D&D 5E Survivor Campaign Settings II: Blackmoor Wins!

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Blackmoor 15
Dark Sun 4 +1 = 5
Eberron 7
Greyhawk 10
Lankhmar 16
Mystara 20 - 2 = 18 at this rate mystara will win, and I can't allow that. Yes, it may be blackmoor 2.0, but to me it's Diet Forgotten Realms.
Spelljammer 9


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Blackmoor 15
Dark Sun 5
Eberron 8
Greyhawk 8 --Better Mystara win than Groghawk.
Lankhmar 16
Mystara 18
Spelljammer 9

Voidrunner's Codex

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