Stop telling me to boycott WotC. If you support open gaming, tell who to support. (+ thread)


I'll put a plug in for Pelgrane Press. Their Gumshoe system is under a CC Atribution license - if you're looking to try a different game system that is still fantasy their Swords of the Serpentine game is one to check out - especially if you're more to the Swords and Sorcery pulp side of things than the dungeon crawling or epic fantasy. But Timewatch, Trail of Cthulhu, and Nights Black Agents are all also fun Gumshoe games. They also publish 13th Age for the fan of D&D that isn't D&D, which is currently OGL but I assume will be moving to a different open license.

(They also publish Owl Hoot Trail, which is a great little lightweight d20-inspired Fantasy Western game IMO. It's just a single book not a supported line but it's a hidden gem).

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
It's also now under CC-BY by virtue of being part of the 5.1 SRD ;)
Quick note - you are replying to a comment that someone made early in January, when that wasn't true.

I've seen necro threads where people berate posters for not using rules that have been errata'd since, or material in books that were not out at the time. With something that evolved as quickly as the OGL while we are still close in time to those changes we need to be aware of when posts were made as well.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I'll put a plug in for Pelgrane Press. Their Gumshoe system is under a CC Atribution license - if you're looking to try a different game system that is still fantasy their Swords of the Serpentine game is one to check out - especially if you're more to the Swords and Sorcery pulp side of things than the dungeon crawling or epic fantasy. But Timewatch, Trail of Cthulhu, and Nights Black Agents are all also fun Gumshoe games. They also publish 13th Age for the fan of D&D that isn't D&D, which is currently OGL but I assume will be moving to a different open license.

(They also publish Owl Hoot Trail, which is a great little lightweight d20-inspired Fantasy Western game IMO. It's just a single book not a supported line but it's a hidden gem).
Thanks. Actually look for games quite different than swords & sorcery fantasy. Gumshoe has been on my RADAR for some time. Hard to find time to try other games outside of my current D&D 5e campaign, but I try to fit in one shots here and there.


GUMSHOE never clicked with me as a System, but I adore the grid from Mutant City Blues for choosing power, following the web of connected abilities.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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