D&D General Styles of D&D Play


Victoria Rules
So tell me, why are you so unwilling to look past WotC's output.

If WotC has put together 75% of a system of which I don't like 10% that's still 65% of a system taking up space and that I'm never gonna use. Instead I'm going to Etsy/The DM's Guild/Sly Flourish/Matt Colville/etc.
Plowing through all the 3pp stuff would take me way longer than doing the 35% of the work left over from WotC's (or whoever's) good start.

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Plowing through all the 3pp stuff would take me way longer than doing the 35% of the work left over from WotC's (or whoever's) good start.
And working out how much of that "good" start to throw out will take me linger than building something of my own. It's only when I can trust it to be load-bearing or be dropped in that it stops being a time sink.

Honestly, the "Monty Haul" and "Historical Simulator" I don't really agree with, they don't really fit in as play styles in DnD. Maybe in other games, but with the "Monty Haul" regardless of what work the characters are doing, it's still weighed as a risk vs reward, even if the risk is small and the reward is great. Players are still going to weigh the two and decide if they are going to do it or not. "Historical Simulator"...well...I mean, you can't really do that unless you rule out all magic use, which at that point why even bother playing DnD. Now if this is viable in a different system more power to you, but I have only ever played DnD, so I can't say one way or another.

The rest you can do if you plan it out properly, so I agree with those. Though, I have to admit, that I believe most people play with a mix of these depending on the campaign they want to run and the players they are with. I don't think anyone truly plays with purely one play style unless the group has asked for it, all the players fall into one of the categories you've mentioned, and/or the DM falls into one of them. What I will say in my opinion is that these categories aren't targeted at just one type of person. I myself love just hacking and slashing and being in the fray, but I am also really good at puzzles and riddles. I wouldn't call myself just a thinking as you mentioned in the Problem-Solving section, and I wouldn't call myself a younger player with that mindset also like you mentioned in the Hack and slash section.

Ultimately I do agree with the description of these categories, but I don't agree with who you are classifying into them, if that makes sense.

Voidrunner's Codex

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