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Superhero systems?


I like to draw!
You know, I picked up Hero 5th edition based on the general consensus that it was the system for superheros. After trying to read several chapeters, including character generation, I put it on my shelf knowing I'll never play it. You may not need an advanced math degree to play it, but it sure reads like a math book, ugh!

I also have Gurps supers, and mayfairs DC heros boxed set. But my favorite is still the Old Marvel RPG blue box by TSR. Its dated, sure, but I love that game!

I wait, though, for GR Mutants and Masterminds. It seems, to me anyway, to have great potential. Flexability, simplisity, and the fact they, not only have a list of 100+ powers but rules for making new ones.

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Seriously guys, you want to explain why you feel Hero is best option for a superhero game?

heh, sure...I was in a hurry before.

It's really pretty simple though. Only one game system (in my experience) captures the Four Color Comic Book feeling of being able to DO ANYTHING you can imagine a character being able to do.

Seriously, post the strangest, most out of this world power you can imagine, I can tell you how to accomplish it in the Champions rules. Now...you may not have enough points to be able to do it in your campaign, but I can tell you how to do it.

This unparalleled flexibility makes Champions (Hero 5th edition) just the best.

Other things may be simpler...but if I wanted simple I'd play FUDGE. Sometimes I want rules...real meat and potato rules.

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First Post
You know what...I'll give you an example just for the hell of it. You know how Batman does that thing where you are talking to him...you turn your back and keep talking...then you turn around and he's gone.

That's Teleportation, only to somewhere he would normally be able to get too (-1/2 limitation), only when no one is watching him (-1) limitation.

Champions is the best, bar none.



First Post
If you can wait 6 or so weeks, get Mutants & Masterminds. Steve Kenson(author) has worked on as many as 5 different superhero games and brought all that to this game. We have been grilling him relentlessly on the GR forums about this game and so far is passing with high grades. It is near-d20 (TM) . It uses levels, feats, D20 skill system, and a Damage Save (best new D20 mechanic of the year, if not ever, i tell you). It doesn't have classes, it uses points per level so you can create any darn kind of super/nonsuper hero character you could possibly think up! You buy stats, skills, combat bonus, Feats, powers, etc. The power system seems expansive and each power has its own Extras or Stunts to can option to make your Flame Burst different from anyone elses. This game will be the bomb! Mark me words. :)

Frankly, i think this game would be great for several genre besides superheros. High octane fantasy, Dragonball Z, etc.
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First Post
Hero Champions ((system, genre)) is NOT the game you'll want if you're the kind of gamer who wants a particular superpower ready to play as if you're buying it off the shelf at Wal-Mart. The system requires that you exercise a few brain cells so that you can build your required variation of a power to spec.

Champions is the hardiest, most flexible superhero game system available. But it aint for wimps. If you need a night-light when you go to bed, don't buy Champions. If your mother still cuts the crust off your PB&J sandwiches, don't buy Champions. If you still think Hal Jordan was the best Green Lantern ever, don't buy Champions. If you think your character concept is tougher than Wolverine, don't buy Champions. If you're worried about catching kooties from sitting on a public toilet, don't buy Champions. If you think people who can read without moving their lips are "brainy nerds," don't buy Champions. If you still write your name in your underwear, don't buy Champions.


Cedric said:

Seriously, post the strangest, most out of this world power you can imagine, I can tell you how to accomplish it in the Champions rules. Now...you may not have enough points to be able to do it in your campaign, but I can tell you how to do it.

Because I'm curious and don't know the Hero system, and Math heavy games don't scare me (though they scare my player, none wants to do a space fight that respect physics:)):

The ability to grant spell?
Precise Telekinesis (i.e from crushing some nerves to sending poisoned dart)?
Infinite acceleration (especially usefull in space, but on earth it means going from 0 mph to 1000mph instantaneously)?
Reduce the Life cycle of Radioactive Matter?
To give animals some form of inteligence?
Creating permanent flaming sword for allies?
Memory modification?
Full knoweldge of the past (also know as Merlin's power granted by the devil)?
Full knoweldge of the future (also know as Merlin's power granted by god)?
Communication and full control of an alternat self in the past or future?
Ability to create a sun?
To accelerate the time on a solar system scale (i.e. from the apparition of earth up to the apparition of life)?



First Post
Blacksad said:

Because I'm curious and don't know the Hero system, and Math heavy games don't scare me (though they scare my player, none wants to do a space fight that respect physics):

The ability to grant spell?
Precise Telekinesis?
Infinite acceleration?
Reduce the Life cycle of Radioactive Matter? ...
blah blah blah?

How about these:
Jump through hoops?
Respond to troll requests?
Prove someone right?
Play a game of "Betcha-Can't-Answer-THIS-One?"
Boost someone else's petty ego?
Get lost in arguments about minutia?


Olidammara said:

How about these:
Jump through hoops?
Respond to troll requests?
Prove someone right?
Play a game of "Betcha-Can't-Answer-THIS-One?"
Boost someone else's petty ego?
Get lost in arguments about minutia?

Thanks for the kind words, but I'm serious about my questions.
Most are campaign starting points.
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First Post
Originally posted by Blacksad
The ability to grant spell?
Buy all spells as Usable By Others.

Precise Telekinesis (i.e from crushing some nerves to sending poisoned dart)?
Telekinesis: Multipower
a: Manipulation: 40 STR TK with Fine Manipulation
b: Nerve Pinch: 6d6 NND
c: Poisoned Dart manipulation: 1d6 RKA, NND, Does Body. OAF-Dart

Infinite acceleration (especially usefull in space, but on earth it means going from 0 mph to 1000mph instantaneously)?
Mega-Scale Movment Advantage. Possible to get from the Earth to the Moon in 1 second for less than 20 points. For space travel there is also FTL (Faster-Than-Light) Travel power.

Reduce the Life cycle of Radioactive Matter?
Drain with Variable Special Effect Advantage.

To give animals some form of inteligence?
2d6 Mind Transformation.

Creating permanent flaming sword for allies?
Buy the sword with the Independent and OAF Limitations. Buy more than one and give them away at your leisure.

Memory modification?
3d6 Mind Transformation Attack.

Full knoweldge of the past (also know as Merlin's power granted by the devil)?
Two possibilities (I am not familiar with the ability listed):
KS: History 25- Costs End, or

Full knoweldge of the future (also know as Merlin's power granted by god)?

Communication and full control of an alternat self in the past or future?
Transdimensional Mind Link. To control them against their will you would need Transdimensional Mind Control as well.

Ability to create a sun?
2d6 EB, 0 END & Persistent, Continuous, Uncontrolled. (You did not say how big of a sun you wanted. :)

To accelerate the time on a solar system scale (i.e. from the apparition of earth up to the apparition of life)?
Extra-Dimensional Movement with Time Adder, Usable AS Attack, Area Effect, 15 Levels of Mega-Scale Advantage.

Anything else you needed to know? :)
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NLP said:

Anything else you needed to know? :)

yup, on advancement, how are the rules?

More precisely, does advancement increase the strength of a character (like in D&D), or mostly its knoweldge (like in Jovian Chronicles), or skill vs stats & combat ability increase?

Are those rules easy to use (D&D), or do they require to recalculate a number of stats (GURPS)?

And last but not least, in your experience, is the character advancement meaningful to players (for exemple the game evolve), or "symbolic" ( such as: the character personality change)?

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