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No, that would definitely not do it. Only a small segment of very detailed oriented fandom remembers what Stardates are associated with TOS, or TNG, or other series.
And only a moderately larger portion know what actual dates are associated with them. To the extent that they're even defined.

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To be fair, this isn't a new example - it's the original example. Pike's rural homelife was established during one of the fantasy scenarios in the original pilot The Cage, complete with horse.
I kinda feel it makes sense that many of those "explorer" type Captains that would go on a 5 year mission for Starfleet might seek out a "quiet" life in the wilderness.
They went out to the stars to explore the unknown and a lot of that time is probably just holding watch while the ship hurls through space, retreating to your cabin between shifts. It is then interpunctuated by encountering some new civilizations and space anomalies. There is certainly also a lot of camaderie and tight-knit communities aboard these ships - but Captains like Picard, Kirk or Pike tends to keep some professional distance from a lot of that, and their job can be very lonely.
If you can't handle it well, chances are you won't even go on a 5 year mission...

When they decide to retire after some 5 year exploration missions, many will still need that quitness - and they can easily go to the next big city if they think it's time for some excitement again. Or, if they want just some camaderie, they might remain in close contact with some smaller town in the area. But they'll still have their Captain's cabin a bit further out...

Of course, that lone cabin in the wild will be the extreme spectrum - Riker and Troi built a family, for example - but they are still somewhat outside the big cities.


New Publisher
To build on an earlier comment.... I'd like a Klingon star trek. I know I won't get one, but I'd be interested in something different.


To build on an earlier comment.... I'd like a Klingon star trek. I know I won't get one, but I'd be interested in something different.
I couldn't agree more. Back when Michael Dorn was trying to pitch a Captain Worf series I would tell my friends I was far more interested in a General Martok show. I would also love a Romulan show; the Tal Shiar would be far more interesting than the (possibly) upcoming Section 31 show.

Thomas Shey

Yeah, I think the danger is being overshadowed by TOS -- but that's the problem with all prequels; you know what happens in the end, and they can't discover or change anything too important.

Maybe. But TOS actually rarely really changed anything; the only thing that comes to mind was the Organians Peace Treaty and that came in pretty early so they could do Cold War stories instead of hot war ones. Very little else perturbed the status quo in the series much.

Thomas Shey

Going by the Star Trek: Discovery experience, the risk isn't being overshadowed by TOS - the risk is treading too heavily on it. It was a bit of a relief when Discovery jumped to the future and stopped stomping all over the things covered by or discovered by TOS.

I really enjoyed Anson Mount and Rebecca Romijn as Pike and Number One during Discovery's second season. And I'm thrilled by some of their choices of characters. But there's one looming thorn. How will they handle La'an Noonien-Singh? She's not simply Chekhov's gun waiting to go off - she's Chekhov's howitzer. She could be handled with some subtlety (which brings up the question why even have her obvious connection to Khan) or she can be an irritation intruding on TOS stories. Given Discovery's track record, I'm battening down the hatches in expectation of the latter but desperately hoping for the former.

Its going to be particularly hard to explain how Kirk never referenced her unless they play a similar card to what they did with Burnham.

(Or, honestly, just retcon that he did offscreen. Its not like they've been hesitant to do that sort of thing in Trek canon, as is shown by the two radically different histories ascribed to Zefram Cochran).


This news makes me nervous. Casting Kirk for Strange New Worlds seems like a potential mistake to me for reasons previously mentioned in this thread.
We'll see. As I understand it, he's not appearing until season 2, so let's see what happens in season 1 before judging whether or not it's a good move.


They could do a tie-in with a certain Lieutenant Kirk, on the USS Farragut, who had an encounter with a peculiar blood eating cloud creature 11 years before TOS occurred. TOS S2E13: "Obsession"


They could do a tie-in with a certain Lieutenant Kirk, on the USS Farragut, who had an encounter with a peculiar blood eating cloud creature 11 years before TOS occurred. TOS S2E13: "Obsession"
Possible. This character is definitely already a captain, though - the rank bars on the uniform confirm it.

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