Suggestion: Ignore Threads

Charwoman Gene

Can we ignore THREADS started by someone?

I have someone on my ignore list uselessly as my main issue is seeing his threads. He is an out and out troll and seems to exist primarily to post controversial topics and walk away. He waited till the gloom touched off by the Hungarian misparaphrase of 2007 to spam 5 of these troll threads. I;ve reported him, been adfvised that my judgementdiffers from the mods, fine, but can I IGNORE THE THREADS?

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First Post
Not as far as I know.

Hopefully ENWorld 2 has a functioning ignore system. I'd like the above, certainly, and also the ability to ignore someone even when they're being quoted.

And, while I know this would never happen, I'd love the ability to put myself on someone else's ignore list.


Ignore Thread is a function available on Circvs Maximvs and I would be surprised if it doesn't make it over to ENW at some point. Maybe as part of ENW2?


Victoria Rules
I'd rather there be a way of finding out if I'm *being* ignored by someone, so I don't waste time replying to their posts. (then again, the very idea of there being an ignore feature at all kinda doesn't sit well with me...)



First Post
Can I borrow your thread for a moment? :)
Since you are talking about ignore functions, what about public ignore lists?
For example, I have my list of users I ignored, so I could make it public to everyone and anyone that thinks I'm a nice user and a reasonable person could take a better look at those I ignored, and also, if I find myself on someone's list, I could rethink my behaviour.
Maybe that's not a very political correct idea, but often I find myself wishing for that, what do you think?


Front Range Warlock
Depending upon what browser you are using, somebody had coded plug-ins for ignoring certain posters *and* topics in VBulletin :)


ainatan said:
Can I borrow your thread for a moment? :)
Since you are talking about ignore functions, what about public ignore lists?
For example, I have my list of users I ignored, so I could make it public to everyone and anyone that thinks I'm a nice user and a reasonable person could take a better look at those I ignored, and also, if I find myself on someone's list, I could rethink my behaviour.
Maybe that's not a very political correct idea, but often I find myself wishing for that, what do you think?

I see your point and I know I would certainly benefit from rethinking my own behavior as well, but that's probably not such a good idea, but only because it would ultimately be abused or used for public ridicule.

I've found that counting to ten before responding works for me. I know I can say things that I probably shouldn't which have probably offended someone. And I'm very sorry for that -we all have bad days myself included. I try to avoid using ignore lists now and avoid the threads and posters that I know I have a problem with and move on, remembering they too can have bad days or are entitled to their different opinions, priorities and feelings just as I am. At the end of the day, I remember that we are, for the most part, talking about a game - a hobby that is meant to be fun, escapist and enjoyable. Even though this is what I strive for now, I know I'm still not perfect. Roleplaying games have such a major social interaction component, so I personally find ignore lists counter to that spirit and they prevent me from honing my skills for interacting socially.

This is just my opinion. And if I am on your ignore list and you happen to see this somehow, I apologize for offending you and ask that you give me another chance. I'm taking an active stance to provide help, encouragement and answers to people, and learning to live and let live. It's an ongoing process, but one that I think is worth it in the long run. All things considered, EN World is one of the best online communities out there. :)


The man with the probe
EricNoah said:
Ignore Thread is a function available on Circvs Maximvs and I would be surprised if it doesn't make it over to ENW at some point. Maybe as part of ENW2?
Unfortunately, you need to go into a thread to ignore it.

Threads started by an ignored user I don't believe can be ignored.

Same with quotes.

Just learn to tune it out. Use the ignore button in your head :)


First Post
Bront said:
Just learn to tune it out. Use the ignore button in your head :)

I believe that function has been disabled for many people -- if it ever existed in the first place. I'm not sure if it's the hardware or faulty programing.

The "ignore" list is the easy way out. It defeats the mastery of socialization and coping skills that are so valuable as a mature adult, to say nothing of critical thinking skills -- Don't like what you're hearing? Stick your fingers in your ears, "la la la la I can't hear you!"

And then there's the matter of being oblivious when someone posts something bad that truly needs to be corrected before he leads others astray. Those with massive blocked user lists are abdicating their responsibility to the betterment of society -- you can't fix something that you can't see. That particular problem is compounded because the offender has absolutely no idea that he's being blocked; the absence of response to his message is taken as acquiesence or agreement.

And last but not least, blocking any user runs the real risk of missing valuable content when he does post it (however you define content -- news, humor, perspective, etc.).

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