shouts as he jumps up from the chair and heads towards the bedroom.

His hand begins to glow with a warm, white light as he moves closer and finally he sends the blast flying towards the undead creature, hoping to hear it sing out in pain.

OOC: Move to L8, Invoke Spirit Blast on Ghostly Singer -- +8 ranged touch (4d6+5) Know(Religion) +13 check for any info about this thing.


First Post
Upon realization of the creatures nature, Ashlyn yells back to the others, "It is a singer of the crypts. Do not listen to it for its song is death.", and as her bird continues to harry it, Ashlyn steps to the side to provide Jarrith with better opportunity for attacking before drawing deep on her inner reserves and once again smites the creature before her.

[Ashlyn takes a 5ft step to G7]
[Raven (Harry): Will save vs DC15 or suffer -2AC]
[Use 2AP for another smite undead]
[Attack (smite undead): 1d20+15; damage: 1d10+5+1d6 (double damage on natural 20; two miss chances vs incorporeal undead)]


With Ashlyn moving opposite him and thus setting up a flank, Jarrith smirks and begins systematically taking apart this undead monstrosity. (Dual-attack with rapiers: +8/+8; 1d6+2+1d6 damage for Penetrating Strike each)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rooms of Haunting (Round 2, Complete)

Marot staggers to his feet, anger in his eyes, but his aim is off from the chords of song still in his head. [Nat 1] He knows what Ashlyn knows... his friends are dead if they continue to hear the song... while it grows stronger.

Rooms of Haunting (Round 3, Partial)

Ireena pulls herself together, and brings forth her father's sword while moving into the room. She starts a moment upon seeing the girl. "Gertrude..?!?"

Knowing she must not fail, Ashlyn puts her all into her swings. The singer ignores the bird this time, and Ashlyn must pull up quickly as Kopri is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her next swing passes through it without substance. [Nat 1 on smite; incorporeal miss on the second]

Jarrith grits his teeth and sets about work. But he might as well be fighting air... [Both miss due to incorporeality]

The singer continues it mournful song, but even in their haze, Tessa and Khensu see their companion's plight. They break free, though the animial does not. [Bear gains 2 more negative levels]

But that is not all the trouble the heroes face, as the tune of horror attracts two more ghostly forms, their crazed countenance fading into nothing as they pass through the walls near the fireplace. The freed Tessa ducks one, but the other reaches through the warlock's armor to grab his heart! [Marot hit; 7hp]

[Marrot then Round 4]

Rooms of Haunting (Round 2, Partial)

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The bear, C: Ghostly undead, CC: Singing undead, I: Ireena, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Magenta Border:: Dazed, White Border: Prone.

T: 19 [2 negative levels]
I: 15
A: 15
J: 14
CC: 12
C: 8
K: 8 [2 negative levels]
M: 4 [39/46]
J: 4 [38/38, drained 2 levels]
b: 4 [enthralled, 4 negative levels]


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