D&D General Survivor 5E - Fiends (Triple Header) Demogorgon, Pit Fiend, and Rakshasa survive the Blood War!


Jedi Master
This thread is inspired by prior threads that we've done - and it's finally time to do 5e Fiends.


Each Fiend starts with 20 points and you vote for one Fiend in each category you like which gains 1 point and against one Fiend in each category you dislike which loses 2 points. It is intentional that a negative vote is worth more than a positive vote - first, because it takes something extra to whittle these guys down to size. Second, because. The winner of each category will be represented in the 5E Survivor Monster Mash thread.

Upvotes are in green, downvotes are in red (unless you are on your phone, and are unable to). Copy and paste the previous poster’s vote and change the numbers. You may vote once per day in each category. This is an honor system, and we are all honorable gamers; please do not abuse it. If this means you vote once at night one day, and once the next morning - that's fine, but don't vote again until the following day.

This is purely a popularity contest and you do not have to explain an upvote or downvote, but feel free to - explanations are where the fun is! When downvotes reach 0 the Fiend is slain (FATALITY!). Finally, if an Fiend has one vote left, then you have to make the choice to use all of your downvotes to eliminate it; there is no vote splitting. In addition, you can't upvote and downvote the same Fiend (no "see" votes). And you have to use BOTH YOUR UPVOTE AND DOWNVOTE if you vote.

Three important points that you must read before voting-

1. This is a pure popularity contest, and is meant to be fun. You can cast your votes for whatever reason you want. Spite, irrational love/hate, huge creature envy, gameplay mechanics, strategic voting, and so on is perfectly acceptable. You can comment for the reasons for your vote, or not - up to you! But this is for enjoyment only.

2. This is a list of monsters classified as Fiends in 5e. The list includes the main official sources (MM, VGtM, MToF). The categories will be Demon, Devil and Other as per their listing in DDB.

3. As always, the list is the list. If you have a complaint about the list, please direct it to /dev/null.

Abyssal Wretch #70
Alkilith #215
Armanite #178
Baphomet #516
Bulezau #261
Chasme #115

Demogorgon Winner!
Draegloth #329
Dretch #78
Fraz-Urb'luu #49
Glabrezu #635
Goristro #492
Graz'zt #275
Hezrou #363
Juiblex #198
Manes #104
Marilith #771
Maurezhi #405
Maw Demon #94
Molydeus #536
Nabassu #438
Nalfeshnee #699
Quasit #100
Rutterkin #38
Shadow Demon #575
Shoosuva #346
Sibriex #302
Tanarukk #157
Vrock #597
Wastrilith #232
Yeenoghu #555
Yochlol #203
Zuggtmoy #149

Abishai (Any Color) #96
Amnizu #87
Bael #344
Barbed Devil #271
Bearded Devil #147
Bone Devil #438
Chain Devil #190
Erinyes #222
Geryon #314
Horned Devil 20
Hutijin #38
Ice Devil #463
Imp #81
Lemure 20
Merregon #173
Moloch #204
Narzugon #134

Nupperibo #61
Orthon #155
Pit Fiend WINNER!!!
Spined Devil #283
Titivilus #184
Zariel #251

Arcanaloth #326
Barghest #188
Cambion #344
Devourer #150
Dhergoloth #49
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu #29
Hell Hound #389
Howler #74
Incubus #63
Merrenoloth #206
Mezzoloth #232
Night Hag #371
Nightmare #390
Nycaloth #116

Rakshasa WINNER!!!
Succubus #313
Ultroloth #88
Vargouille @100
Yagnoloth #165
Last edited:

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Abyssal Wretch 20
Alkilith 20
Armanite 20
Babau 20
Balor 20
Baphomet 20
Barlagura 20
Bulezau 20
Chasme 20
Demogorgon 20
Draegloth 20
Dretch 20
Dybbuk 20
Fraz-Urb'luu 20
Glabrezu 20
Goristro 20
Graz'zt 20
Hezrou 20
Juiblex 20
Manes 20
Marilith 20
Maurezhi 20
Maw Demon 20
Molydeus 20
Nabassu 20
Nalfeshnee 20+1=21
Orcus 20
Quasit 20
Rutterkin 20-2=18
Shadow Demon 20
Shoosuva 20
Sibriex 20
Tanarukk 20
Vrock 20
Wastrilith 20
Yeenoghu 20
Yochlol 20
Zuggtmoy 20

Abishai (Any Color) 20
Amnizu 20
Bael 20
Barbed Devil 20
Bearded Devil 20
Bone Devil 20
Chain Devil 20
Erinyes 20
Geryon 20
Horned Devil 20
Hutijin 20
Ice Devil 20
Imp 20
Lemure 20
Merregon 20
Moloch 20
Narzugon 20
Nupperibo 20-2=18
Orthon 20
Pit Fiend 20
Spined Devil 20
Titivilus 20
Zariel 20+1=21

Arcanaloth 20
Barghest 20
Cambion 20+1=21
Devourer 20
Dhergoloth 20
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu 20
Hell Hound 20
Howler 20
Hydroloth 20
Incubus 20
Merrenoloth 20
Mezzoloth 20
Night Hag 20
Nightmare 20
Nycaloth 20
Oinoloth 20
Rakshasa 20
Succubus 20-2=18
Ultroloth 20
Vargouille 20
Yagnoloth 20

Abyssal Wretch 20
Alkilith 20
Armanite 20
Babau 20
Balor 20
Baphomet 20
Barlagura 20
Bulezau 20
Chasme 20
Demogorgon 18
Draegloth 20
Dretch 20
Dybbuk 20
Fraz-Urb'luu 20
Glabrezu 20
Goristro 20
Graz'zt 20
Hezrou 20
Juiblex 20
Manes 20
Marilith 20
Maurezhi 20
Maw Demon 20
Molydeus 20
Nabassu 20
Nalfeshnee 21
Orcus 20
Quasit 20
Rutterkin 18
Shadow Demon 21
Shoosuva 20
Sibriex 20
Tanarukk 20
Vrock 20
Wastrilith 20
Yeenoghu 20
Yochlol 20
Zuggtmoy 20

Abishai (Any Color) 20
Amnizu 20
Bael 20
Barbed Devil 20
Bearded Devil 20
Bone Devil 20
Chain Devil 20
Erinyes 21
Geryon 20
Horned Devil 20
Hutijin 20
Ice Devil 20
Imp 18
Lemure 20
Merregon 20
Moloch 20
Narzugon 20
Nupperibo 18
Orthon 20
Pit Fiend 20
Spined Devil 20
Titivilus 20
Zariel 21

Arcanaloth 20
Barghest 20
Cambion 21
Devourer 20
Dhergoloth 20
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu 20
Hell Hound 21
Howler 20
Hydroloth 20
Incubus 20
Merrenoloth 20
Mezzoloth 20
Night Hag 20
Nightmare 20
Nycaloth 20
Oinoloth 20
Rakshasa 20
Succubus 18
Ultroloth 18
Vargouille 20
Yagnoloth 20

Abyssal Wretch 20
Alkilith 20
Armanite 20
Babau 20
Balor 20
Baphomet 20
Barlagura 20
Bulezau 20-2=18
Chasme 20
Demogorgon 18
Draegloth 20
Dretch 20
Dybbuk 20
Fraz-Urb'luu 20
Glabrezu 20
Goristro 20
Graz'zt 20
Hezrou 20
Juiblex 20
Manes 20
Marilith 20
Maurezhi 20
Maw Demon 20
Molydeus 20
Nabassu 20
Nalfeshnee 21
Orcus 20
Quasit 20
Rutterkin 18
Shadow Demon 21+1=22
Shoosuva 20
Sibriex 20
Tanarukk 20
Vrock 20
Wastrilith 20
Yeenoghu 20
Yochlol 20
Zuggtmoy 20

Abishai (Any Color) 20
Amnizu 20
Bael 20
Barbed Devil 20
Bearded Devil 20
Bone Devil 20
Chain Devil 20
Erinyes 21
Geryon 20
Horned Devil 20
Hutijin 20-2=18
Ice Devil 20
Imp 18
Lemure 20
Merregon 20
Moloch 20
Narzugon 20
Nupperibo 18
Orthon 20
Pit Fiend 20+1=21
Spined Devil 20
Titivilus 20
Zariel 21

Arcanaloth 20
Barghest 20
Cambion 21
Devourer 20
Dhergoloth 20
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu 20-2=18
Hell Hound 21+1=22

Howler 20
Hydroloth 20
Incubus 20
Merrenoloth 20
Mezzoloth 20
Night Hag 20
Nightmare 20
Nycaloth 20
Oinoloth 20
Rakshasa 20
Succubus 18
Ultroloth 18
Vargouille 20
Yagnoloth 20

So many gibberish names, so little time.

Abyssal Wretch 20
Alkilith 20
Armanite 20
Babau 20
Balor 20
Baphomet 20
Barlagura 20
Bulezau 18
Chasme 18
Demogorgon 18
Draegloth 20
Dretch 20
Dybbuk 20
Fraz-Urb'luu 20
Glabrezu 20
Goristro 20
Graz'zt 20
Hezrou 20
Juiblex 20
Manes 20
Marilith 20
Maurezhi 20
Maw Demon 20
Molydeus 20
Nabassu 20
Nalfeshnee 21
Orcus 21
Quasit 20
Rutterkin 18
Shadow Demon 22
Shoosuva 20
Sibriex 20
Tanarukk 20
Vrock 20
Wastrilith 20
Yeenoghu 20
Yochlol 20
Zuggtmoy 20

Abishai (Any Color) 20
Amnizu 20
Bael 20
Barbed Devil 20
Bearded Devil 20
Bone Devil 20
Chain Devil 20
Erinyes 19
Geryon 20
Horned Devil 20
Hutijin 18
Ice Devil 20
Imp 18
Lemure 20
Merregon 20
Moloch 20
Narzugon 20
Nupperibo 18
Orthon 20
Pit Fiend 22
Spined Devil 20
Titivilus 20
Zariel 21

Arcanaloth 20
Barghest 20
Cambion 19
Devourer 20
Dhergoloth 20
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu 18
Hell Hound 22
Howler 20
Hydroloth 20
Incubus 20
Merrenoloth 20
Mezzoloth 20
Night Hag 21
Nightmare 20
Nycaloth 20
Oinoloth 20
Rakshasa 20
Succubus 18
Ultroloth 18
Vargouille 20
Yagnoloth 20

Abyssal Wretch 20
Alkilith 20
Armanite 20
Babau 20
Balor 20
Baphomet 20
Barlagura 20
Bulezau 18
Chasme 18
Demogorgon 18
Draegloth 20
Dretch 20
Dybbuk 20
Fraz-Urb'luu 20
Glabrezu 20
Goristro 20
Graz'zt 20
Hezrou 20
Juiblex 20
Manes 20
Marilith 20
Maurezhi 20
Maw Demon 20
Molydeus 20
Nabassu 20
Nalfeshnee 21
Orcus 21
Quasit 20
Rutterkin 18
Shadow Demon 22
Shoosuva 20
Sibriex 20
Tanarukk 20
Vrock 20
Wastrilith 20
Yeenoghu 20
Yochlol 20
Zuggtmoy 20

Abishai (Any Color) 20
Amnizu 20
Bael 20
Barbed Devil 20
Bearded Devil 20
Bone Devil 20
Chain Devil 20
Erinyes 19
Geryon 20
Horned Devil 20
Hutijin 18
Ice Devil 20
Imp 18
Lemure 20
Merregon 20
Moloch 20
Narzugon 20
Nupperibo 18
Orthon 20
Pit Fiend 22
Spined Devil 20
Titivilus 20
Zariel 21

Arcanaloth 20
Barghest 20
Cambion 20
Devourer 20
Dhergoloth 20
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu 16
Hell Hound 22
Howler 20
Hydroloth 20
Incubus 20
Merrenoloth 20
Mezzoloth 20
Night Hag 21
Nightmare 20
Nycaloth 20
Oinoloth 20
Rakshasa 20
Succubus 18
Ultroloth 18
Vargouille 20
Yagnoloth 20

@akr71 did you vote once in each category or just in Other? For this Survivor, you can vote once in each of the three categories each day.

Abyssal Wretch 20
Alkilith 20
Armanite 20
Babau 20
Balor 20
Baphomet 20
Barlagura 20
Bulezau 18
Chasme 18
Demogorgon 18
Draegloth 20
Dretch 20
Dybbuk 20
Fraz-Urb'luu 20
Glabrezu 20
Goristro 20
Graz'zt 20
Hezrou 20
Juiblex 20
Manes 20
Marilith 20
Maurezhi 20
Maw Demon 20
Molydeus 20
Nabassu 20
Nalfeshnee 21
Orcus 21
Quasit 18
Rutterkin 18
Shadow Demon 22
Shoosuva 20
Sibriex 20
Tanarukk 20
Vrock 20
Wastrilith 20
Yeenoghu 20
Yochlol 20
Zuggtmoy 21

Abishai (Any Color) 20
Amnizu 20
Bael 20
Barbed Devil 20
Bearded Devil 20
Bone Devil 20
Chain Devil 20
Erinyes 19
Geryon 20
Horned Devil 20
Hutijin 16
Ice Devil 20
Imp 18
Lemure 20
Merregon 20
Moloch 20
Narzugon 20
Nupperibo 18
Orthon 20
Pit Fiend 23
Spined Devil 20
Titivilus 20
Zariel 21

Arcanaloth 20
Barghest 20
Cambion 20
Devourer 20
Dhergoloth 20
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu 14
Hell Hound 22
Howler 20
Hydroloth 20
Incubus 20
Merrenoloth 20
Mezzoloth 20
Night Hag 21
Nightmare 20
Nycaloth 20
Oinoloth 20
Rakshasa 20
Succubus 19
Ultroloth 18
Vargouille 20
Yagnoloth 20

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