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sudden persist feat


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jaelis said:
If you're a cleric, isn't that the same thing? (And who else could cast the spell?)

Also, why are 9th level spell slots relevant? A 4th level slot is all that is being considered.

I think he's trying to say that without DMM:p a 9th level slot is needed to persist that 4th level slot (along with some metamagic discount feats.) But even then, that is only an argument against Sudden Persist, not for it: would you give your players a feat that let them cast Wish 1/day at level 9?

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First Post
from the desk of Bob Lablaw, Flipguarder's attorney

Flipguarder retracts all statements referring to the plausibility and possibility of the reasonable use of what he previously referred to as the "sudden persist feat". His idea was unusable, and he will never mention it again, as it will lead to an increased number of insightful posts on this useless thread.

Please forgive my client his trespasses against this forum in the form of terrible ideas, knowing full well that no one else has ever come up with such an insane idea as he. To verbally abuse Flipguarder, simply yell at your computer, he will hear you.

Formal complaints may be directed to his Address:

4559 Ne 77th ave
Portland OR 97233
United States

in the form of beer, preferably some kind of Lager.


akbearfoot said:
Would your DM allow you a feat that says:

'Once per day, you can increase your strength by 6, your size category by one, and you gain +1bab bonus per 4 levels for 24 hours'?

Hrmm....seems kinda rediculous to me.
I wouldn't allow that feat either. But that feat is _much_ stronger than sudden persist+divine power! Firstly, Divine power caps out at your level, meaning that its BAB enhancement is only works for those that don't have full bab anyway. Secondly, the strength increase is an enhancement bonus, which doesn't stack with strength enhancing items - which most medium level fighters will have (although +6 is indeed pretty good). Unfortunaly for the caster, you can't just take levels of barbarian or whatnot to add extra strength since that would reduce your caster level and thus reduce your BAB under divine power. Divine power does not increase your size category.

Then, the Persist feat has a few other crucial weaknesses. Firstly, it costs two feats with the above write up, since you're required to have extend spell as well (an otherwise odd choice for a cleric), and you must be a full-level caster to benefit. It costs you a spell slot. Finally, and not irrelevantly, your abilities can be dispelled by a plain dispel magic.

I wouldnt even allow a regular feat that gave a single +1 to BAB....because free attacks are worth a characters weight in diamond dust.

I think a +1 bab feat which caps out at BAB equal to character level for full casters would be weak. It'd be boring for normal fighter types, but with a few prereq's (specifically being high level) not overpowering. It's not much stronger than weapon focus, since your extra attacks are so much less likely to hit, esp. at high level - and when you're charging or otherwise only making one attack the effects are very similar. Not that I think a +1 bab feat is a good idea, mind you, just that it's not horribly broken given the right requirements.


jaelis said:
Well, yes. I would have said persistant divine power was by itself rather broken at a cost of two feats and a 4th level slot. Even if you dropped the Str bonus and the temp hp. But I can't say I've played with it... if you have and didn't find it to be so great, that is interesting.

Well, the reason it works less well that you'd think is that there are quite a few hidden limitations. Really, a fighting cleric needs to buff himself with far more than just one spell. In effect, you're spending a lot of resources to be able to have a powerful buff on all the time - but without all those other buffs you can't turn on all the time, you're still much weaker than a plain fighter. So what's the real gain here? Any non-persist cleric has much the same buffs for one encounter, and just like the normal cleric, you still need to buff before battle since the persist's alone don't cut it. This is the fundamental problem which you're unlikely to find a way around.

Now, a DMM cleric who could persist any number of spells would indeed circumvent that problem, but that's only specifically possible with, as far as I know, many copies of a very specific item (nightsticks). Without nightsticks, it's no go - and that's not an item you want in your game anyhow, and certainly you want the item not to be able to power turn-attempt consuming feats.

There are other practical problems for a DMM cleric. Firstly, despite all his buffs, he'll likely have worse stats than the fighter. A DMM cleric is pretty heavily MAD, since you need as high a charisma as possible to gain extra turn attempts, you need a high wisdom since you're a spell caster and wish to cast high level spells (and ideally gain bonus spells too). You need an exceptionally high Con, since your hitdie is lower than that of a fighter. You need a high strength, since that's what your character actually does - hit things. Preferably, you want a high Dex, for extra AC, and to boost your weakest save. It's pretty lame to be a 20th level DMM persist cleric just to be immobilized by the 1st level wizard casting grease, but... well... that can actually happen pretty easily.

Then, you're very vulnerable to any antimagical effects, beginning with the simple dispel magic effects. And once your spells have discharged, you can't reset them until the next morning, which is at best a hassle, and at worst, a death sentence. A fighter doesn't have that problem nearly as severely.

Finally, there aren't actually that many spells that can be persisted and are OMG broken! Divine Power is probably the best, and that's just allowing you to catch up with the fighter's basics. Maybe, since you'll probably still have less strength due to your MAD and the fact that the fighter will also have serious strength boosts himself. Righteous Might, after the errata, is much less attractive (though still good). Divine Favor is much less attractive after the errata.

Certain fighter-only abilities such as weapon specialization and melee weapon mastery have also tilted the balance in the fighters favor lately. Then, there are the ToB fighter types which again have extra capabilities. So, years ago, the DMM cleric mopped the floor, but then DMM was errata'd, the spells most crucial for DMM were errata'd, and the fighter was improved. DMM Persist is no longer as unbalancing as it once was.

While you're expending a large number of resources just to catch up, you might instead just help your fighter and do what you're actually good at, and probably be better off.

DMM persist doesn't work on touch spells, nor on spells with range Close, Medium or Long, and finally also not on "Effect" spells. That precludes the use of the vast majority of spells. Only Range:personal, or Range:[some fixed number] is allowed, and even then, only if the effect is measured in minutes or rounds is it actually very useful.

So, there are a few very interesting spells to persist, but not in the old-style. You could persist mass lesser vigor, for instance, and grant people within 30ft fast healing 1. That's nice, but not very powerful, as healing is generally not problem when you have a cleric around, and in-combat a few extra hp just doesn't make a big difference.

So, DMM persist was broken, but is no longer, and Sudden Persist is less broken than DMM persist ever was, and would be an eminently usable feat right now.

If a player wanted it, I'd allow it.
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Penguin Herder
eamon said:
Then, you're very vulnerable to any antimagical effects, beginning with the simple dispel magic effects. And once your spells have discharged, you can't reset them until the next morning, which is at best a hassle, and at worst, a death sentence.
IMHO this is one of the key playstyle drawbacks to Persist and other buff-enhancers: they are basically saying to the DM, here's how to kill my PC, please pretend you don't know.

Then the DM is faced with two choices: either let the perma-buffed PC stomp all over the campaign, or use the specific counter-measure and destroy the PC. Neither sounds like fun to me.

eamon said:
Finally, there aren't actually that many spells that can be persisted and are OMG broken!
Divine favor, even the new nerfed version, is still +3 attack & +3 damage. That's comparable to a Fighter who picked up Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization and Melee Weapon Mastery, except that divine favor works on any weapon, and even works on ranged attacks. It's balanced by the fact that its duration is fixed at 10 rounds -- so it's either a 5th level slot (for Quickened divine favor) or a standard action.

With divine favor and divine power, a Cleric is equivalent to a specialized Fighter. The Cleric has temporary HP to compensate for the difference in hit die size (one hp/level), he's got +6 Strength (which compensates for putting points into Wisdom, etc. instead of Str), and then there's BAB.

But in a way, you're right, those are not the nastiest cases -- being strictly better than a Fighter isn't any huge accomplishment.

Instead, consider an 8th level Ranger who can cast Persistent swift haste.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
This is a more specific case than your general DMM Cleric, but when you throw Anspell, and its greater brother into the mix via Spell Domain (Spell Compendium) and/or the Initiate of Mystra feat from Player's Guide to Faerun, you can get some pretty dangerous combos. Anyspell gets you Persistent Wraithstrike (SC) which is probably better most of the time than Divine Power, especially if you have Power Attack. Greater Anyspell allows for Persistent Draconic Polymorph (Draconomicon) for all kinds of silly shapes. Throw in being an Outsider (from Otherworldly feat from PGtF, or natural race, or spells like Fiendform [SC]) and things can get even crazier.

Of course, what that exercise really points out are the potentially overpowered natures of those spells more than DMM or of a feat like Sudden Persist. Also, in some ways, at least at higher levels, you can gain a similar level of power potentially with the Leadership feat and an Incantatrix (PGtF) Cohort. It just needs to succeed on some potentially high Spellcraft DCs to Persist your spells for you. Spellscales from Races of the Dragon make especially good Incantatrix Cohorts, by the way.

If there was a feat like Sudden Persist, it would definitely need to use Sudden Quicken as its model and require all of the other Sudden Feats at least as prereqs. It would probably also need a few more simply because 1 free Persistent spell per day is probably more powerful than 1 free Quickened spell per day.

Edited to add: also this has mostly been viewing the feat through the perspective of a Divine caster, but any caster could theoretically take the feat. This means you should take a look at all the Arcane spells and determine how many could cause problems (such as the Wraithstrike and Draconic Polymorph above.) Druids would probably also love to have Persistent Bite of the Werebear all day to compliment their Wildshape ability too.


Nifft said:
With divine favor and divine power, a Cleric is equivalent to a specialized Fighter. The Cleric has temporary HP to compensate for the difference in hit die size (one hp/level), he's got +6 Strength (which compensates for putting points into Wisdom, etc. instead of Str), and then there's BAB.
But, you don't get 6 more strength than the fighter. The fighter will likely also have an enhancement bonus to strength; the difference will be smaller and disappear at high levels.

But in a way, you're right, those are not the nastiest cases -- being strictly better than a Fighter isn't any huge accomplishment.
Well, granted, you're comparable to a fighter - but I still think that you're probably rather weaker. That's a matter of style and level, of course. And of course, sudden persist would only allow one effect, in which case you'll definitely not be able to catch up to the fighter.

Instead, consider an 8th level Ranger who can cast Persistent swift haste.
That sounds nasty indeed. Now that I re-read haste, does it grant one extra attack per weapon? That's never how I've read it before. If it only grants one extra attack, then it's good, but nothing gamebreaking (considering how much effort a ranger would need to expend to be able to persist it).

My personal favorites are the PHB2 "Cloud of knives" (which isn't particularly good, but is hilarious), and the whole-party-and-his-dog buff Holy Aura.

On the plus side, using this kind of stuff has taught my player's that it might actually be a good idea to dispel magic ASAP on the BBEG ;-).


dirkformica said:
This is a more specific case than your general DMM Cleric, but when you throw Anspell, and its greater brother into the mix via Spell Domain (Spell Compendium) and/or the Initiate of Mystra feat from Player's Guide to Faerun, you can get some pretty dangerous combos. Anyspell gets you Persistent Wraithstrike (SC) which is probably better most of the time than Divine Power, especially if you have Power Attack. Greater Anyspell allows for Persistent Draconic Polymorph (Draconomicon) for all kinds of silly shapes. Throw in being an Outsider (from Otherworldly feat from PGtF, or natural race, or spells like Fiendform [SC]) and things can get even crazier.

Of course, what that exercise really points out are the potentially overpowered natures of those spells more than DMM or of a feat like Sudden Persist. Also, in some ways, at least at higher levels, you can gain a similar level of power potentially with the Leadership feat and an Incantatrix (PGtF) Cohort. It just needs to succeed on some potentially high Spellcraft DCs to Persist your spells for you. Spellscales from Races of the Dragon make especially good Incantatrix Cohorts, by the way.

Speaking as a DM, I can say for sure that you don't want to allow wraithstrike. If the PC's can use it, I allow it for NPC's too, and persistent wraithstrike might seem powerful when persistent on a PC, but a plain old wraithstrike on a power-attacking dragaon is (potentially) an instant TPK. Indeed persist may make the exploit more obvious, but the problem is in the spells themselves and not persist.

If there was a feat like Sudden Persist, it would definitely need to use Sudden Quicken as its model and require all of the other Sudden Feats at least as prereqs. It would probably also need a few more simply because 1 free Persistent spell per day is probably more powerful than 1 free Quickened spell per day.

From the cleric's perspective, sudden quicken is more powerful than sudden persist. A Cleric that's trying to be "overpowered" will need to attack as often and as strongly as possible, and free action casting is a very important part of that since it allows you to full attack and cast. Persist is cool, but a single persist spell doesn't change much; you'll still need to buff before each combat, so it's much less balance changing.

For that matter; no sane cleric would take sudden quicken with those prereq's (right?).

Edited to add: also this has mostly been viewing the feat through the perspective of a Divine caster, but any caster could theoretically take the feat. This means you should take a look at all the Arcane spells and determine how many could cause problems (such as the Wraithstrike and Draconic Polymorph above.) Druids would probably also love to have Persistent Bite of the Werebear all day to compliment their Wildshape ability too.
That's a good point, and I would amend the current sudden persist proposal to only apply to clerics. A druid with persistent bite of the werebear... shudder.

I still think that for a cleric a single persisted spell each day isn't a game-balance problem.


Oh this is where the title goes?
eamon said:
I still think that for a cleric a single persisted spell each day isn't a game-balance problem.
So just to put the DP question in another perspective, you would probably be OK with this feat?
Practiced Warrior
Prereq: BAB +6
Benefit: You gain +1 BAB per four character levels, but your total BAB cannot exceed your HD.
Or not?


eamon said:
I still think that for a cleric a single persisted spell each day isn't a game-balance problem.
How about persistent Righteous Wrath of the Faithful (SC:177) on all your party (everyone within 30ft.) every day?


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