• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Switching from fantasy to scifi


Traveler mixed with stuff like AvP, Resident Evil, Gotham City, Alien is fun, but PCs kind of need some decent armour. Don't have time to play Rogue Trader/ Dark Heresy/ Deathwatch - but they're jammed with ideas.

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If you are looking for Sci-Fi, I suggest Rifts. Many players look at the system and get false impressions of it based on experience with other games which tell them the system does not looked "balanced." But Rifts is my all-time favorite RPG for one reason above all: the incredibly imaginative world which allows for all types of adventure from many different genres. It combines science fiction, swords and sorcery, super heroes, horror, and everything in between. You can pick and choose what you like and ignore the rest. There is a place in Rifts for virtually everything you can imagine and somehow it all comes together nicely. The game actually plays a lot easier than it looks. The system uses d20 for combat, saving throws, and stuff like that. The skill system is pretty simple and based on % but it does have a lot skills (I think this is a feature). And every class and race is defined by some special, unique ability, not just higher stats.

Check it out!


Staff member
I love RIFTS...but more as a cournicopia of ideas than as an actual mechanical system. The system's mechanics kinda blow, but the creativity is way beyond most other games.

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