Super Dragon King Ghidorah!


First Post
Well, yes and no. You forgot to roar, and even though I had 3 quickened silences memorized (plus 2 more), I forgot to cast them. And with my actual caster level of 42 (not bloody 36. I forgot my spell power +1, +2 and +3 adding to caster level), most of them would have gotten through. Ghidorah did come close to getting me (the wizard 26/archmage 4) in the first few rounds, but then forgot my character (he focused on the sun giant monk who managed to trip him every single round). Meh. I'd like to see a rematch (especially now that we realized what we did wrong).

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Not a rematch against an undead though. He got raised, and if he was undead that would mean my shadow storms and soul sucks wouldn't work :(


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It wasn't my kill Thalias's kill Arc it was Roak(for those that don't know Thal and Roak are characters of mine). As for "if you had DMed better" I could have also made a more competent opponent. I created a crappy character. I went back over my level 28 character(Human fighter 18/Tempest 10) and he would have done better, especially with an epic weapon of distruption(cuts right through DR). Or I could have used to souldrinkers and cut Gidorah by a fourth in one round(20 negative levels[averaged]). Also I could have ensured all eight hits with a level of Druid and a brilliant aura spell.

Note to severly tweaked readers: After a massive epic level campaign where we leveled as high as 28 we were severally entralled in powergaming. And we had one awesome twink archer.

Note to his Holyness my DM: See I do read these forums once in a while, actually its because I am looking for specific formulas for all magic items, i.e. rings, rods, staves, everything.


First Post
I was using your username, unless you want me to start giving out your personal info online. I'm more than happy to help out any enterprising stalkers wishing your death ;)

Also: The level drain induced by a Souldrinker is a spell-like ability (Energy Drain, as specifically mentioned in the text). The sword has a caster level of 21. Start rolling for twenties against that SR 53.

Further edits: What kind of weapon of disruption are you talking about.
Thalias said:
...especially with an epic weapon of distruption(cuts right through DR).
The only disruption I see in the ELH is
Mighty Disruption: Like the weapon of disruption this type of weapon is the bane of all undead. Any undead creature struck in combat must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 21) or be destroyed. A weapon of mighty disruption must be a bludgeoning weapon. (If you roll this property randomly for a piercing or slashing weapon, reroll.)
Caster Level: 21st;... Market Price: +6 bonus
Maybe you mean a Mace of Ruin?
Thalias said:
And we had one awesome twink archer.
I have to agree with you there :)
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Inventor of Super-Toast
Krishnath said:
Bah, you should have done the following:

1st round: All Breathweapons on same character (72d8 points of damage, half of which is non-elemental, save for half.) preferrebly on the cleric/healer

2nd round: Roar

3rd round: Full attack on spellcaster of choice.

4th round: All breathweapons on one character, preferrebly the healer again.

5th round: Roar

6th round: Full attack on spellcaster of choice.

Rinse, repeat. :D

You should add an undead template of choice (may I suggest Dracolich?) and do a rematch...

Dracolich GHidorah'd be cool, but it was established that he was merely thrown into a random plane (Ours, Earth, Japan) and rezzed. But I'll keep your tactics in mind. Except that he can only use two breath weapons on one target at a time.

Krish, if you want to start writing tactics entries for the kaiju, be my guest;)

Demiurge out.


First Post
demiurge1138 said:

Krish, if you want to start writing tactics entries for the kaiju, be my guest;)
Please, whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE HIM ANY MORE IDEAS. He's evil and nefarious enough already, I don't think demiurge needs any more help.


First Post
Arc: There you are wrong, we Evil Overlords need to stick together and develop tactics against the good guys (i.e: you).

Demiurge: So what if it's only two breathweapons at a time, simply change 72d8 to 48d8. The tactics are still sound. Also, I'll consider doing tactics for the rest, but only if someone bumps them... :D

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