D&D 5E SURVIVOR Conditions: Paralyzed is the condition you're in.

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Prone's great, it's the only condition that you may both want and not want applied to you, all the others are so... Binary.

Blinded 15
Frightened 30
Invisible 31
Paralysed 25
Prone 10
Restrained 14
Stunned 33
Unconscious 6


Morkus from Orkus
Prone's great, it's the only condition that you may both want and not want applied to you, all the others are so... Binary.

Not sure sure about that one. There have been several times over the years that I wished my invisibility was not on so that someone could see me, but at the same time didn't remove it because there were lots of other people who I didn't want to see me. There were also times where I was mind controlled, berserking, or some other effect that took control of my PC away and paralyzed, restrained, stunned, etc. would have been something I'd have liked to see applied to my PC.


Correction - Yunru's changes (#153) overwrote Maxperson's (#152). This adds Max's changes back in --- even though I don't approve of them. :p

Blinded 13
Frightened 31
Invisible 32
Paralysed 25
Prone 11
Restrained 14
Stunned 31
Unconscious 4



I now take revenge on behalf of Unconscious.

Blinded 13
Frightened 31
Invisible 30
Paralysed 25
Prone 11
Restrained 14
Stunned 31
Unconscious 5



Devil of Chance
Hey, [MENTION=6857506]Harzel[/MENTION], when you are voting, can you change the colour to automatic rather than black? Black is horrible to read for the night time mode of the mobile app.

Sent from my SM-G900I using EN World mobile app

Voidrunner's Codex

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