Stormwrack- Anybody got it?

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I'm starting off a new campaign tommorrow with one of the PCs having levels in the Dread Pirate (yes, he has a ship and crew) and the party will most likely have their base around the Inner Sea in FR. So both the pirates player and myself is quite interested in this book, to say the least.


Following the completion of my aquatic adventure, I've missed this by a smidgen. But, in another recent thread somebody mentioned 'Tammarugh Fate' and adventure in Dungeon that's apparantly very good and contains some aquatic elements. Maybe I'll get to use this quickly afterall!


atom crash

First Post
My local shop had not even heard of the book yet. Shiver me timbers.

Which local shop? Visions?

Have they heard of the book under its earlier working title, Maelstrom?

On a side note, I just picked up Dead Man's Chest yesterday, and judging by the WotC site excerpts, these books cover the same material. I was hoping they'd dovetail rather than overlap. Now I'll have to choose to use one or the other.

I'm not sure I'm encouraged/excited about the contents of Stormwrack, based on the preview of the darfellens, a humanoid race that looks like a killer whale. Do we really need a new exotic playable race in each book? Why not just more in-depth coverage of the stuff we already have? OK, so aquatic elves are in there (as it should be), but why not focus on sahaugin, locathah and merfolk rather than introduce more races?
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The Grumpy Celt

atom crash said:

Yeah, it is Visions. Visions the game shop, not Visions the Stripper Bar. And they are going through a change in managment, so not everyone there may know what is and is not ordered. So maybe they will get a copy of Maelstrom.


Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
atom crash said:
I'm not sure I'm encouraged/excited about the contents of Stormwrack, based on the preview of the darfellens, a humanoid race that looks like a killer whale. Do we really need a new exotic playable race in each book? Why not just more in-depth coverage of the stuff we already have? OK, so aquatic elves are in there (as it should be), but why not focus on sahaugin, locathah and merfolk rather than introduce more races?
I agree with you on the races in "Sandstorm" and, arguably, for "Frostburn," but I disagree with the new races in "Stormwrack." The MM aquatic races aren't suitable for player characters -- "my merman flops his way down the hall of the dungeon" -- other than aquatic elves, and not everyone wants to BE an elf.

Sahuagin, while incredibly cool, have a host of issues that make them impractical as regular members of a group of adventurers. The new killer whale race has a weaker version of waterbreathing, so they're not as powerful as an aquatic elf, they have a very cool look about them and bring in other cultural flavors than standard Gygax high fantasy. Hopefully they'll be supported by a god and a prestige class that reinforces that flavor.

Heck, I think this environment could easily support a Races of the Sea supplement.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
The Grumpy Celt said:
Yeah, it is Visions. Visions the game shop, not Visions the Stripper Bar. And they are going through a change in managment, so not everyone there may know what is and is not ordered. So maybe they will get a copy of Maelstrom.

I hear she does this cute little thing where she wiggles her.... oh, wait not Visions the stripper bar....

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