D&D 5E Strixhaven Table of Contents

Strixhaven's table of contents has appeared on Reddit. The book contains 7 chapters, plus an appendix, including four adventures. Basic setting information, about 20 pages Character options, about 22 pages 4 adventures organized in a unified campaign, about 32 pages per adventure (plus general campaign organizational tools which take up about 20 pages) NPCs & monsters, about 42 pages...

Strixhaven's table of contents has appeared on Reddit. The book contains 7 chapters, plus an appendix, including four adventures.
  1. Basic setting information, about 20 pages
  2. Character options, about 22 pages
  3. 4 adventures organized in a unified campaign, about 32 pages per adventure (plus general campaign organizational tools which take up about 20 pages)
  4. NPCs & monsters, about 42 pages


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One aspect you seem to be missing around the 35 minute mark is that granting those Feats at Level 1, is that it is exactly equivalent to the Level 1 Feats in Theros or Ravenloft ("Supernatural Gifts" or Dark Gifts"), just mixing it with Backgrounds.
Thank you but I'd disagree. If a player is looking at D&D Beyond (for example) for a list of Backgrounds, they could see these Backgrounds that explicitly give Feats. The Supernatural and Dark Gifts are an entirely different mechanical structure. Yes, of course, a DM can just tell the player they don't get the Strixhaven Initiate Feat, but now the DM is in the position of being forced to "nerf" a player option.

So, if someone would let a player pick a Gift, sure, they'd be similar power-level rise but I think calling them "exactly equivalent" is not entirely accurate.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Thank you but I'd disagree. If a player is looking at D&D Beyond (for example) for a list of Backgrounds, they could see these Backgrounds that explicitly give Feats. The Supernatural and Dark Gifts are an entirely different mechanical structure. Yes, of course, a DM can just tell the player they don't get the Strixhaven Initiate Feat, but now the DM is in the position of being forced to "nerf" a player option.

So, if someone would let a player pick a Gift, sure, they'd be similar power-level rise but I think calling them "exactly equivalent" is not entirely accurate.

I really appreciate you watching!
It is exactly equivalent in that the actual mechanical component is a Feat, built like a Feat, given at Level 1. Theros goes so far as to say literally "yeah, just go ahead and use any Feat from the PHB as a Supernatural Gift if you want, it's the same thing."

Crawford covered this in an interview with Todd Kendrick a while ago, that they built the Strixhaven options this way so that a DM could take the Background and Feats apart and remix as desired: the Background says it grants the Feat, but want the Background without the Feat? Then the Background works just like any other Background. Want the Feat without the Background? No worries, the Feat is built like any other Feat.

I find this really disappointing actually. I was genuinely looking forward to this as a setting book, but over half the page count is adventures. This isn’t a setting book, it’s an adventure path. I’m a player rather than a dm, I don’t want to read something I might be playing through later.

It’s gone from a must-buy to a maybe-at-best for me. 🙁


Book-Friend, he/him
I find this really disappointing actually. I was genuinely looking forward to this as a setting book, but over half the page count is adventures. This isn’t a setting book, it’s an adventure path. I’m a player rather than a dm, I don’t want to read something I might be playing through later.

It’s gone from a must-buy to a maybe-at-best for me. 🙁
I mean, yeah, that's fair.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yeah I think they could do decent trade in a pamphlet set that just takes the lore contained in an adventure, no mechanics, no adventure stuff, for something like 10-15 $.

That's the only reason I'd ever buy a physical copy of an adventure, tbh.


I didn't realize so much of this was an adventure - I thought it'd be a forgettable "introductory" adventure like most other campaign books so far. The stuff I'm looking for (player options/stat blocks) takes about 70 of the 224 pages. I'm now leery of it, but I've already put it on reserve.

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