Two decades ago I helped create the Open Gaming License which helped save Dungeons & Dragons. Today that license is at risk of being changed by Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast. I am hoping that a coordinated response by the community might make them reconsider their plans.
Please join me in signing this petition on The more people who sign, the more visible this effort will become and the more likely we will have an impact on the decisions being made by Hasbro.
I believe time is of the essence. An announcement of their plans may happen today, Thursday the 12th of January. If you are inclined, please sign the petition now.
Thank you for your support!
Ryan S. Dancey
Please join me in signing this petition on The more people who sign, the more visible this effort will become and the more likely we will have an impact on the decisions being made by Hasbro.
I believe time is of the essence. An announcement of their plans may happen today, Thursday the 12th of January. If you are inclined, please sign the petition now.
Thank you for your support!

This campaign needs you now
Hasbro, Please Take No Action Regarding the Open Gaming License v1â.â0a

Ryan S. Dancey