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Strahd's Goblinoid mini campaign "Yar Gock" - (recruiting is currently closed)

Dire Lemming

First Post
Hey, this looks cool. So this isn't one of those tribes where the tribe shaman names all the children based on their visions is it? I don't want to end up with a name like "Eats-The-Wrong-Berries-And-Gets-Sick-All-Over"

So I was thinking I'd like to try a cleric.

This link seems rather appropriate, if you don't know what this is I should warn you it's rather violent.


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I would like to thank all the applying voices, now that I saw interest, I'll change this thread into a recruiting thread.

I was thinking about a party of four, allowed races are Goblin, Hobgoblin and Bugbear, I will pick the four winners and place the rest as alts in the tribe.
Note the +1 LA of Hobgoblins and Bugbears.
I'll allow only the core classes with the rerstrication I note below, but for feats you can use the core books and the Complete series as well.

Classes should be as follow: (The names I wrote are only for Tribal Metaphore)
Bandit and Skirmisher (following the Rogue Class)
Elite Warriors or Slavers (following the Fighter class)
Hunters or Wolf Riders (Rangers)
Shaman (Sorcerer)
Witch Doctor (Druid or Priest)

No Wizard and no Paladins.

The Pecking Order of such Lawful Evil Society is:
1. Mogur
2. The Ruthless Ogre, Personal Super elite Bodyguards, the tribe's High Priest of
Maglubiyet (The Mighty One, The Lord of Depths and Darkness).
3. Witch Doctors – A party member can be from within this social rank.
Shamans – A party member can be from within this social rank.
4. Hired Hobgoblins, Bugbear Slavers and Elite Goblin Warriors (Including Wolf
riders), and other classes – A party member can be from within this social rank.
5. Ordinary Goblin warriors.
6. Female goblins.
7. goblins-imps
8. The old, crippled, and sick.
9. Slaves and prisoners.

Level: 2nd
Starting Equipment: 500 gp. (Well, goblins are poor, the leader owns most of the treasure, I suggest spending it all, because, if any gold coins are left, they will be transferred to the leader)
Alignment: Any Evil
Ability Generation: 28 point buy.
Hit Points: Max HP at 1st level, leveling up, take 3/4 of the maximum possible roll for your hit points. For classes using a d6 or d10, round down, but make it up at the next level.
Source Material: Core + Complete Series, subject to approval by me.
Setting: I'll pick up a remote place in Greyhawk world, haven't decided yet.
Speed: I am looking for a moderate paced game, three posts per week is sufficient for this game, I'm DMing two more games over here.
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First Post
Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
I was thinking about a party of four, allowed races are Goblin, Hobgoblin and Bugbear, I will pick the four winners and place the rest as alts in the tribe.

Note the +1 LA of Hobgoblins and Bugbears.

Strahd, your note that bugbears are allowed, but your game starts at 2nd level. Bugbears start as a minimum of 4th level (+1 LA and 3 racial hit dice). Are you allowing them to be played without the racial HD?


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
I am thinking Bugbear Ranger going for Stone Death Assassin. How will that work?
Will I start as Bugbear Ranger 1 with and ECL of 5; or will have to start as as classless Bugbear with and ECL of 4; or only 1 level of humanoid with an ECL of 2; or something else?

Rhun beat me to it...


First Post

This looks interesting. Too bad I can't play a blue (Psionic goblin). It should be in the SRD.

If not, I guess I'll be a gobiln ranger who rides his wolf mount.


First Post
I'm looking at putting together a goblin druid. I'm not a fan of druids usually, but I think it would fit well with a goblin.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Mek Thazug'il (Bugbear Ranger 1)

I was looking for a MW tools for Mining so I went with the purely arbitrary and conservative 100gp and 20 lbs. How does that sound?
Would it be OK to get a synergy bonus to Prof (Miner) Know from Know (Dungeoneering)?

[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][B]Mek Thazug'il[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[I]Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)          ECL 2 and 28 pts[/I]

[b]Race:[/b] Bugbear       	[b]Profession:[/b] Dwarf Hunter
[b]Gender:[/b] Male          	[b]Classes:[/b] Ranger 1
[b]Align:[/b] Lawful Evil	[b]Party Role:[/b] Scout/Light Skirmisher

[b]Languages Known:[/b] Com, Dwarf, Goblin, Undercommon

[b]Str[/b] 18 (+4) [6 pts +4 Racial]
[b]Dex[/b] 16 (+3) [6 pts +2 Racial]
[b]Con[/b] 16 (+4) [6 pts +2 Racial]
[b]Int[/b] 14 (+2) [6 pts]
[b]Wis[/b] 12 (+1) [4 pts]
[b]Chr[/b] 6  (+0) [0 pts -2 Racial]

[COLOR=DarkOrange][u][b]Skills (32pts)[/b][/u][/color]

[b]Climb[/b]        	+8      = 4 [+4 Str]

[b]Hide[/b]        	+8      = 5 [+3 Dex]
[b]Move Silently[/b]	+8      = 1 [+3 Dex] [+4 Racial]

[b]Spot[/b]        	+6/8    = 5 [+1 Wis] [+2 vs Dwarves]
[b]Listen[/b]        	+6/8    = 5 [+1 Wis] [+2 vs Dwarves]

[b]Survival[/b]   	+6/8/10 = 5 [+1 Wis] [+2 vs Dwarves] [+2 when Underground]

[b]Prof (Miner)[/b]	+7      = 2 [+1 Wis] [+2 MW Tools] [+2 Know (Dung)]
[b]Knowl (Dung)[/b]	+7      = 5 [+2 Int]
[b]Knowl (Nat)[/b]	+4      = 0 [+2 Int] [+2 Survival]


[i]Armor (Light, Shields) Weapons (Simple, Martial)[/i]

[L1] [b]WF (Dwarven War Axe)[/b]
[R1] [b]Tracking[/b]


[b]BAB:[/b] +1            [b]Melee[/b] +5        [b]Ranged[/b] +4     [b]Mvmt:[/b] 30'
[b]HP:[/b]   11	   [b]Init:[/b] [+3 Dex]
[b]AC:[/b]   18               
    [+2 Leather] [+3 Dex] [+3 Natural Armor]

[b]Fort[/b]    +5     = +2 [+3 Con]
[b]Ref[/b]     +5     = +2 [+3 Dex]
[b]Will[/b]    +1     = +0 [+1 Wis]

[U][b]Weapons[/b]    [/U]      
    [B]Dwarven War Axe (MW)[/B] +7 1d10 +6/+8
(3) [B]Throwing Axes [/B]  
        Melee  +5 1d6 +4/+6    
        Ranged +4 1d6 +4/+6    


Favored Enemy (Dwarves)


[COLOR=DarkOrange][u][b]Special Abilities[/b][/u][/color]

[Racial] Darkvision 60', +3 Natural Armor, +4 Move Silently
[Ra 1] Favored Enemy (Dwarves) +2, Track, Wild Empathy


  [b]Dwarven War Axe  (MW)[/b] [1d10, ×2, 8 lb, 330 gp]
3 [b]Axe, throwing[/b]         [1d6×2, 10 ft., 2 lb., 24 gp]
  [b]Leather[/b]  	       [+2, +6, 0, 10%, 30', 15 lb, 10gp]

[b]Backpack[/b] (2lbs, 2gp), Bedroll (5lbs, 0.1gp), 10 candles (0.1gp),
flint and steel (1gp), 2 waterskin (2gp),
Grappling Hook (4 lbs., 1gp), 100 Silk Rope (10 lbs., 20gp)
MW Miners Tools (20 lbs, 100gp)

[b]Belt Pouches (2)[/b] (1lbs, 2gp)
3 Caltrops (3lbs, 3 gp)

[COLOR=DarkOrange][u][b]Money and Other Tender[/b][/u][/color]

[b]GP[/b] 0

[COLOR=DarkOrange][u][b]Physical Description[/b][/u][/color]

[B]Height:[/B] 7'2"         [B]Weight:[/B] 240 lbs
[B]Age:[/B] 22              [B]Handedness:[/B] Right
[B]Hair:[/B] Black          [B]Eyes:[/B] Reddish Orange
[B]Stature:[/B] Muscular    [B]Skin Color:[/B] Light Brown mottled Dark Brown and Grey

Mek was the sole survivor of a mining party that he was supervising when a 
Dwarven raiding party came in and killed pretty much every Goblin in the area. 
Mek was left for dead physically scarred from his right ear, down his jaw line, 
and down and across his throat. Mek and the other Goblins fought and killed 
many Dwarves that day. Mek and his kin in the area brought down what 
seemed to be a Dwarf commander and Mek, to this day, bears the 
commander's Dwarven War Axe into battle to hew its makers in twain.

Since that day Mek's voice has never been the same. He can whisper or talk 
softly OK, but anything more than that and it comes out as an almost 
unintelligible rasping croak. He prefers not to talk in general, and most 
commoners believe that he is a mute. Mek prefers to destroy things, especially 
Dwarves as a hobby and job.

Following the mining aftermath Mek was inducted into the [i]Black Order[/i] - those 
that train in the way of the Stone Death Assassins. He has focused and 
dedicated his rage to this study and mission for the Tribe. He works angrily 
and willingly for the tribe with the only hope that he will get the chance to 
kill as many Dwarves as possible. 

[i]CL20: Thief 3/Ranger 5 /Stone Death Assassin 5/Other PrC 7?? [/i]
[b]L01 Ra1 [/b]  Track, Wild Empathy, Wpn Focus
[b]L02 BgBr [/b]  
[b]L03 Ra2 [/b]  2 Wpn Fight,  Imp Natural Armor OR Imp Toughness
[b]L04 Ra3 [/b]  +1 Con, Endurance
[b]L05 SDA1 [/b]  
[b]L06 SDA2 [/b]  Imp Natural Armor OR Imp Toughness
[b]L07 SDA3 [/b]  
[b]L08 SDA4 [/b]  +1 Con
[b]L09 SDA5 [/b]  Imp Natural Armor 
[b]L10 Ra4 [/b]  
[b]L11 Ra5 [/b]  
[b]L12 Ro1 [/b]  Imp Natural Armor
[b]L13 Ro2 [/b]  
[b]L14 Ro3[/b][/sblock]
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First Post
Goblin Barbarian 2
Alignment C Neutral

Str 14 (10 point buy, -2 racial)
Dex 14 (4 point buy, +2 racial)
Con 16 (10 point buy)
Int 10 (2 point buy)
Wis 8 (0 point buy)
Cha 6 (0 point buy, -2 racial)

AC: 17 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)  Touch: 13   Flat-Footed: 17 (Uncanny Dodge)
HP: 27 (2d12+6)
Move: 40'

Fort +5 (+2 base, +3 Con)
Ref  +2 (+0 base, +2 Dex)
Will -1 (+0 base, -1 Wis)

MW Greataxe  +5(+1 BAB, +2 Str, +1 MW, +1 size)  (1d10+3)  20/x3
Warhammer +4 (1d6+3)  20/x3
Dagger  +4 (1d3+2)  19-20/x2
Shortbow  +4 (1d4)   20/x3

Power Attack (1st level feat)
Fast Movement (Barb 1)
Rage 1/day (Barb 1)
Uncanny Dodge (Barb 2)

Climb  +2  (2 ranks, +2 Str, -2 ACP)
Hide  +6  (2 ranks, +2 Dex, +4 size, -2 ACP)
Jump  +2 (2 ranks, +2 Str, -2 ACP)
Ride  +6 (4 ranks, +2 Dex)
Spot  +1 (2 ranks, -1 Wis)  (CC)
Survival  +1  (2 ranks, -1 Wis)

MW Greataxe (320)
Warhammer (12)
Dagger (2)
Short Bow  (30)
20 Arrows  (1)
Chain Shirt  (100)
Waterskin (1)
5 Tindertwigs (5)
Alchemist's Fire (20)

Total: 491

Gark was always a bit out of control. He was the goblin who stood up to those bigger than he, often with such ferocity that his opponent backed down. As he grew up, he was put to work gathering and chopping wood for the camp's fires. he found that he enjoyed the feeling of an axe in his hands, and there was a certain satisfaction in the feeling of a thick branch or trunk snapping under his repeated assaults. His temper and tendency to glare at anyone who made a noise around him made him even less liked in the camp than most goblins, but he didn't care. He just kept chopping wood, building muscle, and testing himself against anyone who drew his ire. He even fought one of the hobgoblin mercenaries over the dagger he now carries, before he had even been on a raid.
That fight led to him being trained to focus his anger and strength. He was given a chance to prove his worth to the tribe, and he responded by leading a charge against a hastily-fortified wagon train. He took hits from three crossbow bolts before he reached the enemy, but he didn't stop chopping until all were down, earning him first pick of the spoils (after Mogur, of course), and that was how he got his axe, Kneechopper.
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Rhun said:
Strahd, your note that bugbears are allowed, but your game starts at 2nd level. Bugbears start as a minimum of 4th level (+1 LA and 3 racial hit dice). Are you allowing them to be played without the racial HD?

Yep, sorry for not mentioning it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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