Story Hour - Keep on the Shadowfell with first time D&D players


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Thanks for the feedback, Caldarion. I am enjoying writing these. And I find that writing this helps me remember as DM what happens in each session when I need to remember it later.

Hi, Ralph. I was wondering if you'd seen this thread already, since I know you read some of the story hours on this site from time to time.

I am running another session for these new players this Saturday, so I'll be posting more next week. I also have a whole other group who has never played D&D (except two that played a little bit of 2nd edition back in high school years ago) who want to try it. My brother wants me to put another campaign together and to run two campaigns simultaneously on alternating weeks. I am pleasantly surprised that all the players in the first group are sticking with it so far. Out of a whole group of people who never played the game before, I had figured at least a couple of them would say "fun, but not for me". But so far they seem eager to play again and to find out more about the plot and the story.

The main thing that was holding me back from running another campaign parallel to this one with a different group of players was the current shortage of 4th edition adventures. I tried to convert a Paizo adventure to 4th edition, and I think it is feasible to do it, but too much work at the moment. I am now taking a look at the new Dungeon adventure path that just started on WOTC's site to see if it looks good. Hopefully soon others will start converting the Paizo adventures on the Paizo messageboards to 4th edition, and also hopefully soon there will be more 4th edition adventures from third party publishers.

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Dark Deeds on the Road to Winterhaven

After defeating Irontooth and his kobolds in their lair, the heroes are ready to spend some of the loot they’ve found before tracking down this nefarious Kalarel. First they sleep for six hours at the kobold lair. Then they interrogate the kobold dragonshield they captured at the end of the last fight, who, upon intimidation, claims the kobolds are “nice, not mean to humans”, and that normally they “only capture nice humans to give to Bloodreavers for trade.” But that Irontooth enslaved them for “mean human with horns that raises the dead from the grave.”

All they can get from the kobold about the Bloodreavers is that these are hobgoblin slave traders. All the kobold seems to know about the human is that his name is Kalarel, and that Kalarel and his “walking dead” was the only thing even Irontooth was scared of. The kobold says the Bloodreavers come from Thunderspire, and that Kalarel dwells in the Shadow Keep with “many goblins.”

The heroes give up on getting any more useful information and decide to head back towards Winterhaven, carrying the kobold prisoner bound and in a sack. On the way back to town, they run across one of the many clumps of farmsteads which they had seen on the way out of Winterhaven a day before. There are three farmhouses here, as well as a slightly larger house apparently used as a wayside church of Avandra, goddess of good luck and safe travel. It is mid-morning, yet not a single soul is in sight, however. There is not even a sound from a single farm animal.

The deathly silence is discomforting and worrisome to the heroes. Rafanel the ranger and Tlaloc the rogue decide to scout ahead of the group and investigate the farmhouses. As they approach the homes, they go by the larger building, and look beyond to the central square between buildings. As they move near the large building, they start to notice the low buzz of a lot of flies swarming about in the otherwise quiet air. Then, as they round the corner of the larger building, the see in the open space between buildings several dead farm animals and a couple of piles of bloody bones, with little swarms of flies hovering above each pile.

But they also notice a foul putrescent stench coming from the windows of the large building they are standing next to. Rafanel looks in a crack of the closed window and sees a dark common room. In the shadows, he spots what looks like a pole which has been erected in the center of the room, where a body hangs. Near the pole on the ground are additional piles of bloody bones of various animals or humans. The air in the dark room is thick with the buzzing of flies. Rafanel tells Tlaloc to go fetch the others while he investigates the inside of the building. He breaks open the door, and as some light enters the now open doorway, he steps inside and perceives the full horror of the scene.

On the wooden pole hangs the corpse of one of the farmers the group saw only a day earlier when passing through to attack the kobold lair. The body, though only a day old, seems oddly dessicated and drained of life, and there are strange runes carved all over the corpse’s skin. It appears the farmer’s throat was slit wide open so that the corpse’s head is barely staying attached to the body. There are more strange runes written in blood all over the walls of the common room, defiling the shrine of Avandra with the foul vileness of this murder. The two piles of bones near the hanging corpse seem to have been carefully arranged, and seem to contain bloody parts of cows and chickens, possibly mixed with a few human parts. The stench in the room is overwhelming.

Just then Tlaloc returns with the others. Some of the heroes remain outside, but Lozol steps inside to view the carnage for himself, trying to use his disgust for what he sees to steel himself to his purpose. As he looks around, Lozol recognizes the symbols on the wall from his own studies of religion, and announces to the others that these symbols are used in the foul worship of Orcus, Demon Prince of the Undead.

Rafanel moves towards the corpse, perhaps thinking to cut it down. But as he approaches, the heroes are horrified to see the corpse’s head raise up to look with dead eyes right at Rafanel. From the corpse’s own dessicated mouth, a low moan utters the formless pain of the dead: “Mmmhhhmmmmhhhhh.”

Then the gash where the corpse’s throat was slit opens up further, shaping itself into a strange fanged mouth, which speaks in a drone-like voice which seems to form out of the buzzing of the flies which swarm about the corpse. “I, Kalarel, have defiled this heretical shrine to the false gods. The fate of the heretics in this roadstop pithole shall be the fate of all in Winterhaven, and the fate of all people in this mortal world. All shall serve the Prince of Blood!”

Rafanel sweeps out his swords and moves up to the corpse, slicing its head off and silencing it before it can speak more blasphemies. But just as the corpse’s head hits the wooden floor of the common room, the heroes hear many pained moans coming from the other smaller buildings. The rest of the group who remained outside the larger building move around the corner to see what new horror is coming their way. They see the doors of the other buildings have opened, and from the doorways are issuing out, one after another, the slow, shambling corpses of the other farmers, men and women alike. Some of the corpses seem relatively fresh, farmers killed only a day ago and sporting bloody cuts and gashes to prove how they died at the hands of their murderers. A few others seem to be weeks or months old, perhaps representing the recent dead family members of the slain farmers, dug up from their nearby graves to trouble the world at Kalarel’s command.

As the zombies shamble closer, the heroes try all they can to see if they can slay the undead before their putrid claws reach them. Lozol, having learned about undead in his religious studies as a paladin, shouts out: “Go for their brains. If you pierce or crush their brains, that will kill them. Otherwise you have to hack them to bits to stop them.” Rafanel looks out from a window of the big house onto the oncoming horde of zombies. He fires his arrows at the two in front, putting Lozol’s instructions to the test He shoots two of the more decrepit looking corpses right in the brain. They both fall limp on the ground. Xandir blasts magic missiles at one of the tougher looking zombies. He manages a one in a million shot, hitting it squarely between the eyes. The zombie’s brains spatter out the back of its head, and it falls limp as well. Lilith rains down fire on a group of zombies. They burn in mindless pain, but continue to shuffle forward.

Lilith and Rafanel urge Hyksos to hurl the sack with the kobold prisoner at the zombies in order to distract them with a source of living food other than the heroes. But looking at the feverish gnawing of the zombies’ putrid mouths, and the vacant look in their mindless dead eyes, Hyksos cannot bring himself to do that even to his enemy. So instead he drops the sack with the kobold next to the outside of the large building, and rushes in with sword in hand and begins hacking at the zombies. Unfortunately, there are so many of them. Soon one female corpse embraces him in her grip, trying to hold him for the other corpses to tear Hyksos apart. Just then Tlaloc enters the fray. Trying to avoid getting swarmed himself by the zombies, Tlaloc hurls a dagger at the female zombie that grabbed Hyksos. He places the dagger expertly, causing the zombie to lose her grip on Hyksos and stumble back a couple of steps. Lozol hurls a couple of javelins at the zombies, until Hyksos urges him to join him in the fray. Lozol then draws his sword and charges in, glowing with divine energy as he challenges the toughest-looking zombie. Tlaloc then moves in to flank a zombie with Hyksos. Meanwhile, Rafanel continues to sink arrow after arrow into the zombies, while Lilith blasts one after another with her eldritch blasts of dark energy, and Xandir blasts groups of zombies with his spells, boosting the damage he inflicts by using his new magic wand, Orthrax.

Finally, the last of the zombies is hacked to bits so it cannot fight. Rafanel leads the others to gather the dead into the defiled shrine. He then pours oil on all the farmsteads, and sets them all on fire, hoping the cleansing flames will erase the horror of what was done in this place.
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Down into the Keep’s Dungeons

After cremating the remains of the desecrated farmers, the heroes headed into Winterhaven to rest and stock up on equipment. They looked for the mysterious elf woman who had previously plied Lozol with questions, but there was no sign of her in town.

The locals seemed nervous and jittery. Eilian the Old commented that he had dreamed a dark door had opened, while another villager said he felt like someone had stepped over his grave.

After resting and restocking, the next morning the group headed out towards the dreaded ruins of the Shadow Keep. Along the way the heroes heard the howling of wolves. But they chose to ignore the howls and continue straight to their goal.

The outskirts of the ruins were eerily quiet, as if even the woodland birds and animals fear to tread there. Rafanel and Tlaloc explored the decaying stone walls in the ruins until they found a partially standing tower which contained a stairwell leading down into the dark dungeons below.

While the rest of the group gathered at the top of the stairs, the two stealthy elves sneaked down the stairs by themselves. At the bottom of the stairs, they discovered a room with four small stone pillars, and corridors leading off in different directions. To the south of the room, two filthy small humanoids dressed in ragged leather armor howled at them in rage, hurling javelins at them. Rafanel sent Tlaloc to fetch the others waiting up at the top of the stairs, and he drew his swords from their scabbards and rushed at the goblin warriors facing him.

Unfortunately, in his haste he failed to note the pit trap cleverly hidden by the goblins half way in the room, covered with a stone colored tarp. Rafanel fell right in, and found himself swarmed by a horde of vicious starved giant rats. The rats leaped up on his prone body, rending little wounds on his arms, legs and torso with their tiny filthy fangs.

The rest of the group rushed down the stairs, but soon found themselves targeted not only by the first two javelin-throwing goblins, but also by two goblin sharpshooters who used their crossbows with deadly aim from the room to the south, using cover to repeatedly hide and get combat advantage on the heroes, peppering them with deadly bolts in their vitals.

The spellcasters began to retaliate with spells, but the deadly accuracy of the goblin sharpshooters began to take its toll as one hero after another fell clutching their vitals in pain. Rafanel repeatedly struggled to climb out of the rat-filled pit without success. Lilith and Xandir worked to throw down a rope to him, and Hyksos was finally able to pull Rafanel out.

With Rafanel out of the pit, the group was able to focus their spells and weapons on the goblin javelin throwers, and Tlaloc used a carefully placed dagger throw to cause one goblin to fall into the rat pit. The goblin was soon devoured by the hungry vermin in the pit. But Xandir fell unconscious from bloodloss and others were near death from the rain of crossbow bolts, the heroes decided to take the action to the sharpshooters. Hyksos, Rafanel and Tlaloc charged in and got in the goblin’s faces so they could not be effective with their ranged weapons, while Lozol and Hyksos used their healing ability to save those near death.

The last of the goblins fell to its ignoble end, and the heroes looted their bodies for coins and ran back up their stairs and all the way back to town. This time they might buy a few more healing potions before venturing back into the dungeons of the Keep on the Shadowfell.


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Down with the Goblin Chief

After a long hiatus due to intervention by the real world lives of the DM and players, we finally resumed playing about a month ago. Here is a brief entry for the last session before the hiatus. Soon I'll post the journal entry from the first new post-hiatus session:

The heroes once more ventured into the Keep on the Shadowfell.
This time they used strategy and caught the goblin sentries by surprise, and Rafanel and Tlaloc quietly got rid of the sentries before they could provide a warning to others.

Then the group followed the sounds of distant screaming down a twisting corridor and behind a door to a goblin torture chamber. There, a deformed hobgoblin in a leather mask and his goblin assistants plied their horrid art of inflicting pain on a hapless kobold.

A terrible fight ensued, and the torturer used a red-hot poker to stab at Lozol, the paladin. The dragonborn used his new skill to inspire the paladin to shake off the pain long enough to remove the blistering remnants of the poker from his wound, to stop the burning. Then, while the paladin, rogue, wizard, ranger and warlock chased down the goblin assistants and slew them, the hobgoblin drew a bright, gleaming shuriken to use against the heroes. But he was felled by a series of mighty blows and spells from the group before he could even hurl the weapon. Xandir the wizard used his arcane sense to identify the weapon as a magical shuriken, capable of returning to the wielder’s hand when thrown. Tlaloc claimed it as his reward from the battle.

Upon further exploration of the torture chamber, the heroes found a series of cages, including one containing a goblin prisoner. Splug the goblin proved relatively sociable, for a goblin, and convinced the heroes to let him out of his cage in exchange for leading them to the goblin chief’s chamber and revealing anything else he knew about the Keep. Splug did indeed lead the group to the chief. There the heroes faced a small horde of goblins making up the chief’s bodyguard. They encountered Balgron the Fat himself hiding behind his guards, but Balgron and his goblins proved no match for the increased skills and powers of the party of adventurers. Off in a side room, while the others finished off the chief, and out of sight of her allies, Lilith used her favorite vampiric power to siphon off the life energy of one goblin who was foolish enough to surrender to her.

After defeating the chief, the group searched the chief’s room and located his treasure chest, where a beautiful bow marked with blue gems was found. The bow, clearly of exquisite fey craftsmanship, was claimed by Rafanel, after Xandir identified it as a storm bow, a magical bow with the power to ensorcell arrows fired from it with the power of lighting.
Splug the goblin offered himself as slave to the victorious heroes, who promptly commanded the goblin to reveal what else he knew about the Keep’s lay out. Splug said that to the east there are caverns filled with rats, terrible bugs, and even worse creatures. But to the west there is something even worse, undead things guarding the way to Kalarel, new master of the Shadow Keep.

The heroes decided to go back to town to rest and re-equip, and then they must decide in which direction to try their fate.

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