stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Marot and Avron]The tale is obscure, but it has similarities to something one of the scribes mentioned: A village tale of a holy woman, pure of heart, that assaulted the Castle but was never heard from again. So that tale seems to have a bit of truth to it.[sblock=Avron]Having spent more time with the scribes, and putting together some details from your extensive reading, you believe the holy woman's name was Markovia. She was a holy woman from a time only a few generations after the Curse fell, so her disappearance would have pre-dated much of Galifarian history. One thing is clear: This is no evidence of her death.[/sblock][/sblock]
Sergei's smile at the paladin's words is tight, almost feral. The ground almost seems to rumble at the sign. 'A dog in the lair of a wolf does not decide what is for dinner.' You continued stay is at my pleasure, lady, and it would be amiss for you to forget that. As for you offer, I will remind you that I am doing what I can. Unlike those that believe a single book holds all the secrets of this place, I have spent enough time to get an appreciation for this Curse and its twisted ways. Your approach—trying to attack it directly—will only cause the Land itself to rise against you. As for the Castle and those that lair there... I have warned you of that as well. I am dealing with those matters, but they require a light touch. Your interference has already made certain matters more difficult.

Ashlyn may not be satisfied with the answer, but the Lord's true motives are inscrutable. [Sense Motive 29]

As Sergei finishes, the horses begin to become restless and Kopri squawks loudly.[sblock=Ashlyn]Big! Big ones come![/sblock] The sound of trees groaning fills the air, and occasionally glimpses of towering forms can be seen approaching.

The lord steps back into the shadows. It is as I have said. Nie ma nadziei dla was. Cease your folly, and leave this Curse to me. With that, Sergei once again vanishes.

The thudding came closer.

OOC: You have about a round or two until something(s) big come your way. Plans?
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Avron mumbles, "Holy Markovia mmhmm not dead." Hearing the sounds coming closer, Avron scratches at his forearm. His arm grows warm until a purplish black shield materializes to impede any attacks.

[sblock=Actions]Use dragonmark to activate shield. If another round is available Avron will ready an action to use storm bolt if a hostile creature comes within 20'. 4d6 electricity damage.[/sblock]

AC: 22
HP: 41/41
Archivist Spells Prepared (CL 7th, +6 ranged touch, +5 melee touch):

  • 0th—Create Water, Read Magic, Detect Magicx2
  • 1st--Detect Undead, Healthful Rest, Produce Flame, Entangle, Lesser Vigor, Shield of Faith
  • 2nd--Lesser Restoration, Drifts of the Shalmx2, Web, Mirror Image,
  • 3rd--Lightning Bolt, Holy Storm, Sleet Storm
  • 4th--Arc of Lightning, Spike Stones
Spell-like abilties
Shield 2/3 remaining.[/sblock]


As the thudding approaches, Jarrith throws a look to the others, and lets out a low whistle. "Something wicked this way comes?"

He quickly pulls out his wands and casts as many preparatory spells as he can get off before the thing's arrival. (Cat's Grace, then Shield of Faith if possible)

Sir Khensu steps forward in the direction of the sound, and motions for the others to get behind him and for Ashlyn to take her place beside him up front. He then reaches over his back and pulls his large weapon free. "Let the Lady and I take the blows, the rest of you do what you can from behind. Lord Sergei may think he has things under control... but I think once again we must prove to the land itself that we can take what it throws at us, and return it tenfold." He then stands ready to charge when whatever appears. (Ready action to charge and attack when the enemy is within range)


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Tessa felt a surge of relief as Sergei vanished- something about the man was deeply unsettling. While those booming impacts surely heralded something terrible, she had been in enough straightforward fights that she felt more confident than she did when facing Sergei's more subtle terrors. As Khensu stepped forward, Tessa called out. "Do not stray too far. Let them come to us, while we stay close enough to help one another. And let the power of the Host feed the Flame which strengthens your arms..." While the big shifter was still a bit unsettling, Tessa was beginning to realize that they would have to work together more than they had, against the powers of the valley.

OOC: Casting Bulls Strength on Khensu; if we get another round, she will prep Wall of Fire, casting it once the enemies are closing in- directly in front of their advance if possible.


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Ashlyn speaks a warning as the lord vanishes, "Something big is coming, ... several of them. Be ready."

Then she sends Korppi aloft circling above them, whilst her sable mount Valo takes his place at the fore of the other horses and he stand ready to defend his small herd.

Ashlyn then moves forward with Khensu, and the sunblade literally leaps into her hand as she murmurs the words of a protective ward. She then stands in a defensive position, ready to charge in and attack anything hostile that approaches through the trees.

[Round 1: Move up with Khensu (move action)]
[Round 1: Draw sunblade (free action)]
[Round 1: Cast Protecton from evil (standard action)]
[Round 2: Ready action to charge attack while using full combat expertise (standard action)] [AC 27, Attack +8, damage 1d10+3]
[Round 2: Ready action for Korppi to Harry Ashlyn's target (Will save vs DC15; causes -2 penalty to AC)]
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Ravika stops her staring at the newcomer and turns her attention to the newest threat. She looks at the others and wonders how best to make herself useful. Her first actions are to turn into her wildshaped form and in the lupine form move away from the noises.

R1 - Standard - Wildshape into Wolf
R1 - Move - Away from enemies
R1 - Minor - Shift (+2 Wis for 7 rounds)
R1 - Free - Spot (+17) to see more detail about the creatures, Know (nature) +5 to determine if she knows what the creatures are
R2 - Standard - Call Lightning (What is the weather like?)

[sblock=Spells Remaining]
Wild-Shapes Remaining: 1/3 (1 for eagle, 1 for wolf)

Druid Spells Prepared (CL 7th, +7 ranged touch, +6 melee touch):
0 — (Save DC 15) Detect Magic x2, Light x2, Mending, Create Water
1st — (Save DC 16) Entangle, Lesser Vigor x2, Produce Flame x2, CLW
2nd — (Save DC 17) Creeping Coldx2, Heat Metal, Soften Earth & Stone
3rd — (Save DC 18) Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, Protection from Energy
4th — (Save DC 19) Flamestrike, Murderous Mist


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Forest Fane (Round 1)

The group makes their preparation. As they do, three loutish brutes, two as big as a house and another even larger, emerge from the forest. Ravika, in her new forms, thinks she sees knows them[sblock=Ravika]A hill giant and two ogres.[/sblock]
The Forest Fane (Round 2 [Partial])

Khensu, infused with strength, rushes at the largest foe. Casually, it swats at the shifter with the uprooted oak it carries, almost flinging him aside. [AoO hits; 17hp] The momentum, however, causes him to stall in his charge. [Charge misses]

The wolf that is Ravika weaves and barks, and a bolt of blue-white energy hits one of the forest covered brutes. By some stroke of luck, it dodges aside, barely singed. [3hp after Ref save][/size]

Seeing the massive forms approaching, Avron calls a blue-white orb to appear, waiting for them to approach. [Readied action] Meanwhile, Marot moves a bit away and flings a bolt of darkness at the largest giant, striking its knee. [12hp]

Bellowing, the towering giant clutches the club tightly, and sings it in a powerful arc at Khensu. It crashes into the knight's chest, slamming him into the rubble of the wall with great force! Blood streams down his face! [Blow knocks Khensu 10' into wall; 23hp and knocked prone; bloodied]

OOC: Jarrith and everyone after's turn. Jarrith and everyone after did not get their R2 action.

The Forest Fane (Round 2 [Partial])
Map Key: A: Arvan, A: Ashlyn, a: Volo, J: Jarrith, G: Hairy Giant, K: Khensu, M: Marot, O: Brutish Giant, R: Ravika, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Magenta Border:: Dazed, White Border: Prone.

K: 21 [17/57, bull's strength]
R: 19 [call lightning]
A: 18 [shield]
M: 14
G: 14 [lightly wounded]
J: 13 [cat's grace]
A: 13 [protection from evil]
T: 7
O: 2 [U16: lightly wounded]


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Seeing the brute attacking Khensu as the largest threat, Ashlyn charges the Hairy giant, even as her Raven companion harries it.

[Round 2: Korppi to Harry Ashlyn's target (Will save vs DC15; causes -2 penalty to AC)]
[Round 2: Charge attack while using full combat expertise (standard action)] [AC 27 (22 +5 combat expertise -2 charge +2 Protection from Evil), Attack +8, damage 1d10+3]


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Tessa gave a single worried glance at the larger creature, but the others seemed to be focusing on it as well and she knew there were other threats. For the moment she turned her attention to the nearest beast- she raised her consecrated shield and called upon the power of the Sovereign Host, the fury of Onatar, lord of fire. A surge of heat passed through her as the energy of her spell was released- and a portion of that heat did not leave when the spell did; a nearly painful pulse of burning still lingered in her extended arm, as if she had reached into a forgefire to retrieve the fire she called upon. That heat, though, was a small price to pay for the effect, as the nearest of the smaller brutes was wreathed in a shroud of flames...

ooc: from the map, it looks like Tessa is still on her horse- if that is so, the first thing she will do is dismount. She is not a good enough rider to handle the beast when it starts to panic. She will then cast Wall of Fire, making a circle around the nearest O (U 16, I think)- a 10 foot radius, hot side facing in. That is 2d4 fire damage if the target remains inside, and 2d6+7 if it goes through the wall- no save in either case.


First Post

Avron seeing the creatures calls out, "Asparagus! Strike at the thin stalks!" The crazed genius gestures wildly, and yells out words of gibberish. The plants in the area obey his commands and spring to life, wrapping around the creatures.

AC: 22
HP: 41/41
Archivist Spells Prepared (CL 7th, +6 ranged touch, +5 melee touch):

  • 0th—Create Water, Read Magic, Detect Magicx2
  • 1st--Detect Undead, Healthful Rest, Produce Flame, Entangle(expended), Lesser Vigor, Shield of Faith
  • 2nd--Lesser Restoration, Drifts of the Shalmx2, Web, Mirror Image,
  • 3rd--Lightning Bolt, Holy Storm, Sleet Storm
  • 4th--Arc of Lightning, Spike Stones
Spell-like abilties
Shield 2/3 remaining. [/sblock]

Cast entangle, centered upon square x9(DC 15). Move action: Dark knowledge(assuming these are giants). Knowledge Nature: 22(allies gain +1 on attacks). <A href="" target=_blank>[URL][/URL]


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