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Inspired by the Commissar of 40k

Commissars are tasked with the duty to maintain the morale of the troops during military campaigns, often in the face of staggering casualties. The commissar is empowered to use any means necessary to ensure the loyalty of his or her charges, including overriding or even executing a regiment's commanding officer if necessary, and so is regarded with a mixture of fear, loathing and admiration by simple troops – and not a few of their officers.


Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a Commissar, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Alignment: LN, LE, or NE.

Feats: Alertness.

Skills: Intimidate 7 ranks, Perception 7 ranks, Sense Motive 7 ranks.

Special: Bardic performance class feature.

Class Skills
The Commissar’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: Commissar
Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per day
Bardic training, stern gaze​
Song of Marching, Uncanny Dodge​
+1 level of existing class​
Fearless, Rapid Tactician​
+1 level of existing class​
Improved Uncanny Dodge, Summary Execution​
+1 level of existing class​
Command the Troops, Leader​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Commissar.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Commissars gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). A commissar can cast arcane spells while wearing light armor and using a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a commissar wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component.

At the indicated levels, a commissar gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a commissar, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Bardic Training
Levels in commissar stack with levels in a class or with racial hit die that grant the ability to use bardic performance for the purposes of determining rounds per day, what performance he has access, what action is starting a performance, the DC of his bardic performance, and similar bardic performance-related qualities.

Stern Gaze (Ex)
Commissars are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. A commissar receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 2 times his commissar level (maximum +10 at level 5th). If the commissar has stern gaze from other sources (like the inquisitor class), commissar levels instead stack with those level for calculate the final bonus (using the other sources method for calculate the bonus).

Song of Marching (Su)
At 2nd level, a commissar can use bardic performance to inspire his allies to move faster without suffering from fatigue. By expending 1 round of bardic performance, the commissar invigorates allies within 60 feet, who may hustle for the next hour; this movement counts as a walk (not a hustle) for the purpose of accruing nonlethal damage and fatigue. The commissar must continue to perform the song for the remainder of the hour, otherwise its effects end, but only 1 round of raging song is expended for that hour.
If the commissar already has song of marching (like if he is a skald), the range instead increase to 120 ft.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
At 2nd level, a commissar gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if he is immobilized. A commissar with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.
If a commissar already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Fearless (Ex)
At 3rd level, a commissar gains immunity to fear.

Rapid Tactician (Ex)
At 3rd level, as a move action, the commissar can grant any teamwork feat he knows to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two character levels the commissar possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The commissar can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier. Furthermore, the commissar adds his Intelligence (if any) modifier to initiative, in addition to his Dexterity modifier.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
At 4th level and higher, a commissar can no longer be flanked. This defense denies enemies the ability to sneak attack the commissar by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more levels in a class that grants sneak attack than the target has commissar levels.
If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level required to flank the character.

Summary Execution (Ex)
At 4th level, if an ally is cowering, frightened, or panicked within 60 ft. of the commissar, as an immediate action he can make a coup de grace that does not provoke attack of opportunity against the ally under the fear effect. Unlike the normal rules, he can make this coup de grace even with a ranged weapon and the weapon count as having the deadly feature for calculate the final DC (+4 to the DC). If the ally is executed, all other allies that can see or hear the commissar, regardless of distance, have all the fear effects currently effecting them automatically removed and gain immunity against fear effects for 24 hours.

Command the Troops (Ex)
Starting at 5th level, a commissar can direct and motivate his allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, he may grant an extra move action to all of his allies within 30 feet (but not to himself). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies’ initiative count; the round continues normally after the commissar’s turn is over. A character can benefit from this class feature only once per round, even if multiple command the troops are used in the same round. If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost. At 16th character level, a commissar gains the ability to grant an extra move action to his allies twice per day.

Leader Aura (Su)
At 5th level, all allies within 60 ft. of a commissar gains an insight bonus on saving throw against fear effects equal to his Charisma bonus (if any). This ability functions only while the commissar is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.


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Dire Coconut Crab CR 7

N Large vermin

Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +8


AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +10 natural, -1 size)

hp 92 (8d8+56)

Fort +14, Ref +3, Will +2

Defensive Abilities all-around vision; DR 10/magic; Immune mind-affecting effects


Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee 2 claws +13 (1d8+8 plus grab)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Special Attacks constrict (1d8+8), rend (2 claws, 2d6+12)


Str 26, Dex 12, Con 25, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 1

Base Atk +6; CMB +15; CMD 26 (35 vs. trip)

Skills Climb +16, Perception +8, Stealth +5; Racial Modifiers +8 Climb, +8 Perception, +8 Stealth

SQ hold breath


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Inspired by the Commissar of 40k

Commissars are tasked with the duty to maintain the morale of the troops during military campaigns, often in the face of staggering casualties. The commissar is empowered to use any means necessary to ensure the loyalty of his or her charges, including overriding or even executing a regiment's commanding officer if necessary, and so is regarded with a mixture of fear, loathing and admiration by simple troops – and not a few of their officers.


Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a Commissar, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Alignment: LN, LE, or NE.

Feats: Alertness.

Skills: Intimidate 7 ranks, Perception 7 ranks, Sense Motive 7 ranks.

Special: Bardic performance class feature.

Class Skills
The Commissar’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: Commissar
Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per day
Bardic training, stern gaze​
Song of Marching, Uncanny Dodge​
+1 level of existing class​
Fearless, Rapid Tactician​
+1 level of existing class​
Improved Uncanny Dodge, Summary Execution​
+1 level of existing class​
Command the Troops, Leader​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Commissar.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Commissars gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). A commissar can cast arcane spells while wearing light armor and using a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a commissar wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component.

At the indicated levels, a commissar gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a commissar, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Bardic Training
Levels in commissar stack with levels in a class or with racial hit die that grant the ability to use bardic performance for the purposes of determining rounds per day, what performance he has access, what action is starting a performance, the DC of his bardic performance, and similar bardic performance-related qualities.

Stern Gaze (Ex)
Commissars are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. A commissar receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 2 times his commissar level (maximum +10 at level 5th). If the commissar has stern gaze from other sources (like the inquisitor class), commissar levels instead stack with those level for calculate the final bonus (using the other sources method for calculate the bonus).

Song of Marching (Su)
At 2nd level, a commissar can use bardic performance to inspire his allies to move faster without suffering from fatigue. By expending 1 round of bardic performance, the commissar invigorates allies within 60 feet, who may hustle for the next hour; this movement counts as a walk (not a hustle) for the purpose of accruing nonlethal damage and fatigue. The commissar must continue to perform the song for the remainder of the hour, otherwise its effects end, but only 1 round of raging song is expended for that hour.
If the commissar already has song of marching (like if he is a skald), the range instead increase to 120 ft.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
At 2nd level, a commissar gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if he is immobilized. A commissar with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.
If a commissar already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Fearless (Ex)
At 3rd level, a commissar gains immunity to fear.

Rapid Tactician (Ex)
At 3rd level, as a move action, the commissar can grant any teamwork feat he knows to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two character levels the commissar possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The commissar can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier. Furthermore, the commissar adds his Intelligence (if any) modifier to initiative, in addition to his Dexterity modifier.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
At 4th level and higher, a commissar can no longer be flanked. This defense denies enemies the ability to sneak attack the commissar by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more levels in a class that grants sneak attack than the target has commissar levels.
If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level required to flank the character.

Summary Execution (Ex)
At 4th level, if an ally is cowering, frightened, or panicked within 60 ft. of the commissar, as an immediate action he can make a coup de grace that does not provoke attack of opportunity against the ally under the fear effect. Unlike the normal rules, he can make this coup de grace even with a ranged weapon and the weapon count as having the deadly feature for calculate the final DC (+4 to the DC). If the ally is executed, all other allies that can see or hear the commissar, regardless of distance, have all the fear effects currently effecting them automatically removed and gain immunity against fear effects for 24 hours.

Command the Troops (Ex)
Starting at 5th level, a commissar can direct and motivate his allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, he may grant an extra move action to all of his allies within 30 feet (but not to himself). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies’ initiative count; the round continues normally after the commissar’s turn is over. A character can benefit from this class feature only once per round, even if multiple command the troops are used in the same round. If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost. At 16th character level, a commissar gains the ability to grant an extra move action to his allies twice per day.

Leader Aura (Su)
At 5th level, all allies within 60 ft. of a commissar gains an insight bonus on saving throw against fear effects equal to his Charisma bonus (if any). This ability functions only while the commissar is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.
This is a cool class, I made a class called the Grand General many years ago that's superficially similar, if I can dig it up I'll post it.


An expanded/revisited version of my lycanthrope class for giving also the ability of the alpha template.

A lycanthrope is a humanoid that can assume the form of another creature, or even take on a form that is a hybrid of the two. Natural lycanthropes can control their forms and communicate the disease of lycanthropy to other creatures with their natural attacks. Afflicted lycanthropes are slaves to the phases of the moon, becoming monstrous beings at certain times regardless of their will.
A lycanthrope can take any of three forms: the base creature’s form (called normal form), a hybrid form, or the werecreature’s form (called monster form). The hybrid form has the normal form’s body shape and number of limbs and heads, but it shares certain characteristics of the monster form, including scales, fur, and skin tone. The hybrid form might also include smaller versions of the monster form’s wings, horns, or facial features, or even vestigial limbs (or heads) of the monster form that the normal form does not possess.



To qualify to become a lycanthrope, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Type: Humanoid.

Special: This class must be taken at character creation. Later can only be taken if the character is infected with lycanthropy and with the DM permission. In that case, the character change from lycanthrope (infected) to lycanthrope (natural) once he take the 1st level of this class.

Hit Die: d10.

Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gp (average 105 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Starting Age: Intuitive.

Class Skills
The Lycanthrope’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: Lycanthrope

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Change shape (base creature, hybrid form), lycanthrope, lycanthropic empathy​
Bonus feat (Alertness, Improved Initiative), pheromones​
Bestial rage, bloodscent, woodland stride​
Bonus feat (Combat Reflexes, Endurance), roar​
Alpha’s influence, bloodthirsty, damage reduction (silver)​
Bonus feat (Dodge, Skill Focus [survival]), feral counter​
Beast of legends​
Bonus feat (Diehard, Run, Toughness), change shape (unlimited), child of the moon, rapid recovery​
Curse of lycanthropy, leader of the pack, wild hunt​
Frightful presence, run with the pack​
Dire form, true child of the moon​
True beast of legend​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Lycanthrope.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A Lycanthrope is proficient with all simple weapons and the natural weapons of the form she assumed with change shape and with light armor, but not with shields.

Change Shape (Su)
At 1st level, a lycanthrope must select an animal or vermin (called from here monster form or base monster) into which she can change that meets both of the following conditions:
  • its size is between Diminutive and Huge (including Diminutive and Huge)
  • its size is within one step of the lycanthrope’s size
Once this choice is made cannot be changed with noting short of a wish or miracle spells. This ability functions like the beast shape III (if animal) or vermin shape II (if vermin; if the vermin size is Huge or Diminutive, use the spell beast shape III for calculate the size bonus/penalty and natural armor, with a +4 bonus against mind-affecting effects) spell except as noted here.
  • The character gains only the abilities listed under the beast shape I (if animal) or vermin shape I (if vermin) spells (with exception of size bonus/penalty and natural armor, that remain beast shape III). This increase to the abilities listed under the beast shape II (if animal) spell at 5th level and finally at 7th level to the abilities listed under the beast shape III (if animal) or vermin shape II (if vermin) spells.
  • The effect lasts for a number of hours equal to her HD + her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), and she may split the duration of this ability however she wants. Each use of this ability uses up at least an hour of its duration, regardless of how long she stays in it.
  • A lycanthrope retains her ability to speak while in monster form—she is not limited to the sounds a normal, untrained animal or vermin can make. She can also communicate normally with other monster of the same general grouping as her new form.
Changing shape is a standard action, or a move action if the lycanthrope make with success a DC 15 Constitution check. A lycanthrope can end her change shape and resume her normal form as a free action.

Also, she can adopt a hybrid shape that combines features of her normal form with those of the base monster. A lycanthrope’s hybrid form count and follows the same above rules with the following differences:
  • Her size is the same size as the base monster or her normal form, whichever is larger.​
  • Her forelimbs (or pectoral fins for a fish-based monster) remain hands able to manipulate objects and wield weapons as well as human hands do, she can walk on two legs (eg. a shark’s tail fins remain legs), and she retains the special abilities of her natural form.​
  • If the monster fly with the help of wings, they are apart from the arms (if a halfling use this ability for muted in a giant raven the final form is similar in shape to a medium tengu with two wings on his back).​
  • If she is capable of breath air and the selected monster is an aquatic creature or if the lycanthrope is capable of breath water and the selected monster is a terrestrial creature, she can breath both air and water while in hybrid form.​
  • Her gear does not meld into her form (but change size with her if the monster is bigger).​
Starting at 8th level, a lycanthrope can use change shape without any limit of time.
At 20th character level, a lycanthrope change shape become an extraordinary ability.

Lycanthrope (Ex)
At 1st level, a lycanthrope gains the lycanthrope template (natural) and the shapechanger subtype. She does not gains any other benefit, penalty, or power of the template unless specified in this class.

Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex)
In any form, lycanthropes can communicate and empathize with creatures related to their selected monster (DM’s discretion). They can use Diplomacy to alter such a monster’s attitude, and when so doing gain a +4 racial bonus on the check.

Bonus Feat
Starting at 2nd level, a lycanthrope gains a number of cumulative bonus feats.
  • At 2nd level, a lycanthrope gains Alertness and Improved Initiative.​
  • At 4th level, a lycanthrope gains Combat Reflexes and Endurance.​
  • At 6th level, a lycanthrope gains Dodge and Skill Focus (survival).​
  • At 8th level, a lycanthrope gains Diehard, Run and Toughness.​
Pheromones (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, all creatures of the same subtype of humanoid of the lycanthrope within a 15 ft. radius of her in her base form must succeed a Will save (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Constitution modifier) or be charmed as if by a charm person spell. This status lasts as long as the charmed creature remains within 15 ft. of the lycanthrope and for 2 hours thereafter. Any hostile action taken by the lycanthrope or her allies against the creature break the effect and for 24 hours the creature is immune to the pheromones ability from the same lycanthrope. This is a charm, mind-affecting effect based on smell and creatures without the ability to smell are immune to this ability. Any creature who succeeds against this ability is immune to the pheromones ability from the same lycanthrope for the next 24 hours.

Bestial Rage (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, a lycanthrope gains the rage and rage power abilities of the barbarian class, using her class level as her barbarian level for all effects and prerequisites. A lycanthrope can activate her rage only while using change shape and automatically exits it if she revert to her normal form. Unlike a true barbarian, she gains a rage power at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter. If the lycanthrope gains levels in another class that grant the rage or rage powers, her levels stack.

Bloodscent (Ex)
Starting at 3rd level, if a lycanthrope selected monster doesn’t have the scent ability, she gains it while under the effect of change shape, but can only use it for track creatures taking bleed damage or under their maximum hit points. If a lycanthrope selected creature has the scent ability, she multiplies the distance at which it can detect a creature taking bleed damage or under their maximum hit points by 2. She also gains a bonus equal to 1/3 her character level on Survival checks to track a creature taking bleed damage or under his maximum hit points by scent.

Woodland Stride (Ex)
Starting at 3rd level, a lycanthrope may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect her. If the monster selected with change shape is native of another biome (like desert or arctic), the DM is encouraged to replace this ability to an equivalent for that biome (like Icewalking of the Arctic Druid or the Sandwalker of the Desert Druid).

Roar (Ex)
Starting at 4th level, as a standard action, the lycanthrope’s with a roar (or any type of typical sonic communication of the base monster, like howl for a werewolf) strikes fear into all enemies who hear it. All foes within 30 feet who can hear the lycanthrope must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 5d6 rounds. If a creature fail the save by more of 5, he’s instead frightened for the same duration. This is a fear, mind-affecting, sonic effect and doesn’t work in an area of silence or against deafness opponent. Any creature who succeeds against this ability is immune to the roar ability from the same lycanthrope for the next 24 hours. This ability may only affect opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the lycanthrope.

Alpha’s Influence (Su)
Starting at 5th level, the lycanthrope exerts influence over allies in the area. Using the alpha’s influence is a swift action. The alpha influence can be used for a number of rounds each day equal to the lycanthrope character level, but they does not need to be consecutive. She can dismiss alpha’s influence with a free action. Alpha’s influence affects all allies within 60 feet (excluding herself) who can hear or see the lycnathrope. An ally must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher and be able to understand the lycanthrope’s language to gain the bonus. An alpha’s influence is dismissed if the lycanthrope is dazed, unconscious, staggered, paralyzed, or otherwise unable to be heard, see or understood by her allies. All bonuses granted by an alpha’s influence are moral bonuses. Beginning at 5th level the alpha’s influence lets allies add +1 to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This bonus improves by +1 at 11th level and at 17th character level.

Bloodthirsty (Ex)
Starting at 5th level, one of a lycanthrope’s natural attacks of change shape deals bleed damage equal to ½ her HD (minimum 1) on a hit. This bleed damage does not stacks. On a critical hit with this attack, the target must also make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ lycanthrope HD + lycanthrope Strength modifier) or takes 1 point of Constitution damage as the lycanthrope rips off the flesh of the victim. This natural attack is always a bite if the selected creature has it; If not, the DM and player are encouraged to select together one natural weapon.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
Starting at 5th level, a lycanthrope under the effect of her change shape gains Damage Reduction equal to ½ her character level which is overcome by silver.

Feral Counter (Ex)
Starting at 6th level, the first time each round that a creature damages the lycanthrope while under the effect of change shape, she can take an attack of opportunity against the creature. The lycanthrope must threaten the triggering creature to use this ability.

Beast of Legends (Ex)
Starting at 7th level, a lycanthrope’s DR/silver cannot be overcome by weapons that are not silver, regardless of their enhancement bonus. Abilities that normally bypass damage reduction, such as a paladin’s smite evil, or that allow the weapon to count as made of special material, such as a lycanthrope hunter’s anathema or the mithral material, still work as normal. A lycanthrope under the effect of her change shape gains fortification (25%); this fortification does not apply against critical hits or precision damages with silver weapons. This increases to fortification (50%) at 9th level and fortification (75%) at 16th character level. At 20th character level, a lycanthrope under the effect of her change shape gains immunity to critical hits or precision damage not dealt with silver weapons.

Child of The Moon (Su)
Starting at 8th level, the lycanthrope is filled with enthusiastic vigor when the light of the moon is strongest. When the moon is at least half full, the lycanthrope gains the benefit of bless whenever she is outdoors at night. On nights of the full moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the lycanthrope gains the effect of heroism rather than bless, and retains the benefit indoors. When the moon is less than half full, the lycanthrope becomes fatigued during the night. On nights of the new moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the lycanthrope becomes exhausted.

Rapid Recovery (Ex)
Starting at 8th level, a lycanthrope regains hp every hour as though she rested for 8 hours. She also regrow any lost limbs in 1d4 days, but she must remain in change shape for the entire duration. At character level 16th, she gains regeneration equal to ½ her character level which is stopped by silver while in change shape.

Curse of Lycanthropy (Su)
Starting at 9th level, when the lycanthrope damage a humanoid creature with the natural attack selected with bloodthirsty, the creature must make a Fortitude save DC 15 or be infected with lycanthropy. If the victim’s size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope, this ability has no effect.

Leader of the Pack (Ex)
At 9th level, a lycanthrope can direct and motivate her allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, she may grant an extra move action to all of her allies within 30 feet (but not to herself). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies’ initiative count; the round continues normally after the lycanthrope’s turn is over. A character can benefit from this class feature only once per round, even if multiple leader of the pack are used in the same round. If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost. At 16th character level, a lycanthrope gains the ability to grant an extra move action to her allies twice per day.

Wild Hunt (Su)
At 9th level, a lycanthrope can grant herself and a number of allies equal to her level the ranger’s quarry class feature, longstrider, tireless pursuers, and air walk (caster level equal to the lycanthrope’s level) for 24 hours, designating a single creature as the target of the hunt. She can use this ability once per week.

Frightful Presence (Ex)
Starting at 10th level, a lycanthrope under change shape gains the frightful presence monster ability (30 ft., DC 10 + ½ character level + her Charisma modifier).

Run with the Pack (Sp)
At 10th level, a lycanthrope can touch a willing creature and polymorph it into an animal/vermin or dire animal of her selected monster, as beast shape III or vermin shape II (if the vermin size is Huge or Diminutive, use the spell beast shape III for calculate the size bonus/penalty and natural armor, with a +4 bonus against mind-affecting effects). This transformation last 24 hours but the creature can dismiss it as a standard action. The lycanthrope can use this ability as a standard action a number of times per day equal to ½ her level.

Dire Form
At 11th level, a lycanthrope can choose to apply to herself the giant simple template (rebuild rules; the size bonus stack with the one of change shape) every time she use change shape. The template remain until she revert to her normal form. When apply the giant template using hybrid form, the equipment change size with her.

True Child of The Moon (Su)
At 11th level, when the moon is at least half full, the lycanthrope gains the benefit of heroism whenever she is outdoors at night. On nights of the full moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the lycanthrope gains the effect of greater heroism and haste rather than heroism, and retains the benefit indoors. This replaces the child of the moon ability.

True Beast of Legends (Ex)
At 12th level, a lycanthrope’s DR/silver cannot be overcome by weapons that are not silver or mithral, regardless of their enhancement bonus or abilities that normally bypass damage reduction, such as a paladin’s smite evil or a mythic champion’s fleet charge. Abilities that allow the weapon to count as made of special material, such as a lycanthrope hunter’s anathema or the mithral material, still work as normal. A lycanthrope under the effect of her change shape gains fortification (50%); this fortification does not apply against critical hits or precision damages with silver weapons. This increases to fortification (75%) at 16th character level. At 20th character level, a lycanthrope under the effect of her change shape gains immunity to critical hits or precision damage not dealt with silver weapons. This replaces beast of legends.



Your hybrid form generate vicious claws.
Prerequisite: Lycanthrope, the selected monster for change shape is wolf-like (see special).
Benefit: You gain two primary claws attack in hybrid form that deal damage based on your size (1d4 for a Medium lycanthrope). Because you gain new natural weapons, your bite no longer apply 1–1/2 your Strength modifier to damage, but only your Strength modifier (unless it’s a secondary attack, in this case it apply ½ your Strength modifier). You cannot select one of this claws for bloodthirsty.
Special: For wolf-like is intended any canine with only a bite attack (like wolf, dog, fox, coyote, jackal, etc.) as a natural weapon.
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A revisitation of the Cryptid PrC of Bhu.

Cryptid is a creature capable of moving without leaving any trace of its presence, but only stories and legends of its supposed existence.


Hit Die: d10.



Feats: Stealthy.

Skills: Climb 3 ranks, Stealth 4 ranks, Survival 3 ranks, Swim 3 ranks.

Class Skills

The Cryptid's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: Cryptid
Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Cover of darkness, size is no matter​
Sneak attack +1d6, wild stride​
Only a legend, perfect trackless step​
Camouflage, stealthy movement​
Resist divination, sneak attack +2d6​
Ambush, survivor’s spirit​
Hide in plain sight​
Blurred form, sneak attack +3d6​
Elusive, obfuscation​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Cryptid.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Cryptid do not gain proficiency with any additional weapons or armor.

Cover of Darkness (Ex)
A cryptid gains darkvision with a range of 30 feet and low-light vision. If he already has darkvision, the range of his darkvision increases by 30 feet.

Size is no Matter (Ex)
A cryptid gains no size penalty to Stealth checks.

Sneak Attack
This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 at 2nd level and every third level (5th, 8th). If a cryptid gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.

Wild Stride (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, a cryptid learns to move more effectively in different environments. When he succeeds on a Climb check, he may move his full speed without penalty, or he may move half his speed while continuing to use a shield.

He may also move his full speed when he succeeds on a Swim check, and he may move through any sort of natural difficult terrain (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, deep snow, sand, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment, and is not affected by tripping effects caused by slick or icy surfaces, magical or otherwise.

At 4th level, the cryptid has an incredible lightness to his step. Provided he starts his turn on normal ground, the cryptid can move on any surface as if it were the ground, like walls and ceilings. He falls if his movement ends or he falls prone. As a swift action, he may make a Climb skill check to use a hand to cling to the surface he has walked on this way.

He can also walk across water without sinking or taking damage but sinks normally if he stops his movement or falls prone. He cannot begin his movement on water.

Only a Legend (Ex)
Starting at 3rd level, myths and rumors about the cryptid have become so obfuscated in the retelling, that all Diplomacy checks made to gather information about him take a –5 penalty. A failed check instead reveals random, wrong, or logically impossible facts about him. This penalty also apply to Knowledge checks made for general knowledge and monster lore regarding the cryptid.

The penalty increase to –10 at 6th level and to –20 at 10th level.

Perfect Trackless Step (Ex)
At 3rd level, a cryptid leaves no trail and cannot be tracked. He may choose to leave a trail if so desired. Also, creatures cannot use the scent ability to track the cryptid (though they can still track him through standard means such as footprints). Creatures with scent can detect the cryptid presence by smell at half the normal distance, but cannot pinpoint his location with scent.

Camouflage (Ex)
A cryptid of 4th level or higher can use the Stealth skill to hide, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.

Stealthy Movement (Ex)
A cryptid learn to remain quiet and hidden even while mobile. At 4th level, a cryptid can move at full speed using the Stealth skill without penalty, and he can run using the Stealth skill taking a –5 penalty to the check. At 10th level he can run using the Stealth skill without penalty.

Resist Divination (Ex)
A cryptid of 5th level or higher resist spells that uncover information of himself. Except when in combat, a cryptid is under an extraordinary nondetection spell with an equivalent caster level equal to his character level (DC 15 + caster level for overcome). Finally, his nondetection protection also extend to cover from augury, legend lore, communal or other spells or effects that uncover information on the target.

Ambush (Ex)
If a cryptid of 6th level or higher attacks from hiding, he can let out a huge roar as a free action as a part of any action taken during a surprise round. Any opponent that has failed to detect him must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ his character level + his Charisma modifier; +2 for every size the cryptid is bigger than the opponent) or be frightened for 1d4+2 rounds. If they succeed they are instead shaken for 1d6+4 rounds.

Survivor’s Spirit (Ex)
At 6th level, a cryptid add his class level to Fortitude saves against disease and poison and all Constitution checks.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex)
A cryptid of 7th level or higher can use the Stealth skill even while being observed.

Blurred Form (Su)
At 8h level, a cryptid’s body is constantly surrounded by a faint distortion in the air, making his features indistinct and difficult to make out. A cryptid gains partial concealment on any round he does not move from his current space. A cryptid can suppress or resume this ability as a move action.

Undetectable (Ex)
At 9th level, a cryptid is under a constant extraordinary mind blank effect. Unlike the normal mind blank, this does not give the usual resistance bonus against mind-affecting. Also, a cryptid existence is so tenuous that he cannot be detected with strange sense. Creatures using unusual forms of sensory perception such as blindsight, greensight, scent or tremorsense cannot automatically foil the cryptid use of Stealth; such creatures must make a Perception check as normal to detect him when he makes use of the Stealth skill. This ability foils indirect detection (such as a creature using detect magic to search for the cryptid magical items while he’s using Stealth) in the manner described above, but has no effect on psi-like abilities, powers, spells, spell-like abilities, and / or supernatural abilities specifically used to uncover information about him rather than enhancing the user's perception, such as the augury spell.

Elusive (Ex)
At 10th level, a cryptid of this level is the stuff of legends, but despite countless attempts to hunt him, he is rarely encountered unless he wish it. When using the withdraw action, the cryptid can move up to his run speed without leaving any trace of his passing and can make a Stealth check with a circumstance bonus equal to double his character level as part of this withdraw action.

Obfuscation (Su)
People that encounter a cryptid of 10th level cannot remember things correctly. Any being encountering the cryptid must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ his character level + his Charisma modifier). If they succeed, they cannot remember details exactly. For example if you are a sasquatch they will disagree on color, or size, or minor details. Some might even believe you are a wolfman or bear man, or an animal. But they will have the gist of the encounter right.
If they don't succeed things get...complicated. They disagree wildly on what they saw and experienced. For 1d6 days after the event whenever it is mentioned or someone inquires about it they will become hysterical, either brutally rationalizing anything and everything they saw (hallucinogenic mushrooms, swamp gas, etc.), or spew the most delirious, psychedelic nonsense they can muster. Either way they won't come across as a believable witness. Even after the 1d6 days are up they still won't agree on what they saw. This is a mind-affecting effect.


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I suddenly have the urge to give this prestige class to all Cthulhu Mythos and classic cryptids creatures as bonus integrated class features.

I also have the urge to play a Titanic Dire Werecrab Cryptid Demigod w/Integrated Psion (Telepath) and Cryptid levels. View attachment 365946
If you start from human, take Monstrous Physique for being large. Go for my lycanthrope (selecting shark-eating crab) for 11 levels for being gargantuan. Take 2 times divine immensity. You will have a 100% legit Titanic crab monster.


A revisited and fixed version of the Distiller of Identities archetype of the Necromancer of the Northwest

Distiller of Identities (Vigilante Archetype based on Doctor Jekyll-Mr Hyde)

Alters weapon and armor proficiency, dual identity; Replaces vigilante specialization, unshakable, vigilante talents of 4th, 10th, and 16th levels, startling appearance, frightening appearance, stunning appearance, vengeance strike

For some vigilantes, simply putting on a mask is not enough to unlock their secret identities. They must instead use alchemical means to unlock their hidden potential, transforming themselves into someone else entirely.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A distiller of identities is proficient with all simple weapons and one martial weapon of their choice, with the combat syringe (see the end of the class), light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
This alters the vigilante weapon and armor proficiency.

Genius Vigilante: A distiller of identities use his Intelligence instead of his Charisma for any vigilante ability, such as the save DCs of his vigilante talents or the bonus spells, spell save DCs, and spell effects of spellcasting or alchemy and other abilities gained from vigilante archetypes.

Alchemy (Su): A distiller of identities gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat and the alchemy class feature of an alchemist, using his vigilante level as his alchemist level. Unlike a normal alchemist, this ability give a distiller of identities a caster level equal to his vigilante level. Finally, he can brew potions without meeting the prerequisites for their creation, but the DC increases by 10 for each prerequisite he does not meet, rather than the normal +5.
This replaces the 4th–, 10th–, and 16th–level vigilante talents, startling appearance, frightening appearance, and stunning appearance.

Alchemical Transformation (Ex): A distiller of identities is capable of brewing a special elixir that unlocks a hidden aspect of his personality, transforming him both physically and mentally into a separate identity. Similar to a standard vigilante, the distiller of identities has two identities: a polite member of society, and a wild and ruthless maniac. Each identity has its own name and physical appearance, and those that are familiar with one cannot necessarily recognize the other, even if he does not strictly disguise himself. Knowledge checks about one identity also do not reveal information about the other, unless the distiller of identities’ true identity is revealed to the world at large. These identities are referred to in short as social and maniac.

The distiller of identities’ maniac identity must be either chaotic or evil, and cannot be lawful. Unlike a standard vigilante, the distiller of identities’ alignments do not need to be within one step of each other on either alignment axis, and for the purposes of meeting qualifications for feats, classes, or any other abilities, he is eligible if either of his alignments meet the requirements, but if one of his alignments is not eligible, he loses any benefits of things he no longer qualifies for while in that identity, exactly as though his alignment had changed to no longer be eligible. Also unlike a standard vigilante, if he is the target of an effect that would change his alignment, it changes only the alignment of his current identity.

The distiller of identities begins each day in his social identity. In order to transform to his maniac identity, he must drink a special elixir (a standard action). Once the elixir is consumed, he undergoes a painful and debilitating transformation process, which leaves him nauseated on his next turn. At the beginning of his next turn after that, he finishes his transformation, shifting into his maniac identity, and is able to act normally. While in his maniac identity, the distiller of identities gains a +4 alchemical bonus to a single physical ability score of his choice (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), and suffers a –2 penalty to one mental ability scores of his choice (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). He can choose different ability scores each day when he prepare his elixirs. His natural armor bonus to AC also gains a +1 alchemical bonus while in his maniac identity, and this bonus increases by an additional 1 at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter (to a maximum of +7 at 19th level), this bonus does not stack with the natural armor given by the mutagen of an alchemist. At 12th level, the distiller of identities elixir grants a +6 alchemical bonus to one physical ability score of his choice, and a +4 alchemical bonus to a second physical ability score of his choice, and a –2 penalty on two mental ability scores of his choice. At 17th level, the distiller of identities elixir grants a +8 alchemical bonus to one physical ability score of his choice of his choice, a +6 alchemical bonus to a second physical ability score of his choice, and a +4 alchemical bonus to a third physical ability score of his choice, and a –2 penalty on all his mental ability scores. Finally, while in his maniac identity, the distiller of identities gains the sneak attack class feature of the rogue. He deals 1d6 points of sneak attack damage at 1st level, and this damage increases by 1d6 at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter (to a maximum of 7d6 at 19th level). If a distiller of identities gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack while in maniac identity.

The distiller of identities remains in maniac form for a number of hours equal to his Intelligence modifier before drinking the elixir (minimum 1). A creature under the effect of a transformative elixir can return to his normal state in advance if he consume a new transformative elixir. He can create a number of these elixirs each day equal to ½ his class level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 per day). No matter how many he creates, they take 10 minutes to create, and become inert after 24 hours. A distiller of identities’ elixir is attuned specially to his mental and physical particulars, and has no effect on other creatures (but see the shared transformation social talent).

A distiller of identities forced against his will to consume one of his transformative elixir can make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the distiller of identities’ class level + the distiller of identities’ Intelligence modifier) to negate the transformation effect.

A distiller of identities who has levels in class with alignment prerequisites, like paladins or clerics, who “fall” or has some other form of negative class-related implication tied to his alignment do not fall permanently, though he may lose access to class features as if he did. As an example: a distiller of identities with level in the paladin class who is no longer LG in maniac identity lose access to all his class features from the paladin class (other than weapon proficiencies) while in maniac identity. If the distiller of identities has an alignment based-subtype (like devils, angels, etc), when entering his maniac identity the alignment subtype change to match the new alignment (an angel distiller of identities LG with a maniac identity CE replace the good subtype with the evil).

A distiller of identities’ maniac identity is treated as a standard vigilante’s vigilante identity for the purposes of using vigilante talents, and the seamless guise class feature applies to his maniac identity instead of his vigilante identity.

A distiller of identities cannot take the any guise, everyman, guise of life, guise of unlife, immediate change, many guises, or quick change social talents.

A distiller of identities counts as having the stalker specialization for the purposes of qualifying for vigilante talents and feats (he treat his sneak attack as his hidden strike for vigilante talents that interacts with hidden strike). When a talent specify “reduced hidden strike damage”, like the foe collision and twisting fear talents (or a failed Acrobatics check for the up close and personal talent), the distiller of identities instead deals damage equal to his class level.

A transformative elixir is not a mind-affecting nor a polymorph effect.

A transformative elixir can be placed inside a combat syringe (see the end of the class) as if it was a poison, but has several limitations:
  • only one type of transformative elixir can be presented at a time (base, modified with a simple face among the people, modified with shared transformation, or modified with targeted transformation) and all of them must come from the same distiller of identities, otherwise they combine into an alchemical mess, becoming a disgusting smelling liquid, but inert and harmless if inoculated (all elixirs all lost).​
  • The base and modified with a simple face among the people/targeted transformation has only effect if injected inside the distiller of identities, and if unwilling he gets a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the distiller of identities’ class level + the distiller of identities’ Intelligence modifier) to negate this effect.​
  • The modified with shared transformation has only effect if injected inside the chosen character, and if unwilling he gets a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the distiller of identities’ class level + the distiller of identities’ Intelligence modifier) to negate this effect.​
This ability alters the dual identity class feature and replace the vigilante specialization class feature.

Social Talents: A distiller of identities can select from the following social talents, in addition to general social talents.
  • A Simple Face Among the People (Ex): The distiller of identities can create versions of his transformative elixir that allow him to transform into a mundane guise, rather than his maniac identity. Each elixir created in this way counts against his daily number of elixirs he can create. Whenever he consume this elixir, he transform into a mundane identity. The transformation process is the same, but the distiller of identities does not gain the ability score adjustments, natural armor bonus, or sneak attack that the maniac identity gains. The mundane identity is not a specific individual. Each one is created at the moment it is assumed, and quickly forgotten as soon as it is removed. While in a mundane identity, the distiller of identities does not gain the benefit of either his social or maniac identity, but instead appears as a member of his race, usually a common laborer, farmer, or peasant of any gender. His alignment is treated as True Neutral when he is in his mundane identity. While in this identity, he receives a +20 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks to appear like an ordinary member of his race. Spells and abilities that are looking for the distiller of identities in either of his other identities fail while he is in his mundane identity. While he can use magic (such as a hat of disguise), his mundane identity can never be anything other than an ordinary member of a society or large group (subject to GM discretion). This functions identically to the any guise vigilante talent except that the distiller of identities does not need to build the appearance for this mundane identity using clothing and tools (but he can be betrayed by his clothing if he does not change them).
    The distiller of identities must be at least 6th level to select this talent.​

  • Medical Expert (Ex): The distiller of identities gains skill unlock in the Heal skill and may use his Craft (alchemy) skill bonus in place of his Heal skill bonus (including his ranks in it for gaining the benefits of skill unlock and meeting prerequisites that require a number of ranks in Heal, like the Incredible Healer feat). The distiller of identities always count as having a healer’s kit with him and from which he can spend uses. Any use of the Heal skill that has a risk of harming the patient (such as extracting a barb) only deals the minimum damage when performed by a distiller of identities.​

  • Shared Transformation (Ex): The distiller of identities can create versions of his transformative elixir that function for other characters. Each elixir created in this way counts against his daily number of elixirs he can create, and only works for a single creature, which the distiller of identities must declare at the time the elixir is created, and cannot later be changed. The distiller of identities must either have intimate knowledge of the creature’s physical and mental specifics (which he can gain by interacting with the individual for at least 10 minutes), or he must have a physical piece of the creature (such as a lock of hair, a fingernail, etc.). If the creature consumes the elixir, he undergoes a transformation into a maniac identity, similar to the one the distiller of identities can change into. The creature can make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the distiller of identities’ class level + the distiller of identities’ Intelligence modifier) to negate this effect. The transformation process is the same, but the creature does not gain the ability score adjustments, natural armor bonus, vigilant talents, or sneak attack that the distiller of identities gains. The creature’s maniac identity has an alignment that is the opposite of the creature’s normal alignment in the Chaos-Law and Evil-Good axis (a LE vampire become CG; a True Neutral character maniac identity is randomized between the other 8 non-True Neutral alignments, and it is fixed after the first time). If the creature already has a maniac identity (whether because he is a distiller of identities himself, or because he has been the target of this ability before), he transforms into that maniac identity, instead (if he is a distiller of identities, he gains his normal ability score adjustments, natural armor, and sneak attack). A creature under the effect of a shared transformation can return to his normal state in advance if he consume a new shared transformation elixir created for him. Characters, like paladins or clerics, who “fall” or have some other form of negative class-related implication tied to their alignment do not fall permanently, though they may lose access to class features as if they did. As an example: paladins lose access to all their class features (other than weapon proficiencies), clerics may lose access to class features and their spellcasting if moved away from their deities alignment, classes that cannot cast spells that oppose their alignment may find themselves unable to cast some of the spells on their spell lists, and there may be other roleplaying implications of this. Creatures with an alignment based-subtype (devils, angels, etc) who fail the Will save against this are afflicted with a terrible sense of inner turmoil that rocks them to their very core. While their alignment opposes their subtype (a good devil, an evil angel, etc) the creature is sickened. Starting at 12th level, the creature is no longer sickened and even the alignment subtype change as long the creature is under shared transformation. Even after this ability terminate, a little seed of the new alignment remain inside the creature (even an extraplanar outsider or undead). Given time, a character may be able to convert the creature from its ways and help it find a new path beyond its usual alignment, although the GM should adjudicate the time and potential success of such an endeavor. Creatures with animal intelligence (2 or less) or mindless are immune to shared transformation.
    The distiller of identities must be at least 7th level to select this talent.​

  • Targeted Transformation (Ex): The distiller of identities can incorporate a piece of an individual (such as a lock of hair, a fingernail, or a few drops of blood) into one of his elixirs, allowing him to transform into that person, rather than his maniac identity. The transformation process is the same, but the creature does not gain the ability score adjustments, natural armor bonus, or sneak attack that the maniac identity gains. Each elixir created in this way counts against his daily number of elixirs he can create. While disguised as this individual, the distiller of identities gains the individual alignment (instead of the usual of his maniac identity) and receives a +20 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks to appear as that individual. Any spell or ability designed to locate the individual has a 50% chance of finding the distiller of identities instead of the actual individual, and divination spells and abilities used on the distiller of identities give results as if he were the actual individual. If the actual individual wouldn’t normally be able to be found via magic (such as by being dead or protected from divinations designed to locate the individual), such divinations always find the distiller of identities instead. Although this doesn’t grant the distiller of identities any special knowledge of the individual, the vigilante’s training grants him a +10 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks to properly play the part of the individual. Other than requiring that he have a physical piece of the person whose identity he wants to adopt, this functions identically to the everyman vigilante talent, although it does not have that talent’s prerequisites.
    The distiller of identities must be at least 11th level to select this talent.​

Vigilante Talents: A distiller of identities can select from the following vigilante talents, in addition to general vigilante talents.
  • Alchemist Discovery (Ex): The distiller of identities can select one of the following alchemist discoveries as a vigilante talent: alchemical simulacrum, alchemical zombie, combine extracts, concentrate poison, dilution, doppelganger simulacrum, enhance potion, extend potion, greater alchemical simulacrum, infusion, poison conversion, tentacle, or vestigial arm. The distiller of identities count his vigilante level as his alchemist level for meet this discoveries prerequisites and calculate any variable bonus (if any). All other alchemist discoveries gained in this way can be used safely in either identity, but in the case of the tentacle and vestigial arm discoveries, these function only when the distiller of identities is in his maniac identity. The distiller of identities can use alchemical simulacrum (and other discoveries that require it) and alchemical zombie in his social identity, but doing so risks revealing his secret identity, like a normal vigilante talent.​

  • Brute (Ex): The distiller of identities under the effect of his base transformative elixir gains the benefit of an extraordinary enlarge person effect as long the effect of the elixir last, even if the distiller of identities is not humanoid.
    The distiller of identities must be at least 12th level to select this talent.​

  • Heavy Punches (Ex): The distiller of identities eschews civilized combat and prefers to wade into a fight with his fists swinging. While in his maniac identity, the distiller of identities’s gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat and his unarmed strikes deal damage as if he were a monk of his size and vigilante level. If he has levels in other classes that provide monk advancement for unarmed strike damage, his vigilante level stacks with those levels whenever he is in his maniac identity.​

  • Investigator Talent (Ex): The distiller of identities can select either of the following investigator talents as a vigilante talent: item lore or perceptive tracking. The distiller of identities count his vigilante level as his investigator level for meet this talents prerequisites and calculate any variable bonus (if any). Either of these talents can be used safely in either identity without risk of revealing his secret identity.​

  • Scale Surroundings (Ex): Instead of letting physical barriers stop him, the distiller of identities can simply climb over them. He gains a climb speed of 30 feet when he is in his maniac identity.
    The distiller of identities must be at least 6th level to select this talent.​

  • Total Destruction (Ex): The distiller of identities is adept at rampaging through an area, throwing whatever is available at his opponents. While in his maniac identity, the distiller of identities gains Catch Off-Guard, Improvised Weapon Mastery, and Throw Anything as a bonus feats without the need to meet their prerequisites.
    The distiller of identities must be at least 8th level to select this talent.​

Poison Lore (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, a distiller of identities gains a deep understanding and appreciation for poisons. He cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to a weapon. If he spends 1 minute physically examining the poison, he can attempt a Craft (alchemy) check to identify any natural or magical poison (DC = the poison's saving throw DC). Lastly, once a poison is identified, he can spend 1 minute and attempt a Craft (alchemy) check (DC = the poison's saving throw DC) to neutralize 1 dose of the poison. Success renders the dose harmless. The distiller of identities has no chance of accidentally poisoning himself when examining or attempting to neutralize a poison.
This replaces the unshakable class feature.

Master Alchemist (Su): At 20th level, the distiller of identities gains one grand discovery of the alchemist of which he meets the prerequisites. The distiller of identities count his vigilante level as his alchemist level for meet this grand discovery prerequisites and calculate any variable bonus (if any).
This replaces vengeance strike.

Combat Syringe

10 gp Weight 1 lb.

Damage 1d2 (small), 1d3 (medium) Critical x4 Type piercing

Category light Proficiency exotic

Weapon Groups light blades, tribal

Nearly five times the weight of a standard syringe, a combat syringe is designed to hold up to the rigors of battle. A long steel needle is attached to a thick glass tube, which is in turn fitted with a plunger on a steel rod. A combat syringe can hold up to three doses of poison, though the seal on the plunger is typically insufficient to contain gaseous poisons, such as most inhaled poisons. Any other type of poison may be delivered through a combat syringe however, including ingested poisons. On a successful hit with a combat syringe, the wielder may choose to release a single dose of the poison within, though the attack must deal at least one point of damage to the struck creature to pierce its flesh and release the poison. Only one kind of poison may be held in a combat syringe at one time; mixing multiple poisons ruins all of the poisons involved.

A combat syringe may be refilled with poison by spending up to three consecutive full-round actions, one for each dose of poison to be added. Every full-round provoke attack of opportunity. If a character have the swift poisoning class feature, he can refill one dose with a swift action without provoking attack of opportunity, 2 doses with a move action without provoking attack of opportunity, or 3 doses with a standard action without provoking attack of opportunity.

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