stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


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At Jarrith's request, Tessa handed the tome over, albeit a bit reluctantly. She had studied history and the arcane for most of her life, and some of the details here were quite intriguing. "Be careful- it is very old and fragile," she cautioned- and even then, she had to fight down the urge to continue reading over his shoulder...

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
24 Zol, Zarantyr, 998 YK

[New day. Regain hps, rememorize spells, etc. Janis fails her saves vs. energy drain by fiat. Tessa and Marot make theirs]

In the morning, Ireena volunteers to take the every more fidgety Gertrude back to the village. Janis, in a foul mood and still appearing pale, mumbles something about going with her. After a brief meal, the two parties split, each going their separate way.

The return to the Hill is the same as the other journeys there. Having no reason to be stealthy, the group makes decent progress through the misty morning. Soon, the Hill is in sight.

It is Jarrith's paranoid eyes that catches it first... the sight of a lone figure waiting on the hill. Tall, armored and armed, but with their back to the party at the edge of the woods. But the person must have good ears, for even with the woods sheltering their sound, it turns to the group. With a manic bellow, the assailant charges!

OOC: The group has one round before the assailant arrives. Actions?

K: 19
K: 19
J: 15
M: 9
A: 8
T: 6


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24 Zol, Zarantyr, 998 YK

[New day. Regain hps, rememorize spells, etc. Janis fails her saves vs. energy drain by fiat. Tessa and Marot make theirs]

You mean Khensu, correct? I don't recall Marot being drained by either the vampire or the undead singer.

The warlock had been following the others while lost in thought, listening to the voices in his head discuss various pieces of trivia and minutia. Such was the curse that he bore for the past year or so. True, it did serve him well on some occasions, when some obscure bit of knowledge had crystalized from the various whispers, and he had gotten used to the endlessness of it all, even able to shut it out when needed, but it still unnerved him at times.

But, on long journeys, he found it an interesting diversion, trying to make sense of the things he heard.

Jarrith's sudden intake of breath snapped the flame-haired human out of his trance and he quickly spotted the armored man? sprinting towards them. The bellow and hostile stance immediately placed the fellow into the 'foe' category in Marot's mind, and his arm instinctively summoned some eldritch essence to fling towards this new-found foe.

OOC: Eldritch Spear, +7 ranged touch, 250' range increment, 4d6


First Post
Ashlyn spends the most of the night looking over Tessa's or Jarrith's shoulders as they peruse the ancient tome. She pays special attention to matters pertaining to undead, but finally retires satisfied that it contains no specific or precise instructions on the creation of undead.
She also takes a few notes on the relevant information pertaining to the three ancient fanes of Ravenloft, and a few notes on the history of this land, but other than that she simply endeavours to learn what she can of this abomination, this creature called Strahd.

The following morning finds her alert and rested as they head out, but as they approach Lysaga hill, Ashlyn is slow to react, however react she does as she charges the armored figure from horseback, attacking with her sable mount even as her raven, Korppi, harries her new opponent.

[Raven (Harry): Will save vs DC15 or suffer -2AC]
[Ride (to attack with mount): 1d20+11 vs DC10 (autosuccess)]
[Ashlyn charge attack: 1d20+11+2+1; damage: 1d10+3]
[Valo charge attack: 1d20+8+2; damage: 1d6+4]


Jarrith catches sight of the armored man and is about to say something when he spins around and charges them. Jarrith, slightly surprised at this action, opens his mouth to speak. "I wonder who this is--" he begins, when suddenly Marot and Ashlyn take off in front of him... the warlock throwing some eldrithc energy, and the paladin charging on horseback. "Wait you two! We don't even know who that is! It could be Sir--" The Stalker doesn't finish his sentence before the battle is joined and the clang of steel upon steel rings out.



As the armored fellow and his compatriots engage in fisticuffs, Sir Khensu strides forward as well. He keeps a hand on his weapon, ready to draw it... but focuses more on trying to determine who this figure is. Only a madman would charge a group of five armored and armed men and women... and he needs to know who this person is and if they are indeed mad.


First Post
EARLIER: Tessa had spent much of the night perusing the ancient Tome, trying to piece together any information which might be helpful- but when she did sleep, it was a fitful and restless slumber, plagued by dark dreams. The morning sun, such as it was in this blighted valley, did much to restore her spirit, and while her sleep had been uncomfortable, it seemed to have done a great deal to assuage the physical and emotional strain of the preceding day. Her morning prayers filled her with energy, and she could feel the power of her faith surging within her- with a clear goal, and some sense of accomplishment, she felt stronger than ever. The rituals which she prepared for the day included several which had been to arduous for her to channel before- obviously the Host was helping to show her the way forward, rewarding her and the others for their struggle with the darkness of this place. Once her prayers were done, she used some of her powers to tap Aureon's knowledge, identifying one of the relics they had acquired in the chapel- had it really been only yesterday? The amulet seemed like it might be more than a simple trinket- perhaps the powers with it might be helpful today...

LATER: As the made their way up the hill, Tessa found herself distracted again and again, her thoughts ensnared by the Tome's many secrets. When the armored figure appeared on the hillside, for a moment she thought that it was some portion of the Tome's tales brought to life- not impossible, it seemed, in this valley... Once she realized this was a real figure, and a real battle, she struggled to get down off her fractious mount- while she could fight well enough, she knew she could not both ride and fight at the same time, and it was easier to work her magics from the stability of solid ground.

OOC: After morning prayers, using her 2nd level Domain spell to Identify the amulet from the chapel corpse. Later, once battle starts up, she will dismount and ready her shield and morningstar- taking care to make sure she is well behind the front rank of combatants...


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Daylight Surprise (Round 1)

The bellicose man charges... but there is something wrong about him. Deadened skin, piercing eyes, fangs and claws all point to his nonhuman nature. It is Ashyln's gasp of recognition that identifies it:

Vampire? In the daylight? But is must be undead!


Khensu dismounts, trying to is if Ashlyn is correct. It couldn't be? But his senses do not lie... it is evil to the core. [Detect evil] Jarrith calls out in confusion, the darkness in his mind confusing him momentarily.

Marot, on the other, takes aggressive action. The purple bolt of Khyber sails over the warrior's shoulder, blasting the ruins beyond. [Ranged touch 9 misses] The Lightbringer yells out in challenge, her hated foe before her. Kopri streaks forward, causing the creature to wince as it tries to avoid it. [Distracted] Volo and the paladin surges ahead, sword and hooves gleaming. It laughs contemptuously as the Volo's forelegs crash into it, the wounds vanishing instantly. The blade fares little better, even with all of Ashlyn's strength behind it. [Volo's hits; all damage negated by DR; Ashlyn hits for 13 before significant DR]

Tessa dismounts her skittish beast, preparing for what is ahead.

Daylight Surprise (Round 2 Partial)

The creatures' wounds close before Ashlyn's eyes, further proof of its impossible vampiric nature. "The Blood take you!" it growls, bring its wicket blade down. The cut is painful but minor, however, the strength behind it almost dazes the lady paladin. [12hp] But it is not done---it savagely rakes Volo's flanks. The holy mount shudders, its essence draining away. [10hp; 2 levels energy drain]

Daylight Surprise (Round 2 Partial)
Map Key: A: Ashlyn, a: Volo, J: Jarrith, K: Daylight Vampire?, K: Khensu, M: Marot, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Magenta Border:: Dazed, White Border: Prone.

K: 19 [Distracted]
K: 19
J: 15
M: 9
A: 8
a: 8 [24/34hp, 2 negative levels]
T: 6


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Noting her mounts distress and it's inability to harm their foe, Ashlyn, without further thought, dismisses her mount and simultaneously drops to the ground.
She then reaches forward in an attempt to touch the undead abomination before her, her hand nigh glowing with positive energy, as Korppi once again distracts the vampire.

[Dismiss mount - Free action]
['Dismount' to C9 (Ride +11 vs DC15 for a 'soft fall' or take 1d6 nonlethal falling damage) - Free action]
[5ft step to B9 - Free action]
[Raven (Harry): Will save vs DC15 or suffer -2AC]
[Melee touch attack: +8/+3 (-2 combat expertise); damage: lay on hands for 24pts; AC 24 (+2 combat expertise)]


Sir Khensu hustles at full speed over to the fight, drawing his weapon in the process. (Double move towards battle, draw weapon)

Jarrith leaps down from his horse, then begins moving towards the battle as well. (Move action to dismount, move action towards battle)

Voidrunner's Codex

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