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Superhero systems?


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Blacksad said:
Also do you have a link toward pre-release info on Hero Designer?
There is a whole Forum devoted to it on the Hero Games message boards. Go to www.herogames.com and click on the Discussion Boards link. The Hero Designer forum is about in the middle.
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Synicism said:
I don't know why Green Ronin chose to go with levels when they had already come so close to eliminating all that was bad about the d20 system.

LOL! Probably because they don't think levels are bad. :)


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NLP did a good job with this, but I'll take a stab at it just for the hell of it...some of mine will probably be the same as his, some of mine will be different. It's so flexible you can often do the same thing a few different ways.

The ability to grant spell? - Take powers Useable By Others

Precise Telekinesis (i.e from crushing some nerves to sending poisoned dart)? - Buy a variable power pool for TK related powers only. Changeable 0 phase with a TK manipulation skill roll. It'll basically cover doing just about anything you could imagine TK as being able to do...and it's changeable on the fly.

Infinite acceleration (especially usefull in space, but on earth it means going from 0 mph to 1000mph instantaneously)? - Depending on what you want the end result to be...I'd either by Mega-Scale on my flight...or I'd get lots of Flight and Lots of Teleportation in a multipower.

Reduce the Life cycle of Radioactive Matter? - Minor transformation, Radioactive Material to older radioactive material. Cumulative

To give animals some form of inteligence? - Transform, animal to intelligent being. (or if it's not a permanent transformation...Aid to intelligence with a 1 day decay rate).

Creating permanent flaming sword for allies? Obvious Accessible Focus, independent. Then give them away.

Memory modification? - Transform, person who remembers x to person who remembers y.

Full knoweldge of the past (also know as Merlin's power granted by the devil)? - That ones tough, probably would have to say a "knowledge skill - past" with a healthy skill check. Subject to GM approval.

Full knoweldge of the future (also know as Merlin's power granted by god)? - Probably have to go with precognition on this one...but you could also go with a skill check as above. Again, with GM's permission (cause I definately wouldn't allow that).

Communication and full control of an alternate self in the past or future? - This could either be just a funky time travel special affect (transdimensional movement - time travel) or you could take Mind Link and Mind Control Trans-dimensional.

Ability to create a sun? - 60d6 Mega-Scale explosive armor piercing rka, 0 end persistent, always on. (you could never afford it like that though). If you want one more affordable. Transform empty space to Sun. 2d6, cumulative, sticky, uncontrolled, (-0 limitation, only continues until it reaches a certain size)

To accelerate the time on a solar system scale (i.e. from the apparition of earth up to the apparition of life)? - Extra Dimensional Movement, Useable against others, area affect - Mega Scale.

Cedric (edit: corrected a typo)
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RangerWickett said:
I can't speak for Green Ronin, but I know that Natural 20 Press's Four-Color to Fantasy, which is out right now, uses the level system because it is meant to be used with existing systems. I admire GR for how they fiddled with hit points; it's very nifty. However, using what I've heard of M&M, I'd have to say that it misses out on being system-compatible.

You're right. I do admire GR for going as far as they did with the system. Just like I really admire AEG for getting the jump on modern-age d20 games with Spycraft. Both of these seem like improvements on the d20 system. Spyrcraft did it with a fantastic, innovative combat round that made things even faster and easier than they were before. M&M looks like it has taken the character advancement process and thrown it into high gear.

I like to tinker with systems. I am always looking for ways to make play faster and more fun and for ways to have a more organic feel to character progression. At some level, I'm really not concerned with system compatibility and I'm not sure that it's all that important.

If you're writing fantasy supplements, you naturally want to make them compatible with D&D because that is the market. But going the other route opens up new possibilities as well. M&M may work so well and be so flexible that, like HERO, you don't need separate systems for equipment, magic, psionics, etc, because everything can be done with power design. I'm kind of hoping M&M will be so good that GR will be able to build an entire line based on it and its variant mechanics.

Or maybe I'm just daydreaming. <g>

N Hammer

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from Ranger Wickett

p.s. One caveat, though. It's our philosophy that in a roleplaying game, how you play your character is a matter of personality, and that emotional drawbacks don't balance physical powers. Thus, you won't see things like "Hates Orcs" in FCTF. If you want to hate orcs, then your character hates orcs. Your super powers and skills determine how powerful you are; your personality is there for the sake of roleplaying

They way you play your Hero System character is also a matter of personality.....

When creating a character with Hero you spend time deciding some things about your character's personality. If those things could have an impacted in the game, as well as affording some good roleplaying moment, then you get some bonus points to enhance your character....

Hero System rewards you for giving your characters disadvantages....


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Hero requires that you multiply and divide by 1/2. That's the most advanced math there is. I learned that in 5th grade, and my school district was underfunded.
Hero may not require Calculus, but it involves multiplication and division by 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 1 3/4, etc. for power modifiers. Often a power's cost must be multiplied by some mixed fraction like 1 3/4, then divided by another mixed fraction like 1 1/4, then divided by 5 or 10 for being in a multipower slot, etc.

Many figured stats are 1/2, 1/5, or 1/10 of some other stat. OCV and DCV are Dex/3. And those divisions are done with rounding.

More important than the difficulty of any one calculation is the sheer volume of math. And for what?
The deal with Hero is that it lets you have as much or as little detail as you want.
Ideally, Hero would let you scale the detail, but every character has separate Body and Con scores, separate PD and ED scores, etc. In almost all cases you want comparable Str, Body, Con, etc. If they were on the same scale, you'd also like to lump PD, ED, Rec, and Stun into that same single stat as well.

Then, when you wanted the detail, you could fine-tune a character -- but the superfluous detail wouldn't be built into every character.
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the nature of hero games

Well, if you want to compare games, we can compare them. Take D&D, it is a beginner's game to roleplaying, same with the original marvel superheroes, and GURPS. Once you mastered those three, or one for that matter, its time to expand your ability to handle something a little more complicated. Enter Heroes Unlimited, which is more complicated than D&D and MSH. While it is fun, it has more options and HU does simulate the palladium system the best of all their products, its not the best. Okay, you made it to level two. On to level three, and to me that was DC, which to me was more complicated, but not in a fun way. In comparison, take into consideration M&M and DNW (deeds not words, I think) and put them equal to HU. Once you have mastered those, your ready for the ultimate challenge, which would be Hero System.

Hero System is what you graduate to after you have mastered all the other systems. As a system, Hero is easy, once you get passed the learning curve involved. The learning curve is steeped, the options are limitless, and the system is designed to handle any genre possible, not just superheroes. It can do fantasy, futuristic, modern, superhero. It is point based, not level based. And it has by far the most Acronyms of any hundred other rpg products put together (embellishment, but probably accurate), and that is what stumps new people when they first read the rules. Once you get passed the Acronyms (OAF, OIF, NND, DEF, OCF, DCF, TK, STR, DEX, SPD, HKA, RKA, HA, RA, ETC), you got it made.

Hero System is the best for superheroes because that is the main emphasis of the system. It has the most options available. It is THE game to learn, master and use. If you can use this game, and once you have truly played a real game of Hero with someone who knows the rules, you will only look at the other games out there and realize that they have nothing compared to Hero. Although from what I have read Mutants and Mastermines will be a good second. :D

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