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D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder



Ardeep Forest
Round 0

Dren shrugged and hefted his pack, slipping his axe into his belt. He followed along with the others. As they reached the spot they last saw the giant tracks, he tried to help out, but really mostly just got in the way.

Suvival: 1D20+3 = [5]+3 = 8

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:


AC: 16
HP: 33/33 HD: 4/4d8
Ki: 4/4/R
Darts 10
Arrows: 20

[sblock=Party Treasure]

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Carolina - halfling rogue
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight

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Tranio: Before the group departs, you meet with the town jeweler. They give you 50 GP with of ruby dust in exhange for the gem.

Spuds: The farmer needs to head back to Goldfields. He has no concerns with bringing the cart off road, but is less thrilled about the idea of intentionally looking for giants. " You've kept me safe so far and gold is gold," he explains. "First sign of trouble and I'm gone. Spuds ain't going to be some giant's toothpick!'

Aremus: The party heads back towards the bridge and you quickly locate numerous tracks by the river. They appear to be along to a dozen orcs and one giant, moving in a very disciplined alignment. The tracks head to the north and you are able to follow them for several miles. They eventually lead to a cliff and end bizarrely. The orc tracks head off in multiple directions, as if the party suddenly scattered. The giant foot prints show no sign of this, but just vanish half way up the hill.


"Strange." suggests Aremus, "However this giant disappeared, it seems to have sent the orcs a-scatter. We should have a quick look around and be on our way. At least, it seems, there is no immediate threat to Nightstone."

He scans the end of the giant's tracks for any explaination.



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I know what happened. The cloud came down anewd scattered the orcs. The giant climbed on the cloud and it flew off." says Ordrar
"Either he got lost during the attack or he is 'wild' giant and the cloud actively collects the army. Let's head back."
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio: Before the group departs, you meet with the town jeweler. They give you 50 GP with of ruby dust in exhange for the gem.

Tranio takes the ruby dust, a substantial amount compared to the size of the gem he hands over, and remembers the prayer book he had once read which told of Another Path. He pockets it, and spends 5gp on a carved stone amulet that the jeweller has, inscribed with a symbol he doesn't recognize.

He's ready to travel now.

OOC: At the first opportunity, Tranio will cast Continual Flame on the amulet (price as per holy symbol), using the ruby dust. He'll keep it wrapped up in his bag in an oilskin. The morning of the departure, he'll not learn Detect Magic, but will go back to the standard spell allocation the next day. He will have it as an extra light source if needed, but will keep it packed away most of the time. I've updated the character sheet as of day 2.


"Surely you are right, friend Dwarf." Aremus says to Ordrar. "Let us hurry on to Goldenfields. I am sure I can find a path wide enough for Spud's wagon. And when crossing the Dessarin, well, the good thing about a wagon made of wood; it floats. My fisherman friend can ferry ourselves and the rest, and if need be can always tow the wagon across."


Carolina maintains her typical stoic silence, keeping watch for any threats.

OOC: Perception [roll0], Investigation [roll1]

[B]AC:[/B] 14; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]15[/COLOR]/15
[B]Initiative:[/B] +3
[B]Saves:[/B] DEX +5, INT +4
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 13
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Halfling, Thieves' cant
[B]Skills:[/B] Acrobatics +7, Deception +2, Investigation +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +7
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 8 (-1), Dex 17 (+3) , Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 11 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No

Carolina: You scan for clues and danger when a strange glow in the sky attracts your attention. You see an enormous tower floating on a billowy cloud a thousand feet overhead. The tower must be hundreds of feet tall, and different bright colors pour out of the many windows. As the tower drifts closer, stairs made of clouds begin to form underneath it and descend toward the edge of the cliff.


"What th..." Carolina begins to muse before being interrupted by Aremus. Seeing him dash for cover, she decides he's got the right of it and follows suit.

[B]AC:[/B] 14; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]15[/COLOR]/15
[B]Initiative:[/B] +3
[B]Saves:[/B] DEX +5, INT +4
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 13
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Halfling, Thieves' cant
[B]Skills:[/B] Acrobatics +7, Deception +2, Investigation +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +7
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 8 (-1), Dex 17 (+3) , Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 11 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No

Voidrunner's Codex

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