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Swamp Trek III: The Search for Ter-raen

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Gildrim sits silently, chewing his beard. After a while, he asks, "Did they seek th' blessin' ay Sister Anemone afair they gaed?"


"Do you knw where they were going to go to? what areas they planned on searching?"

"Well, no, not exactly. I do know Corvin has a thing 'bout them lizardfolk, though. He was sure they'd be the ones that did for our master dwarf, here, so he's likely to be lookin' for them."

Gildrim sits silently, chewing his beard. After a while, he asks, "Did they seek th' blessin' ay Sister Anemone afair they gaed?"

"I didn't follow 'em to the waterline, so if they encountered the Sister, maybe. But Corvin ain't the religious type. Believes in steel in his good right arm, he does. 'sides, he and the priestess ain't gotten along since the first time Corvin went into the swamp, after old Cardith Burwood got himself killed there."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Well, no, not exactly. I do know Corvin has a thing 'bout them lizardfolk, though. He was sure they'd be the ones that did for our master dwarf, here, so he's likely to be lookin' for them."
Karl looks to the others and and says, " I think we may not want to dally here too very long. I think I need to get some rest and prepare to leave at first light. I reccommend that for all of us.


ooc: Nobody has objected, so I'll move on.

Karl's advice is met with general assent, and you retire for the evening. The beds are clean and comfortable, a welcome change from a week on the road. Still, sleep seems elusive.

Morning finds you gathered in the common room, the pre-dawn skies brightening quickly.


OOC: How much for room and board?

Don't worry about it, unless you really want to. If you feel it adds something to your playing experience, by all means use SRD prices for whatever services you consume. But I won't be checking you on it. I'm just as happy to handwave it the nickel-and-dime stuff, and say you paid for it out of loose change taken from bandits you beat up on the way who were too pathetic to pose a challenge to you. Or small coins found with other treasures, but that were too loosely assorted to be worth counting. Or whatever. My point is, if you religiously tracked all your mundane expenses, and over the course of a long adventure it added up to, say, 50g, what would happen is that when I went to look at your character wealth at the end of the adventure to decide how much treasure to award, the total would come out roughly 50g more than if you hadn't bothered tracking it.

So, where to now?


Gildrim greets the others gruffly. Last nights news has been preying on his mind, since he returns to it at once.

"Weel, haur we are. Th' hotheids are oot thaur somewhaur huntin' th' lizardfowk, an' thocht thay'd hae foond anither excuise suiner aw latter, thay're wavin' mah deid body as thair flag, th' gomerels.

"We shoud gae tae see th' priestess. Mah auld travellin' companion will be wi' her, Ah think. It's anither day ay bringin' th' news ay deith an' blame. An' the priestess can be a wee bit shairp."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"thanks for the warning there. I' ll keep my sense of humor reined in." says Karl. Breakfast is set before him and he eats it absentmindedly.

Richard Rawen

First Post
As the rest of the group arrive at breakfast the note the servant taking away dishes from a table, Richard sits by himself, apparently working on seconds.
Richard eats heartily. He's not a fast eater, but you guess that he must have tipped well because he's mopping up his third helping of the simple biscuits, gravy'n'pork-bits and eggs and the server hasn't complained at all.
He smiles as his fourth's arrive, "Thanks, another stout, please?"

With the last of the group finishing their meals, the large man settles back and burps low and long... covering it well... and smiles.
"Well, ready when you are," his visage content, he presses more coin into the hand of the server as he moves towards the stables. "Thank you so much for the good start to the day," he happily intones.

Outside the horses are ready, looking like they've been well cared for.
After Richard inspects Sally he smiles at the stable-boy and tosses him a coin, "Lets go!".
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Voidrunner's Codex

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